Thunder's Place

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Anyone ever gained much girth from jelqing alone?

Anyone ever gained much girth from jelqing alone?

Probably been asked before I know but couldn’t find much.


Grow yourself a whopper, then tell her to fuck off.

There is a guy called braindrain who claims to have gained from 4.4 to 6 inches girth over 6 years.

In his progress report he says that clamping is not good for him and he describes the perfect jelquing as a tehnique of jelquing that got him to 6 inches girth.

His progress is unbelieveble, check him out. I find it hard to believe that this is possible, going from 4.375 to 6 girth but he has some pictures as well.

Yup I have.

Originally Posted by giveitashot99
There is a guy called braindrain who claims to have gained from 4.4 to 6 inches girth over 6 years.
In his progress report he says that clamping is not good for him and he describes the perfect jelquing as a tehnique of jelquing that got him to 6 inches girth.
His progress is unbelieveble, check him out. I find it hard to believe that this is possible, going from 4.375 to 6 girth but he has some pictures as well.

I just went on a quick scavenger hunt based on this comment and holy crap he really did. I’ve been frustrated about girth. I didn’t see his proof of 6” but did see comparison of 4.5 to 5.5 and that is AWESOME! Maybe the magic 6” girth isn’t really out of reach after all.

Thankyou for replies. Have found a couple of other instances.

Grow yourself a whopper, then tell her to fuck off.

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