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Anybody make their gains while on break?

Anybody make their gains while on break?

I’ve recently posted that pumping has really worked for me so far. I gained nearly 1/4” in EL. It may not seem like much, but progress is progress.

Interestingly, I didn’t make these gains while pumping, but while on a break from pumping. Anybody else here ever experience their gains while taking a break from whatever PE routine they do?

I was shocked after clamping for about a month. I stopped clamping because I believed that I was ruining my length gains. After stopping the clamping and returning to mechanical stretching only I was shocked to discover that I had gained an extra 1/4”.

I`m not sure if the clamping then stopping created the 1/4” length gain, but I`m going to go back to clamping when I get back from holidays where I will be forced to rest for a week in a cabin with my wife and children.and I will try the clamping for a month or so like last time and then take a break and see what happens.

I have been stuck at 6 7/8” length for nearly two months now, and it`s getting a little frustrating.

The only problem is that I find clamping kills my EQ initially, and I hate that.

This has happened to me before, on a roughly three month break- due to lack of privacy. It was quite a nice surprise to come back to it and find that I’d gained.

I’ve only done manual PE so far, pumping scares me slightly!

Never has happened to me yet, I always come back to see I have lost.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

I noticed gains in EL and/or EQ when I take a break for a couple of days ,optimally about 7 days break from PE.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Any gains would appear within a week of taking the break I think. I really don’t see how a 1/4 of an inch would just suddenly appear after a month break unless your EQ became a ton greater which is probably the case of anyone experiencing gains during a prolonged break.

Originally Posted by Audacia
Any gains would appear within a week of taking the break I think. I really don’t see how a 1/4 of an inch would just suddenly appear after a month break unless your EQ became a ton greater which is probably the case of anyone experiencing gains during a prolonged break.

You could be right. I hardly measured at all during the break. The gains may very well have occured within week of my break. I didn’t keep track. Even though it’s not very scientific, I try to measure as little as possible. It’s easier on the nerves.

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