Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anyone having problems STAYING hard?


Anyone having problems STAYING hard?

I have observed that while PE increases my rate of spontaneous erections, and I get more erections than I would while NOT doing PE, my ability to STAY hard during sex has diminished. In fact, if I am wearing a condom, I have to pound away steadily without a break because the least break will cause me to begin to lose my erection.

I don’t think this is psychological. It happens even when I am with someone with whom I am totally relaxed and have no performance anxiety.

I remember reading that a lot of impotence is related to not being able to KEEP an erection, rather than not being able to get it in the first place.

One theory I have, which would fit this and which makes me very nervous, is that by putting unnatural pressures on the many valves within the penile arteries, we are weakening or damaging them. I mean, picture it: the huge pressures we are putting against these tiny flesh valves inside the arteries, designed to simply hold back the blood under basically no pressure at all. I would not be surprised if one day, we find that PE is associated with valve damage. Too bad there is not a single doctor willing to take PE seriously and research this.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by dangleman
In fact, if I am wearing a condom, I have to pound away steadily without a break because the least break will cause me to begin to lose my erection.

Isn’t this the case with every male? I can’t stand sex with condoms. I go limp just thinking about it. :D

In any case, I only have problems on hard girth workout days. So I just make sure I plan it so sex comes on my “off” day (not really an off day but lighter than my hard girth training days.)


Check out this thread on venous leakage. The attached article points to the fact that the penis contains no such valves that you speak of.

Veinous Leakage

Nice find gprent! You should have never ditched the “101”. It so fit you. :leftie:


Originally Posted by dangleman

I remember reading that a lot of impotence is related to not being able to KEEP an erection, rather than not being able to get it in the first place.

One theory I have, which would fit this and which makes me very nervous, is that by putting unnatural pressures on the many valves within the penile arteries, we are weakening or damaging them. I mean, picture it: the huge pressures we are putting against these tiny flesh valves inside the arteries, designed to simply hold back the blood under basically no pressure at all. I would not be surprised if one day, we find that PE is associated with valve damage. Too bad there is not a single doctor willing to take PE seriously and research this.

This, venous leakage, isn’t about a “valve” problem. It is about some veins leading out of the penis drawing more blood off from an erection than artererial input can do to sustain an erection.

There is indeed a condition called “venous leakage.” You can get it through a lot of different routes: dibetes, hypertension, smoking, certain medications, arterial insufficiency for whatever reason, the list goes on. Venous leakage is not always a dead end street leading to surgery to correct it. One or another of the erectile drugs will usually overcome it if leakage is not severe; cock rings are often very effective.

If you believe you have venous leakage you can easily confirm or rule it out by having a simple test done by a urologist called a Dopler Color Sonogram. The Dopler will usually pinpoint the areas of leakage and the degree of them. Depending on the results, you can then make a decision about surgery or using another method to control it. Point is, don’t assume you have something until you verify you do.



Fascinating! And, very helpful. I wonder if I do have the sort of venous leakage you speak of, Avocet. Seems to me I lose my boners so quickly and easily, even though I have no trouble getting them. Yes, I have heard of that test - wouldn’t hurt to get one.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

dangleman, sorry to hear about your problems. If it helps at all, I recently was kinda scared when I found my dick wasn’t full on hard erections for a couple days (this was after a week and halfs worth of lots of stretching and what I think caused it 30 mins jelqs sessions plus some Horse440’s which create intense pressure). After a while with that kind of routine for a week or two my dick plus some masterbation my dick just couldn’t handle anymore PE for a while so I took about 3 days or 4 days off, then it was almost completly healed by then, giving me back my rock hard erections. Also for a fact my girth went up by about 0.15 because of that intense week of jelq and sqeeze excersizes after all the healing and temp weak erections have gone away from the rest. Actually this weak erections has happened several times with me in PE from BTC stretchs (I hate these things when you sit on them for 5 mins, I say don’t do it!) and intense girth excersizes. I think it may have something also something to do not just with overtraining but some kind of small nerve damage that seems to be able to be repaired in a few days for me. Of course eveyone is different.

I think the main problem is when we overtrain our penis from PE and lots of ejaculation the dick really does need a break for a few days to repair all the intense pressure put on the shaft through girth excersizes. Overtraining can be bad because you lose training time, but in some ways its good even if you can’t get really hard erections because you do a lot of healing/growing in those few days off… Hope this information I’ve expierenced in PE helps you dangle. :)

Edited after submit: Oops. Disregard this message. I read the answer from Avocet in the thread Gprent provided above…

So Avocet, do you think that any forms of PE may contribut to venous leakage? If done in moderation, of course — I am sure hanging 100 lbs for 24 hours would be detrimental. And specifically, what about Jelqing? I know you are not a doctor, but you are one of the vets and know quite a bit about the male anatomy as well as PE.


My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Very interesting ideas, LoveMachine.

I am not deeply concerned, obviously, because I am still clamping! And, I am so excited by the girth gains that it would take a lot to stop me now.

I will be interested to see how my unit works after a week rest. But I don’t want to take one right now … later this summer.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

hehe, it’s true it’s hard to stop riding the fatigue in PE for gains. Maybe just for the hell of it, 1 week take a break, to let your unit heal or maybe just for half a week and see what happens it couldn’t hurt to let the big dude (hehe) get a nice rest, he’s deserved it :) I know for me it can be extremely hard to stop working on my dick when there is lots of fatigue for a while since I want gains as quick as possible. I don’t know much about clamping yet. Maybe when I get that NBP 8 I want. :)

But good luck with your girth gains man. :)

Originally Posted by commanderblop
Edited after submit: Oops. Disregard this message. I read the answer from Avocet in the thread Gprent provided above…

So Avocet, do you think that any forms of PE may contribut to venous leakage? If done in moderation, of course — I am sure hanging 100 lbs for 24 hours would be detrimental. And specifically, what about Jelqing? I know you are not a doctor, but you are one of the vets and know quite a bit about the male anatomy as well as PE.


I can’t say anything about hanging. Never did it.

But based on my general knowledge of PE, it’s difficult for me to imagine how any form short of the types of self-abuse we read here from folks who went too far could cause venous leakage.

I’ve had a couple of leakers for years according to my urologist; had them pre-PE. Stands to reason that PE would have made the leakage worse but instead he tells me that the tie-off surgery we had discussed seems totally unnecessary now, my arterial vascularity having improved enough to compensate for whatever leakage had been happening. I don’t lose erections anymore so long as there is some stimulation going on, nor do I worry about that happening. [Keep in mind, though, that I do use erectle drugs and always will have to. This (PE) isn’t some sort of magic but it sure has helped.]

Because I have ED, I have always been an ultra-cautious PE’er. I haven’t done some of the squirrley shit I read about here: pumping for two hours at a time at high pressure, hanging excessive weights for hours, doing erect bends, and more. I get a good workout when I PE; nothing gets hurt now that I know what I’m doing and I am very pleased with the gains I’ve made. From a vascular point of view, too, my penis is a lot younger than when I started PE. My urologist says, “Keep doing what you’re doing.” I like hearing that. :)




Take a break now and than because clamping is hard on the dick. I have noticed than when I do some heavy clamping before bed I don’t get that much night wood like I do on nights I don’t PE

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

dangleman, nothing has been said about your lifestyle. Are you overweight, do you smoke, take drugs, drink alcohol? be as honest as possible please…

Yeah I have that problem too, always have had it when pumping to hard, I think it’s a combination of you not feeling as much when you pound hard and your pulse increasing to the point where you get tired

Hi Dangleman. There was a period where I was a little “floppy”, where I couldn’t stay real hard, or just barely enough to “continue”.

It might have been at the 4 to 6 month mark of doing PE. I didn’t stop or anything but everything went back to “normal” on it’s own. Not sure if Mr Winkie was over taxed from doing PE, and just got used to it. In other words, I didn’t take any extended breaks or anything.

I primarily Pump and manual stretch, but had dabbled or dangled in hanging. Good luck, and I’m sure you’ll be back to normal soon :)

cead mile failte :lep:

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