Thunder's Place

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Are Dry Jelqs Overlooked?


Are Dry Jelqs Overlooked?

During my six month PE career I have never given dry jelqs a shot despite the fact that I am uncut. I really don’t know why. Since I was doing wet jelqs, the rest of my manual exercises were done wet as well. Recently because of changes in my schedule I had to give up hanging (hopefully only for a month or two). To save time (and not because of being lazy :) ) I started doing dry jelqs and other girth exercises - also dry. I still pump at 5hg 3x10min 5 days a week.

Anyways, it’s been close to two weeks and I picked up 1/8” in bp length and 1/4” in girth - not cemented though. For the record, over the last 6 months I gained only 1/8” in length and 1/4” (maybe a little bit more) in girth.

I must add, and many PEers probably know this already, - dry exercises require more effort than wet exercises.

Did anyone else have this kind of experience with dry jelqs?

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

>I must add, and many PEers probably know this already, - dry exercises require more effort than wet exercises.

Why? Skin tightness? I’ve only tried wet jelqing a few times and never cared for it. I was cut fairly loose so I had enough skin slack to jelq dry. Seems to me wet is more hassle because you have to fuss with lube.

I think Dry nd wet are somewhat different


I agree that dry jelqing is not as messy, but I made big gains initially with the wet jelq. Who knows if it would have turned out the same if I had been dry jelqing?


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I dry jelq, and actually get a better look after it than when I wet jelq. I dry jelq about 80% of the time.

I do a sort of half wet half dry jelq when in the shower. My hand slides over the first 1/2 of the shaft but then grips and bunches up the skin over the last half. Sounds weird, but it stops skin stretch (by sliding over most before getting a grip), and the bunched up skin behind the glans really pumps them up and stops the foreskin slipping forward over them (i am uncut). I never meant to do this, it just seems to happen by itself if I use a little lube. I gained .1” EG in 2 weeks by jelqing hard with this, so it’s definitely effective to some degree.

I like to do 10 really hard jelqs with the foreskin forward (I really love doing these, it’s fun seeing all the veins, and the pumped head with pumped foreskin over it is monstrous), then 40 normal ones with foreskin retracted, making an even set of 50. Between sets I touch my wanger to keep it up or apply lube.

The engorgement is great too, after 30 min jelqing this way my girth is up to 0.2” above my EG without even having an erection!

Current [bpel x g]: 7.1" x 5.4" --> Gains History My Dick's Destiny : 8.0" x 6.0" * Girth Measuring Device *

Last edited by olaf christ : 03-06-2005 at .

i’m uncut too and i started out dry jelqing. I didn’t really see any effectiveness in the jelqs until I started doing wet jelqs. I think using lube and letting the hand slide over the skin is more effective in trapping the blood forward in the dick than if you dry jelq. I feel more of a “burn” with wet jelqs.


I’ve never wet jelqed and I get gains, I don’t like having to go wash my cock after PE and there’s no way ill leave lube on in my sleep cause then you wake up all sticky and nasty!

Dry jelqing is a more effective technique for growth than the wet variety. The dry method will put a higher level of stress and a good workout will result in swelling and increased engorgement. Greater friction is the result and the trauma and additional heat are the by-products.

Jelqing with a lubricant may feel better but it lessens the effectiveness (the little guy is too slippery to strangle), you would be better served with a body spray product that lacks the greasy base. Ultimately it will enhance grip strength and provide a small level of lubrication.

Banned for posting bullshit.

Originally Posted by Salvo
Dry jelqing is a more effective technique for growth than the wet variety. The dry method will put a higher level of stress and a good workout will result in swelling and increased engorgement. Greater friction is the result and the trauma and additional heat are the by-products.

Jelqing with a lubricant may feel better but it lessens the effectiveness (the little guy is too slippery to strangle), you would be better served with a body spray product that lacks the greasy base. Ultimately it will enhance grip strength and provide a small level of lubrication.

Do you know have any ideas for a small body spray product? I agree with your point, I always was more “hung” after a good dry jelq but the redness would paramount so I don’t do it that often.


The body sprays or mists are all over the place, it evaporates quickly so it does work well for a good clean jerk. It also provides a nice floral fragrance of your choosing, this also disappears quickly. For about a buck a bottle you can find it at any Walgreen or any merchant serving the needs of young school girls. Jasmine and honeysuckle are my favorites.

Thanks, so no alcholol?

I do all my excersises dry. I can’t stand this lubing and messing myself up. But I do use some body lotion to do my skin a little good.

I haven’t done wet exercises since summer.

Originally Posted by Salvo
Dry jelqing is a more effective technique for growth than the wet variety. The dry method will put a higher level of stress and a good workout will result in swelling and increased engorgement. Greater friction is the result and the trauma and additional heat are the by-products.

Jelqing with a lubricant may feel better but it lessens the effectiveness (the little guy is too slippery to strangle), you would be better served with a body spray product that lacks the greasy base. Ultimately it will enhance grip strength and provide a small level of lubrication.

At last, someone who really knows what works and what doesn’t, and why as well!

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