Thunder's Place

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Are there any length hard gainers that found the way out


Are there any length hard gainers that found the way out

Hi, Ex-hard gainers!

I’m one of the present hard gainers (length wise), but gain well in girth. So I would like to address all of you ex-hard gainers (length wise), who have found a way to break out of the prison of no gains in length. Please share with me your experience! Tell me how did you solve this problem?

I would highly appreciate that!

Come on guys! Are there no hard gainers on this from who finally found the solution?!

Chime in, please!!!

I don’t know, but I am also interested in an answer.

So I put this one in the latest threads again so the others will notice it faster.

I also found this thread Hard gainers or bad routine

This thread also doesn’t your question. Hope that someone will give more input here.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Last edited by anon771 : 11-24-2005 at .

Not sure, but I think Wad wrote some stuff up on this kind of area a ways back.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Stretch and stretch and stretch even more. All variations, V- Stretch and others!
Like you I have no problem with girth. But the length comes hard. Try a several month routine of just stretching and light jelqing for circulation. Thats where my last inch came from.

started 5.5x4.5
now 7x5.75


Thanks 1 quest!

How long did it take to get the one inch?
What was your routine?

Hi, Guys!

Please, give your comments on this issue! I think this threat could become a very important help for many hard gainers on Thunders if YOU PE EXPERTS contribute to it!

Share your experience and routine, please; especially if you are one of the ex-hard gainers! You cannot imagine how helpful a peace of advice might be if it is given from someone, who speaks from experience!


How about sharing your routine and experience? Pretty tough to give advice into thin air, mate. For all we know, you could have been wearing your Bib hanger on your nose and wondering why your cock is not growing longer. Failing this, when I did a search on the string ” hard gainer” I got almost 300 returns…


I PE-ed for more than 2.5 years on and off and without any brake in the last 8 months with some success in girth – almost an inch in EG (for the period of 2.5 years altogether), but just 1/3 inch (in 2.5 years!!!).I tried almost everything – manual stretches, hanging for more than 4 months with weights up to 22.5 lb in SO and 20 lb in SD. Had to give up the heavy hanging because of my foreskin irritation- excessive swelling and torn frenulum before I come to the state of fatigue/good workout.
I know, now you feel tempted to tell me how I did hang/wrap wrong and I have to read this and that… I read 60+% of everything in the Hanging forum and especially by Bib and the uncut successful hangers (which by the way are very, very few). No solution!!

Currently I stretch for 30-40 min a day (mostly upward stretches – my LOT is between 6:00 and 6:30) + 3-4 sets of SO hanging for 10 min each.
No results for now!

mem posted a great workout that I was doing. It’s demanding, but it works.

Hate to say the obvious, but….STRETCHING. You have to keep upping the times until you find your growth threshhold. No magic pill, just a lot of damn work - and it can be tough on the hands & the dick.

I was also an easy girth gainer, but I’ve taken my length from 6.12 to 8/8+ (it took more than 3 years of sporadic PE, however).

No shortcuts.


Have you tried wearing an ADS (All day stretcher) before and after your work out for as long as possible.

I wear the Andro Extender with Monkeybar modified head, before, after my PE workout and after sex (to prevent turtling).

I started wearing the ADS for months ago and have added an inch since. I will re measure on Dec 15 and update my sig. with new data. Hopefully I gained more lenght bt then.

From what I read stress from PE workout can hurt gains. That is why I think an ADS helps in the healing process by keeping your penis in extended state while healing.


Hi Juri

Many on here may regard this as heretical; I think you`ve used too much force.

The hanging weight is, in my opinion, excessive, as demonstrated by the damage you describe which caused you to have to stop.

There is a prevalent idea on here which I think is erroneous; that PE is achieved by a process of “micro-tear and healing”.

Micro tearing means traumatic damage and when that occurs anywhere in the body, the healing involves a “downgrading” of tissue to one which is more resilient and sustainable; ie scar tissue.

It is a physiological property of scar tissue that it always contracts. Hence, with micro-tear and the resultant scar tissue, you will find it very difficult to increase length.

I think PE is achieved by moderate sustained traction over time which facilitates cellular growth through the normal cell death and regeneration cycle.

If it were me, I`d stop for 6 to 12 weeks for healing to be complete and then start again on a very moderate newbie routine emphasising gentle jelqs to get blood into the tissues and then moderate stretching (ie jelq/ stretch rather than the usual stretch/jelq)

I hope that this is of some help. Happy to discuss further if of any value.



Originally Posted by wadzilla
Hate to say the obvious, but….STRETCHING. You have to keep upping the times until you find your growth threshhold. No magic pill, just a lot of damn work - and it can be tough on the hands & the dick.

I was also an easy girth gainer, but I’ve taken my length from 6.12 to 8/8+ (it took more than 3 years of sporadic PE, however).

Hi, wadzilla!

WOW wonderful job – from 6 to 8 inches!!!
Could you tell me the routine that worked best fro you and if possible you LOT when you started and now!

Originally Posted by vegasvic
Have you tried wearing an ADS (All day stretcher) before and after your work out for as long as possible.
I wear the Andro Extender with Monkeybar modified head, before, after my PE workout and after sex (to prevent turtling).

Hi, vegasvic!

Thanks for your reply! I also believe that the ADS can do a good job, especially for hard gainers. The problem is that I injured myself twice with PeniMaster.
The first time when I injured myself, out of the blue I woke up one morning and my dick was twice as the usual EG and hurt like hell. I thought then that the problem is the stupid noose attachment of PM, but it happened 2 months ago with PM and a special attachment that I have added – something like the suckextender, just I used the vacuum chamber of The Grip System. Worked great, no blood restriction, I could wear it for 1.5 hours without circulation problems and then out of the blue… I begun to feel the same thing as I first injured myself and I immediately stopped every PE activity. On the next morning my flaccid dick was 40% bigger (bigger than my EG) and hurt pretty much. Then I discovered that it was a lymphatic vessel that the base of the PM pushed down during the session and gradually lymphatic fluid builds up. It took me 3 weeks to recover.
It has nothing to do with the attachment; every traction device would do the same, because if I wear the ADS upwards it would put pressure on the lymphatic vessel and to wear the ADS downwards means to go naked through my house. There is no way to do it.

So I don’t know what to do. Right now I explore the option for PE weights.

Originally Posted by stanby
Hi Juri
Many on here may regard this as heretical; I think you`ve used too much force.
The hanging weight is, in my opinion, excessive, as demonstrated by the damage you describe which caused you to have to stop.
There is a prevalent idea on here which I think is erroneous; that PE is achieved by a process of “micro-tear and healing”.
Micro tearing means traumatic damage and when that occurs anywhere in the body, the healing involves a “downgrading” of tissue to one which is more resilient and sustainable; ie scar tissue.
It is a physiological property of scar tissue that it always contracts. Hence, with micro-tear and the resultant scar tissue, you will find it very difficult to increase length.
I think PE is achieved by moderate sustained traction over time which facilitates cellular growth through the normal cell death and regeneration cycle.
If it were me, I`d stop for 6 to 12 weeks for healing to be complete and then start again on a very moderate newbie routine emphasising gentle jelqs to get blood into the tissues and then moderate stretching (ie jelq/ stretch rather than the usual stretch/jelq)
I hope that this is of some help. Happy to discuss further if of any value.

Hi, Stanby!

Thanks for the reply! Appreciate your advice!
Did you make any gains and for how long did you PE? Do you know your LOT? I have the impression that the people with high LOT can gain even with moderate stretches, because the ligs are more thankful to stretch then the tough tunica.

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