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Veinous Leakage

Veinous Leakage

How common is it to get veinous leakage from jelqing? How do you know if you have it? Is there any way to fix it? I really want to know the risks before I keep doing this stuff, please help.

I think if anything, jelqing might be used as a treatment to improve venous leakage.

One interesting thing from the following article is the fact that the penis artery/vein system contains no valves. People are always talking about how PE can damage the valves in the penis, and here is an article stating there are no valves to damage! An erection is a matter of more inflow then outflow.

Here is the article: The Trusted Provider of Medical Information since 1899

Thanks for the info gprent.. If anyone else has input on the subject, please add. Another question which is probably one of the most asked questions on the site is are gains from PE permanent?

There is a recent, similar thread to yours here somewhere.

What gprent says is so. It’s arterial flow in, venous flow out. Having had a couple of venous “leakers” for years I can assure you that sensible PE does not cause them; it does, though, tend to increase your arterial flow in, thus compensating for the venous flow out. I have never read here or elsewhere of a case of venous leakage being caused by sensible PE. Beat yourself up, however, and a number of negatives may happen.



Thanks guys, I will try to be sensible with PE, I’ll try not to overdo it and stop immediately if I feel like I’m injured

the link doesnt work anymore does anyone have a functional one`?

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

I can tell you this. I pop’d the big vein on my first ever day of P.E.

I jelqed so hard that I pushed a vein from the beneath the skin to the point where it protrudes above the skin layer.

It’s the big vein that runs up the middle.

I read about jelqing online for 5 min, turned off the Computer, got really hard, and starting jelqing like it was a weight lifting thing and I over did it by 10 fold.

You have to read everything, understand, then move foward.

Of course that didnt stop me from buying a Monkey Bar Vaccum Hanger that actually pushed my Pee-Whole inside out and has caused me from being unable to squirt jizz to the point where I have to milk the jizz out.

So, be careful my friend, you may bite off more than you can chew.if I could go back I would. But there’s no time machines yet.

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