:horse: His never ending lies about his ever changing size were a big deal back in the day. This all predates your arrival at Thunders. He started out in these forums, grew a cult following, then started his pay site.Time line of his ever changing penis size, compiled by hobby. DLD’s penis gains, then looses, then gains. This happens over and over again as he changes and recreates the mythology he is attempting to sell at his web site.
hobby - DLD Measure PicAn excellent article/tutorial on how to spot and debunk deception and chicanery in penis photographs. Put together by DLD before he left Thunder’s and later used to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that he himself was a fraud.
Is Everything Really What it Seems? An ongoing study by DLDA quote from DLD’s alpha blade thread wherein he fesses up to creative measuring. Supplied by Dino.
Dino9X7 - DLD Measure PicAn excellent example of one of many shopped pictures that DLD has used. Some are high quality, some are not. This one should be obvious enough that it backs up my assertion of fraud at a glance.
Smertrios - DLD Measure Pic
Ru: Wasn’t there a ruler named after DLD. It was 9" long. The 1 2 and 3 were missing.
Bluray: If you check some of these fetish pump sites there are some guys who have been abusing the old tube for many years and have created some very large and odd looking dicks. I think just about anything is possible with the human penis. Now whether they work or not is a different story.
2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7
No Nukes