Back from the crash of '05
Well folks , I’m finally back after 2 months of computer down time . As a result of not visiting here , I lost quite a lot of dedication (motivation) to PE and my routine . My routine became somewhat erratic and lazy , from a dedicated 5 days a week to 1 or 2 (other than a few stretches and horse440’s here and there throughout the day every day) , but I am plaesed to say that I’m back in the saddle again .
The biggest suprise for me was the fact that I’m still gaining despite the lack of effort . I’ve just entered my current stats in the database and I’m up 1/4” in FG , FL , and EG and a whopping 5/8” in EL . My FSL is also up by over 1/2” all over the last 2 months .
My current stats are as follows :
BPEL 6 3/4”
EG 5 1/4”
FL 4 3/4”
FG 4 3/4”
This all translates to a BPEL gain of 1 1/4” , an EG gain of 3/4” , an FG gain of 3/4” and a FL gain of 5/8” in approximately 3 months . I’ve never felt so good .
Thank you Thunder’s .