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Do I have venous leakage?


Do I have venous leakage?

When I get an erection, it is rarely that hard, and the head is usually pretty deflated.

Compressing the veins on the top of my penis solves this problem.

To me it sounds like a leakage problem as there is plenty of blood going in.

Is there anyway to solve this without just using a cock ring?

Further to this, could I be diabetic? I’m 19 and have never been diagnosed as such, but I do feel I have these symptoms sometimes:

1) Tired
2) Drink a lot of fluids
3) Pass these fluids through more than normal I’d say

The above things have not been true all my life and are not always true.

I had a test for testosterone and various other hormones a few months ago, would that have shown it up were it there?

Edit: Been tested, not diabetic, well within normal ranges.

Last edited by ICM : 01-24-2005 at .

A hormonal panel for testosterone wouldn’t reveal diabetes. For that you’d need a gluclose tolerance test.

It’s a breeze, a simple blood draw after some hours of fasting.

Don’t make yourself crazy over this, but do get yourself tested. We all need to, and regularly, especially if there is a family history of diabetes.

Venous leakage can be confirmed through another fairly easy test - a Dopler sonogram, which most urologists can do for you in the office. The only problem with that one is: once you learn you have leakage, there aren’t many really competant surgeons to correct it. Surgery is about the only solution. Good surgeons claim about 80% success; most can’t claim more than about 50%.

Happily, Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra combat the problem pretty effectively unless the leakage is real severe. Cock rings are easy and they work most of the time.



“This morning, although I did a JAI workout last night, my erection was rock hard (so it seemed) and seemed bigger. The head looked bigger and the shaft I know was bigger (than my starting stats). Also I had one of those erections that seem to be stretching you because you’re so hard. Was great.”

From my progress report on 05/03/2003.

Based on that isn’t it doubtful I’d have venous leakage or even diabetes related ED?

I think it may all be because I think my dick is kind of small now. What do you reckon Avocet?

Could be. Once guys start focusing on their dicks so much through PE, all kinds of weird head things can interfere with erectile function.

Are you, maybe, overworking it?

I still suggest the diabetes test to you and anyone else - every year or two. This is a disease you want to know about as early in its course as possible, and it is a very common one.



On the subject of VENOUS LEAKAGE - might there be a correlation between extreme PE & leakage?

Perhaps ther is some damage done to the “backflow” valves in the veins of the penis that prevents their effective working, and thus, leakage. Even though my routine is still closer to a NEWBY, and my pumping is every other day (10 to 15 min @ 5mmhg), I still cannot seem to maintain a good hardon.

I have noticed that my hardons are often somewhat short-lived, as if I am pumping blood in, but it soon leaks out. Also, I do not seem to have the rigidity that I once had.

I don’t want to take another PE break so soon after restarting … and until my current insurance mess gets cleared up, a visit to the urologist is out of the question.

I don’t take any more supplements (maca, arginine, etc.) as I am still detoxing with lots of water and fruit juices.


"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington


ICM and Alex:

One way to determine the effectiveness of your plumbing is to find out if you have a good pattern of nocturnal erections. There is a formal test for this - which you can look into when you get your health insurance squared away, Alex - called a RigiScan. It is a small machine with a cuff not unlike a blood pressure cuff which you hook your dick up to. The machine records during your sleep not only how often you have erections, but their firmness and duration.

You may well be having the normal amount - 4 to 5 - each lasting about a half hour. Venous leakage would prevent that duration. Without the formal machine test, if you do wake during the night with a hard-on or you wake often in the morning with one, you can trust that its duration was considerably longer than you were aware of.

Conscious erections (like during PE exercises or masturbation) are derived through a different neural route than nocturnal ones. This is why so much psychological interference can occur to foul them up.



TY for the comeback, avocet - but, I have not had morning wood in several weeks … at least not significantly, or that lasted.

In fact, as I said before, my wood has been very weak and does not last. Maybe it is because I am not taking the arginine as I used to (2gm x 2/day), or that I am having some metabolic changes due to my detox routine (lots of water and grape or apple juice).

Maybe I’ll come out of this tailspin … but, what worries me is that even the raunchiest erotica and porn has not stirred me one bit. Maybe I am in the andropause, and may need a supplement with more guts than argining/maca. (I really want to try some sildenafil or “cialis”, but hesitate to buy on-line for cautionary reasons)

"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington


Or maybe you are just in one of those libido slumps we all encounter because our lives get more stressed; we’re not sleeping well; we’re anxious; these slumps can drag on and on.

Take a look first at your whole life situation. Work, school, got you down? Drinking a whole lot of caffeine? Break up with your g/f lately? Family problems weighing on you? All that shit affects erectile response, conscious and unconscious.

My suggestion is, if this came on you fairly suddenly - great erections before but soon not - it’s your PE program (yours sounds sensible) or some other head trip you are on, but not venous leakage which - serious penile trauma to venous function excepted - takes a good while to become a problem.



This thread is a couple of months old, but I have a question. If occasionally you wake up with exceptionally great morning wood, but usually don’t (usually wake up with a chubby), would this indicate a leakage problem or not. My question is, basically, if you do have great wood sometimes, would this rule out leakage, or can it happen sporadically? What else could cause poor noctural erections?

One foot to go

From my discussions with Avocet8, it would seem that you only have venous leakage if you can achieve an erection (maybe) but lose it gradually.

I would rule out leakage, but as to the real cause I’m not sure.

Are you depressed at all? Particularly about size?

Of course I want a bigger schlong, but I’m not depressed. Besides, I thought the erections during sleeping hours were less dependent on your conscious emotional state (parasympathetic nervous system non-sexual as opposed to sexual stimulation).

One foot to go

Originally Posted by rushmore
This thread is a couple of months old, but I have a question. If occasionally you wake up with exceptionally great morning wood, but usually don’t (usually wake up with a chubby), would this indicate a leakage problem or not. My question is, basically, if you do have great wood sometimes, would this rule out leakage, or can it happen sporadically? What else could cause poor noctural erections?

ICM’s correct. With leakage, you get turned on to sex, get an erection or a partial then the blood drains out, sometimes before you can even penetrate.

With nocturnal erections (although they occur via a different neural pathway from sexual erections) it isn’t uncommon to wake with a “chubby”, or no erection at all. That doesn’t mean you are not having them during your REM sleep. You may well be sleeping through them, unaware.

If you sleep regularly with a lighter sleeper than you, ask that person to check you out during the night. You can also do the “stamp test.” Search that expression or “stamp” or “nocturnal erections” here. There are a number of threads. Or ask back if you can’t find.



Originally Posted by rushmore
I thought the erections during sleeping hours were less dependent on your conscious emotional state (parasympathetic nervous system non-sexual as opposed to sexual stimulation).

Perhaps so, but when you wake up (or are waking up), perhaps you are more susceptible to your outlook on your penis, thus affecting your erections. I say this more for the benefit of other members, as you seem to be ok with yourself, mentally.

Avocet, in my opinion, is the best resource we have for these issues. He helped me greatly when I was worried about my own erections, for example at the time of this thread being started.

Quite simply I think we’ve confirmed that you don’t have leakage. :)

Thanks for the responses. It just seems like sometimes I get incredible night/morning wood, very seldom though. I am pretty sure I get some level of erection during the night, indicated by the fact that I wake up with a chubby usually. I want more of the “steel” erections, the ones that wake me out of my sleep and make me smile. The nights that I have these, my flacid hang is great all day long. Why are these nights so few and far between, what is happening different on these special occasions?

One foot to go

I think I may have a mild leak.

When having sex I almost always lose it, same with masturbation.

Very occasionally though, and after going for ages it gradually builds, and sometimes I can acheive a pretty good erection inside a woman, if I am particularly excited and relaxed.

would this be possible with a leak?


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