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Ballooning problem

Ballooning problem

Usually while clamped I do sorts of exercises(bending jelqing edging etc) and last time I choosed was ballooning to see how it goes, so ballooning while clamped was interesting and it still is but I started to question myself if its wrong or not to squeeze very hard right under my head at the end of session to stop the ejaculation. Based on what I know its ok because of the epididymis tunnel that we have, it absorbs the sperm that didn’t get out, well most of it not all. So I wonder if it is the same thing with stopping right at the point of ejaculating at the end to complete ballooning without using the magic spot trick.

This is how I do it: - starting to get erect with the clamp on
- Strainghten step by step till my dick is like steel
- Light jelq with balooning very slow
- At the end when I’m about to cum I squeeze my dick right under my glans very hard to stop the cum and I’m holding it till my crazy pulsations stop completely.


P.s: I didn’t suffer any injuries from this.

Why should you do something like that?

Once the pulsations starts you have ejaculated although the sperm doesn’t come out because you are manually obstructing the urethra.

If the contractions are from the emission phase (when the semen is deposited in the urethral bulb) the squeeze is not necessary but if you’re talking about the expulsion phase then you have ejaculated regardless if it does not make it out of the penis.

Personally; I prefer to ejaculate than stopping the process via any kind of manual squeeze.

@Eopn: I think its the expulsion phase because if I don’t squeeze the cum will get out. So what do you think about this “technique”, should I stop doing it? And better sop right before the urge to cum?

Its not a bad technique if you feel you’re accomplishing something. I have used that technique while hanging but do it with the intention of creating contractions without ejaculating. The technique can prolong ejaculation and greatly extend any orgasm since the dry contractions short circuit the arousal mechanisms of the brain. The brain thinks a climax has been achieved and stands down, and effectively puts you in a state of refraction which allows you to reengage the battle with Viagra like vigor. Also, the pulsations will expand the tunica beyond its normal limits.

Take anything and everything that DutyQuest has posted with a large grain of salt.

It is a common technique (to squeeze) but I prefer to stop and let the excitement decrease at the emission phase since the semen it’s “retained”. The squeeze could result in a retrograde ejaculation in which the semen goes to the bladder instead of out.

Stopping at the emission phase, makes more likely to avoid the refractory phase.

Last edited by eopn : 04-25-2013 at .

Yeah ill switch to “stopping and let the excitement go” because it looks like doing very often could cause injuries, last night I had one, some blood cumed out before I let go the squeeze(probably some artery damage). Anyway thanks for the answers and happy safe PE.

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