Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anyone here used "subliminal messages"?

Originally Posted by SlackJawedYokel
Yes I sleep alone. (unfortunately…………….)

Well, that’s great for sleep hypnosis… Maybe it will help you remedy the unfortunate side of it.

I first learned sleep hypnosis from this guy: Pushing Your Own Buttons With Self-Hypnosis

He’s been around for about ten years. He offers the first 3 chapters of his book for free. I got my copy when everything was free. I think he only charges $9 for the whole book. It’s worth it.

Anyways, the idea is to record a script that deals with whatever it is you want to change. Cox gives some interesting examples of how to make your own scripts. Just take one of his and personalize it. Or, there are lots of free scripts floating around on the net.

In the old days, I would make a tape and have it loop all night through an auto-reverse cassette player. I even used an 8 hour video cassette (audio only) to provide some breaks between the scripts. I now use the Cool Edit program to make mp3 versions of my scripts. I use mp3 alarm programs to set the playing times of my scripts (I have a second computer in my bedroom). Most of the mp3 alarm programs are free. Jake’s MP3 Alarm program comes to mind….

The idea is to time the scripts to coincide with REM sleep. The mind is much more succeptible to suggestions then (this is when the Lucid Dreamers do their stuff). The REM cycle normaly comes in 90 minute cycles. If you keep a regular bedtime, the intervals are easy too keep. Otherwise, it can get a little complicated figuring out the alarms.

So, the first playing of a script should take place approximately 90 minutes after you fall to sleep. The length of the script should not be too long. 15 minutes is enough. The body really does need REM sleep, so it’s not good to deprive it of too much. Otherwise, you’ll start to feel like crap during the day.

How will you know when it’s working? You’ll notice that you’ll start to have short periods of disorientation during the day. Nothing serious, just little glitches in you consciousness. After awhile, you should find youself experiencing more of the suggestions you’re giving yourself. These thoughts and feelings will seem to be natural to you, as if they have made perfect sense all along…

One the suggestions I really like (I got this one from Major Mark) is that I will feel really good for no reason at all. No need to be rich, famous or good looking to qualify for feeling good. Nothing that I have to do, be, or have. And when you feel really good, everything seems to just flow better. And, believe me, when you’re feeling really good, women will pick up on that and they’re not shy about wanting to get some of it too.. :)

Many, Many years ago I tried sleep hypnosis to learn languages.. All it did was to wake me up, or if I turned the volume down I couldn’t hear it. - Can’t say it worked for me.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Originally Posted by petitfaun
Many, Many years ago I tried sleep hypnosis to learn languages.. All it did was to wake me up, or if I turned the volume down I couldn’t hear it. - Can’t say it worked for me.

Did you time the script to coincide with your REM cycles? Lucid dreamers have found that the mind is very open to suggestion during those cycles. I think that is the key. Also, setting one’s intention to follow and believe the script is important. This can be as simple as writing a note to one’s self before going to bed. The subconscious loves to follow instructions, especially the ones that you deem important.

Wendy Friesen Self Hypnosis

Originally Posted by Michael34786
As for Wendy’s self- hypnotic penis enlargement thing; it doesn’t work, I brough it and i’m talking from experience. If you know anything about it, I believe she might still gives the script away free on her site, and if you can just induce yourself under, and use her script; but to tell you the truth your better off just using that time and put it too good use and just PE instead and work you way towards a goal.

I’ll disagree a little with this. I’ve used at least three different PE related self-hypnosis CDs and there is something different about Wendy Friesen’s work. The easiest for me to put my finger on is the speed and depth of the trance she induces, at least with me. As someone with a half-decent education in hypnosis, I find myself (unfortunately) resistant to many inductions, because the analytical part of my mind gets tied up with “knowing” what the hypnotist is doing. Wendy sucks me in very quickly and easily.

The first two sessions of her 4 part PE series produces very definite body-sensations, which again is unusual for me. The physical sensations from the first session are pretty intense while under (if I concentrate on the eye movement during the induction), and have had long lasting, residual effects for me (though less intensity). Her second session produces less intense sensations for me, but are “summonable” with the physical trigger as she prescribes. Repetition of the physical trigger throughout the day for a few days seems to build the intensity of the response further.

Has her self-hypnosis CDs made me grow, or helped me grow? I’ll never know for sure because I’ve only used her recordings without physical PE for a short time. The vast majority of the time I’ve used her stuff was in conjunction with physical PE, and I believe that is very important. Consider the following:

An individual with a guest present in the room is hypnotized, and while under is given the suggestion that the guest in the room is invisible. The subject is brought out of trance, and oops… sees the “invisible” guest. Failure.

The same individual is brought back under, and this time is told that the guest is NOT invisible, but rather, has left the room and will not return (I'm oversimplifying for the sake of brevity). The subject is brought out of trance, and upon awakening can not see the guest that is in the room, despite the guest moving, picking up objects, and speaking. The subject can hear the guest, but can not see him.

(Note: I’ve read the retelling of this anecdote a few times before, I believe the last time I came across it was actually here at Thunder’s, but I can’t recall it, my apologies if someone here interprets this as plagiarism or the like.)

What’s the difference? Hypnosis can not make you do something that you would normally refuse to do, hypnosis can not make you believe something that you refuse to believe (at least in the short-term, or without a very powerful and intensive induction/reprogramming treatment). In the first case, the attempt to program the subject that the guest is invisible fails, because everything in the subject’s mind screams “bullshit”. A person can NOT be invisible, we’ve “known” this since childhood. It’s bullshit. However, the scenario that the guest has left the room has no mental self-defense, there is no voice screaming bullshit, it’s a completely acceptable idea. Hence, the programming takes.

Now apply this to PE.

You listen to a self-hypnosis recording like Wendy’s without PE, you’re asking your conscious brain to accept the fact that you can think your way to a bigger dick. Everything in you screams “bullshit” and the programming doesn’t take*. Furthermore, us freaks here at Thunder’s are MUCH more defensive to this kind of programming than the normal “novice” who wants a big dick but doesn’t have our “education”. You can not exist here, or any other PE forum, without hearing (reading) at least every other day that the process of enlarging your penis takes time, dedication, hard work, patience, etc. While all this is very, very valid and important advice, and given frequently with the absolute best of intentions, the more we’re programmed with “PE Common Sense” the more resistant we are to being able to just pop in a CD and “think” our way to a bigger dick. Sorry, all it takes is about 4 days here before your brain will go from muttering “bullshit” to fecking screaming it.

But the flip side. Incorporate a hypnosis regimen in addition to our brand of physical PE, and you’ve got a winner for the mind. We all know this works…. we’ve all seen guys jelq and stretch their way to bigger dicks. We know that it is possible with physical work. Now we’ve got a natural outlet, or excuse, if you will, for our conscious brain to explain the changes the subconscious/unconscious mind can produce, it’s no longer “bullshit” because none of you would spend more than a few weeks at most here if you really thought it was bullshit. You’re here, and you’re doing the work… that’s all your brain needs to be able to ‘excuse’ the miraculous work your unhindered mind is capable of.

You might not be able to program me to believe that the dude next to me suddenly became invisible, or that my dick grew magically overnight. However, it’s not nearly such a big deal to program me to believe that the dude next to me left the room and is therefore out of my sight, or that the physical work I’m putting into my penis is capable of amazing gains.

Sorry if this went too far of topic, there's a difference between hypnosis and subliminal programming.

*note: Unless you can give your brain another “out” such as being on a decon or injury break and “expecting” to see further gains come in from past pulling, etc..

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.


IMO, your post presents sound logic regarding a subject that some view as inherently illogical. I’ve recently been exposed to one of Wendy Friesen’s hypno PE recordings. I found myself subject to the hypnotic effects of the recording. It is worth noting, however, that because this recording was purported to cause my dick to grow, I was inclined to allow hypnosis.

I’ve had the messages presented in the recording (“grows, strengthens, expands and increases”) enter my consciousness at times of drift between consciousness and unconsciousness. I conclude that it is likely that those messages are being delivered to my physio-chemical systems when I’m unconscious as well. I can only imagine positive effects from this stimulus.

IMO this merits further experimentation.



originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 08-10-2005 at .

Originally Posted by xenolith

I’ve had the messages presented in the recording (“grows, strengthens, expands and increases”) enter my consciousness at times of drift between consciousness and unconsciousness. I conclude that it is likely that those messages are being delivered to my physio-chemical systems when I’m unconscious as well.

:D Same here. My favorite is going like a week without listening to her stuff, then suddenly one night, just as I’m drifting off, out of nowhere I ‘hear’ her “you take my voice with you…” routine.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Personally, no idea. I usually experience that kind of thing just as I’m drifting off to sleep, no chance to really observe a physical reaction.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Originally Posted by xaxxat
Did you time the script to coincide with your REM cycles? Lucid dreamers have found that the mind is very open to suggestion during those cycles. I think that is the key. Also, setting one’s intention to follow and believe the script is important. This can be as simple as writing a note to one’s self before going to bed. The subconscious loves to follow instructions, especially the ones that you deem important.

Sorry xax i didn’t reply before, but other things seem to crowd in.

It’s like 40/50 years ago and in those days sleep learning was most unusual and not much was on offer. To switch it on I had to use a power timer/switch made for an immersion heater in the water tank as the modern day timers simply were not available. So far as I am aware REM was unheard of. I don’t know what it is.

I don’t know if dreams have anything to do with it but I rarely dream (unfortunately). But when I do they seem to go on for hours and if I wake up and go to sleep again the dream can continue. Rather like having ones very own soap opera built in.

I remember I had to inflate a pillow with the L/s inside which was about 5 inch in diameter. So perhaps the whole thing wasn’t conducive to sleep learning anyway.

Oh! and it had to be done on a record player, as tape recorders weren’t available until later. When I eventually bought a tape recorder it wasn’t a great help as it was valve and things had to warm up, and the hum in those days was pretty awful!

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Last edited by petitfaun : 08-10-2005 at .

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
And that causes temporary enlargement in itself?

I don’t know either Thunder…I’m asleep! But seriously* (:) ), I don’t see why it couldn’t be considered a type of mental ADS…(channelling Werner)…actually I guess it’d be an ANS wouldn’t it?

For a cheap, lazy bastard like myself, growing my dick for no money while I’m sleeping would represent an achievement of the highest order.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks Slack. Bearing in mind as I mentioned, I don’t dream much. So maybe I don’t have the REM. Perhaps I should have the tele on all night, and hope for the best.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Everyone dreams every night. Some remember more often then others. I know for me, I often remember my dreams right when I wake up, then about half an hour later I have no clue.


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