I get what you are saying Don, you want lower hanging balls. Well I got a few split weights, which I used to increase the drop on my balls. I try to wear these as much a possible to try to get the drop. I have gone from having a tight and high sack, to one the hangs normally around 1 1/2 inches.
I started out using cardboard with paper towels, as I did not have the money buy the metal stretchers.
You will need:
Medium cardboard
Paper towels (like the ones you dry your hands one)
Stapler with staples
What I did was:
a) make a tube with the cardboard. The tube should be able to wrap around your, this is basically going to be like a static stretcher.
b) Fold bits of the paper towels over each end of the tube. And staple in place. This is going to be padding, otherwise I found that the cardboard cut into the sink after a while.
c) Take the finished result and wrap around the balls, and Sellotape in place.
The reason why I think this a good starting point, is that you can easily and cheaply make new, taller tubes as your sack stretches. So that you are keeping the tension applied to the skin.
Be real careful when doing this, as there are little tubes and the such inside. You don’t want to do any damage to these, but constant gentle pressure should increase their length.
Good luck