Baseball stadium urinal and my light switch dick
This was the first time I sweated a flaccid hang since I don’t know.
And this was one of the greatest games I’ve been to. Only because the seats were ten rows from the field between home plate and third.
I learned the closer you are the hotter the chicks for one. So much activity, foul balls, chicks, etc.
I had alot of sex prior and before that, came off of some nice hanging. So my dick was bigger I noticed. Well night game, got cold, drank constantly and in the fourth inning went to piss.
I started pissing and saw my dick had shrunk to light switch status. (the ruler never matters here) And then “Holmes” parks it next to me and blasted into my peripherial vision with… I don’t know. Holy fuc*ing ch*ist.
I guess the point here for me is for all the flaccid hang threads that I scoffed at, I SUCK!