Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Been on my mind a while...

Been on my mind a while...

I have always had trouble performing manual stretches at upwards angles. Why, you ask? Because it seems my dick is just too small for the job. If I pull it upwards, I can’t grip onto the actual penis under the surrounding skin. It just slips through like a slippery bar of soap and I’m left clutching the skin. My only option seems to be gripping right at the base, but judging by what I feel, this only has the effect of stretching the skin at the base. Skin stretch = Useless. And if I grip too hard, I worry I’ll do myself an injury, or aggravate the CS tenderness I already have.

Am I missing something?

Looking for that magic 6" of EL...

Progress Report

Don’t sweat it. If it doesn’t feel right don’t do it.

I don’t understand why it is so much different up compared to out or down.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
I don’t understand why it is so much different up compared to out or down.

Maybe this is a feature unique to my (and some others’) penis, but when I pull it up so it is either horizontal or angled upwards, it is shorter than when left hanging down. I think this could be why my erections begin with a promising lengthening effect but end up seemingly retracting length-wise as the angle gets higher and higher. Maybe it’s to do with LOT, maybe it’s linked in with the fact that my ligs seem quite tight (I struggle to push my penis down to a horizontal angle when it is fully erect), I don’t honestly know.

But I guess I’ll take gprent’s signature down-to-earth, logical advice. :)

Looking for that magic 6" of EL...

Progress Report

I think the phenomena you describe happens to everyone to one extent or another. In other words, if you meaure nbpl from base to to tip while erect, the measurement is shortest while pointing upward and increases as you point to lower angles.

If you feel that upward pulling would be useful, you should be able to do it by grabbing just under the head, with your fingers pushing against the coronal ridge. This is where I usually grip, and it is the most effective for avoiding the skin stretch while providing tension to the inner penis. You might also want to try kegels while stretching straight up. You can also experiment with different body positions. For example, it might be easier laying on your back compared to sitting or standing.

Horny Bastard

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