Be honest please - who damaged/injured penis (more or less) due to PE???
My main question is:
Who got seroius trouble with his unit during times of PE and had to stop for a longer time?
Or who of you didnt even get his sensitivity back???
Problems like permanent red spots, permanent ugly darkening, sensitivity loss, erection angle……
Please be honest, I know this is a problematic issue for you but I for myself am very confused.
I would like to have some honest input even if it may be a bit discouraging for me and others here….
Several times i have begun to start PE (jelqing/hanging) and EACH TIME I try to go up slowly (in time, weight and strength) I get a certain numbness/weak feeling in my unit, that means the feelings I have during masturbation are much weaker then the time/day before.
Some of you will know my problems, some will think “how does he get these problems again and he again, he doesnt get it, he starts it too fast” but I definitely dont overdo it too much. When I get the feeling that there is no good stretch (fatigue) I go up a bit.
But each time the same problems occur, my penis just begins to feel “unhealthy”. That makes me to stop/start PE again and again and that nerves me much because I gainied really nearly nothing in the last years because of my PE/no-PE - schedule i think.
Hope that PE does work for me if I am more consistent.
So the point is that I CANT be consistent because my body’s warnings are too strong.
So, what about you?
All ok after 2 years of heavy hanging? No loss in sensitivity, erection angle, lust……?
maybe this should be posted in the health/injuries section but I think its very important to be discussed and not a health question of mine….
My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL
Last edited by RisingUpTo7 : 05-12-2004 at .