Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Best Jelq Lube EVER!

Originally Posted by MX
Olive oil the is best jelq lube I’ve found.

Olive oil ,agreed sir! :)

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Yeah, this is the super jelq lube that I’ve been working on. I went from x-virgin olive oil to x-virgin sesame oil to the one I listed above. I still go back to the pure sesame oil from time to time because it really is *awesome*, but it’s just so friggin’ *stinky*.

Anyway, I gave the proportions of the lube in ounces above. All you have to do is mix the stuff up and shake well before use. Because of the fragility of some of these oils, I keep it in the refrigerator prior to using. When I do my routine I now heat up TWO rice socks now- one for the unit and the other one to set a glass down on which I then pour a little of this oil into which makes it nice and warm when it’s time to jelq. You can pretty much get all of the ingredients from a good health food store. However, you’ll pay an arm and a leg for the borage oil and evening primrose in liquid form.

I buy the borage oil here: http://www.vita … tsellers&s=&c=2

and the evening primrose oil here: http://www.vita … &intsource=main

Best products for the best prices I’ve found. I’d say that a three month supply of the oil costs me around sixty five bucks (US$) and that’s probably on the high side becuase what I’m calling a three month supply might actually last me six- we’ll see how it lasts.

I went ahead and made my formula because I actually got my first injury recently. It was strange too. I was actually clamping in like my second week (like an idiot) and got nothing but seriously pumped. Now, after digesting the advice of the pros, I’ve scaled back to the newbie routine plus a little very light hanging (2 1/2 pounds about 5 hours a week) plus wearing four golf swing weights for a couple hours a day a couple times a week- and that’s exactly when I got injured!

I had the golf swing weights secured by a nice wrap (because I don’t quite have the girth for them to stay on by themselves yet) and was walking around the mall when all of the sudden I felt a *twinge*. The instant I felt it I remembered when gprent said, "any pain is bad" and that, "soreness reminds you that it’s working, but pain of any kind is counterproductive to PE". I scanned my body and indeed thought that this twinge, accompanied by a kind of ache where the wrap met the weights just behind the head, was *pain*. I doddered of to a bathroom and unwrapped, putting the weights into my jacket pocket, and walked through the mall for awhile. Something still didn’t feel right. Dull ache. Dull ache continued for about a week and I had to change the way I jelqed up to that spot on my cock because excess pressure there would reactivate the discomfort. Feeling around, it also felt like there was a kind of "knot" in this place. If I had to wild guess it I’d say that I got a kind of "mini herniation" of the tunica down at the end of my dick and that the golf swing weights were just the "straw that broke the camel’s back" and not really the root cause.

I took one week off (really only five days, but hey, this shit *is* addictive!) and made my oil, taking care to massage a ton of it in three times a day. I’d also do a "wet oil wrap" with strips of cotton dipped in the oil, and then wrapping that up in dry cotton followed by saran wrap. Basically an "oil poultice". After the first application I felt better. Felt better each and every day. I’m back to my routine now and it continues to improve. The knot is no longer palpable and the soreness is a shadow of it’s former self and only sense-able if I Jelq up to that spot with reckless abandon.

It’s like any injury- you’ve got to nurse it back to health while doing a cost/benefit analysis on continuing with a more mellow routine. Without the oil and the treatment I’m sure I could’ve been laid off for quite awhile. I’ve found that the injury is quite reassuring actually. Now I know what an injury is like and I know that there are things that can be done. All in all it’s been empowering.

If you make the oil (or your own with similar properties) I am sure you’ll see a difference in your pecker health.

The statement:

<<<I can see the new ad campain now…

Hellman’s, not just for your sandwich anymore.>>>

is priceless. As far as the health of the skin is concerned, I’ll bet that a good quality mayo is better than something with chemicals in it that is based in petroleum. Assfucking with mayo…..hmmmmm,definitely another that’s been added that to the list of weird mental images that thunder’s has brought into my life! Between that and the image of BigGirtha jogging the treadmill with his weighted pecker slung over the top of his gym shorts…..well, the place certainly aint killing my imagination, I’ll give it that!

Actually I mix olive oil with ginger but forgot to mention. Also I’m thinking of putting a little honey (or even L-arginine), in it and experimenting on it.

I know that sounds a little weird, but I got those tips from an old Arab sex-book.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by kaan
Actually I mix olive oil with ginger but forgot to mention. Also I’m thinking of putting a little honey (or even L-arginine), in it and experimenting on it.
I know that sounds a little weird, but I got those tips from an old Arab sex-book.

I think ginger and honey could be really good additions. Don’t even get me started on honey- nectar of the Gods. I eat royal jelly, bee pollen, and propolis daily in addition to a couple spoonfuls of unfiltered, pure, raw honey. Like I said, don’t get me started, but it’d definitely be good for your dick if it was top quality. Ginger is a VERY healing substance too and would increase peripheral circulation. I never even thought about it. I think it’d be a good addition too, but i’d use an alcoholic tincture of ginger so as it would have preservative effects on the whole mix. L-arginine I don’t know much about. I’m more into getting benefits from natural substances and not from concentrated, mechanically derived sources. I feel like when you take a substance out of the context in which it naturally appears that it is degraded a bit. However, that is not to say that it won’t help. On this tip I’ve often considered whether or not silica might also help in a PE salve/lube.

My dick is so fucking ITCHY!

I recently started jelqing in the shower and have been using just some cheap ass conditioner for lube. It was fine for a week, and then a few days ago my entire shaft started to dry out and crack! I am uncircumcised and my foreskin is swollen like a potato sack. It’s so itchy to the point I’m like “WOO!” I bought some vitamin e lotion to put on, but it just burned like a mother, It’s irritating as shit because I can’t use my extender or even rub one out now. I’m not sure whether I should put on more lotion, olive oil, or just let my dick repair himself. I swear I’m gonna jelq with olive oil from now on. Arrgh.

Definitely a worst case conditioner lube story jackhumble. Especially because you say the unit in question is dry and itchy, I’d recommend olive oil for sure. It’ll definitely cut the itching, moisturize, heal, and cut down the irritation. Try it morning and night. Use high quality extra virgin oil from a can or a dark colored glass bottle if you can get it as these are the best quality and probably not rancid and broken down by light and over-processing.

Originally Posted by quaser
I can see the new ad campain now..

Hellman’s, not just for your sandwich anymore.

Now that’s funny shit

Originally Posted by jackhumble
My dick is so fucking ITCHY!

I recently started jelqing in the shower and have been using just some cheap ass conditioner for lube. It was fine for a week, and then a few days ago my entire shaft started to dry out and crack! I am uncircumcised and my foreskin is swollen like a potato sack. It’s so itchy to the point I’m like “WOO!” I bought some vitamin e lotion to put on, but it just burned like a mother, It’s irritating as shit because I can’t use my extender or even rub one out now. I’m not sure whether I should put on more lotion, olive oil, or just let my dick repair himself. I swear I’m gonna jelq with olive oil from now on. Arrgh.

Funny shit. Not what happened, the post.

Wantsmore: Do you feel this oil mix has helped with your gains or is that hard to tell? How long have you been doing PE and how long have you been using oil as a lube?

Have you ever tried dry jelqing? Your thoughts?


I mean obviously they have helped with recovery etc but how much can you attribute to your PE routine, and how much to the oil? Very vague question I know.


It’s a FACTOR, that helps. A small one: using better lubricant, putting something inside, bla bla.. When exemined itself only, 1 factor is small, but when you put 4-5 of these factors together, you get obvious improvements.

Olive oil is better lubricant than vaseline, better for the health of the skin, too.
When I put ginger in it, it makes the dick EXPAND more, stimulates it, makes me want to do more jelqs.


Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

How much ginger do you put into it kaan?

Oh and just on a side note, I know this is probably the least appropriate way possible to bring this up, ever, but are you anywhere near this birdflu bullshit? Be careful man, kill your chickens and wear masks.


Nice thread Wantsmore-I have been using coconut oil, also from the health food store. It’s solid at room temperature, but melts as soon as you touch it. It is more persistent though, which helps for long sessions but is a little harder to clean up. Soap and conditioners are bad news, as mentioned many times before on this site.

I have an alternative medicine doctor who recommends nothing but olive oil for tanning , and when I tried it I found it worked well, and was slowly absorbed into the skin, both for tanning and jelqing. I have improved it’s healing properties by adding a little liquid vitamin E from capsules I cut open. Those looking for help with injuries should read the thread on EROSET’s vein oil-very informative and close to the discussion topic here. I think the right lube will help you jelq longer, prevent injuries, and speed healing if needed. From this standpoint it will help your gains, but there is not a magic oil that makes you grow without putting the work required.(in my opinion). BigD

Thanks for the tip Wantsmore, I went out and bought a bottle of cold pressed olive oil today. I will apply it tonight and hopefully the potato sack will go away soon. Then I can get back to progression.

Miracle "Dick" Whip - for Jelqing with that Tangy Zip!

Check Eroset’s Vein Oil and Jelq Butter for other great alternatives to baby oil.

Personally I’m a fan of olive oil- as I’ve said elsewhere, good enough for Caesar, good enough for me.

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Originally Posted by d_sut
How much ginger do you put into it kaan?

Oh and just on a side note, I know this is probably the least appropriate way possible to bring this up, ever, but are you anywhere near this birdflu bullshit? Be careful man, kill your chickens and wear masks.

You know, I just put some olive oil in a small cup, then I put some ginger in it (grinded ginger ) . I haven’t really cared about the ratios up to now. It has an effect like heating the penis, and stimulating a little. Definitely positive.

Oh, the flu, ok man. I’ll stay away from all birds. :) But it mostly affects children & old people, so I’m not really afraid.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)


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