tps, no I didn’t realise…
Regardless, even though the metric system is apparantly based upon arbitrary units, at least it is decimal. The ancient egyptian measures changed from pharoah to pharoah, based on the length of his/her arm! But at least their system was decimal, easy to calculate in. And people wonder how they built the pyramids… They weren’t sitting there trying to figure how many cubits to an angstrom-hertz, thats how!
Decimal makes more sense as a counting base because we have ten fingers;
We’re tought to count on our fingers from childhood. This is why it’s difficult to master binary or hexadecimal or octal, or whatever other counting bases you can think up, in our heads. Because they are ‘unnattural’ to us.
10 is a ‘natural’ number to us humans. 12 to a foot? Get outta here…
As for the counting systems of old, eg imperial english currency - how crazy was that?? Imagine how difficult it would be to become an accountant! LoL!
I really couldnt give a crap about what the units are based on, so long as they are uniform.
10 millimeters to a centimeter, 10 centimeters to a meter, 1000 meters to a kilometer, etc… A simpleton could learn and use this system as soon as they’ve got basic counting down pat, from playing with 1’s, 10’s and 100’s blocks in kindergarten. And this is a major strong point because the world is full of simple people.
I find it odd that people are acting defensive about a system that they admit is not even theirs, is based on an ancient and obsolete system, and one which is out of line with the rest of the world.
What’s up with that?