Thunder's Place

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Best Girth: Pumping or Clamping?

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Which is better for girth, clamping or pumping’

I tried both and I think pumping is better


I tried both and I think clamping is better

Total Votes: 42. You may not vote on this poll

I think there should be (or should have been) an additional option to vote that you do not know. The way it is set up now requires people who don’t know to just pick one simply to see the results. This obviously skews the results and makes them essentially useless…

Originally Posted by goldenbear
I think there should be (or should have been) an additional option to vote that you do not know. The way it is set up now requires people who don’t know to just pick one simply to see the results. This obviously skews the results and makes them essentially useless..

On the right under the pool there’s a button: view pool results

Start: 8 BPEL- 7.5 NBPEL - 5.5 midEG

Current: 8.6 BPEL - 8 NBPEL - 5.8 midEG

I wish You all kinds of gains!

I have limited experience with both. I used to think that clamping was better, but then I have changed my opinion. My thinking was based on the idea that clamping was applying pressure forcing blood in a smaller volume, where pumping sucks blood in the penis, but this way filling the penis mostly with fluids. So it should came as a consequence that pumping results should be mostly temporary while clamping gains more stable. First anecdotal evidence was supporting this idea.

But then guys started reporting that clamping gains are temporary as well; plus what I’ve read in medical reports about people using constriction device showed that pumping and clamping works about the same, both filling the penis with edema (not always easy to detect as such) that can take months to disappear.

So in the hand, I think pumping and clamping are basically the same, with pumping having some advantages mostly due to the fact that you can more easily vary the pressure applied and can be done even with a flaccide penis (although this is not ideal, probably).

I think the best is a mix work of both .

But i have to confess that I am a pump addict !!!

Only 8 voters? Dudes vote it’s free!

I voted pumping, because I`ve experienced girth gains when I pumped consistently over a long time and it seemed to have a positive effect on my EQ.

Clamping always killed my EQ, but I can`t say for sure if it was due to me doing too much, too early, or if I simply respond poorly to the effect of clamping.

The beauty with pumping is that it is much safer than clamping and you have a much more objective measure of how much force you`re applying, which have obvious advantages.

I am thinking that clamping may be better for girth, but not everyone seems to respond well to it. I may try it one more time in the future though.


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