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Best way to gain length


Best way to gain length

Can anyone tell me best way to gain length please. Been peing on and off for about 2 yrs, I saw initial gain, especially in girth but mainly want length now. Have tried stretching including making my own type of piet stretcher similar to penimaster but never seem to get anywhere. Have had good results clamping for girth and jelq also seems fine for that but nothing including manual stretching seems to help with length. Have tried many ads but none can be kept on for long, especially noose type ones as glans go numb, any advice on this would be great. Mainly after good tips for length though, thanks for any replies.


If you have the time you should hang but you need to have the time. The one thing while hanging you can multi-task. Make a wench or buy a BIB or a redi stretch and give it a go it works for me.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Stretch. Regular stretches, JAI stretches, inverted v stretches and the two way stretch will do the tick for me. Low erection jelqing (20-40%) will also be a good idea.

What is the two way stretch Bird my man?

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Originally Posted by ck10n3
What is the two way stretch Bird my man?

It was posted somewhere before by another member here at thunders place, but I don’t remember the name he has giving the exercise or his name, so I came up with naming it the two way stretch because that is what you do when doing the exercise.

Grab with one end the end of your dick, like you would normally stretch straight forward and grab with your other hand the base of your dick and pull with that hand towards your body. I do this 2x3 minutes. I switch between hands when doing the second exercise, for instance I start with my left hand at the end and left at the base and I switch the hands when doing the second repetition. This to make sure both parts are properly stretched.

I think I get it. So one hand pulls outward. Once you’ve reached the end of that pull you use your other hand to pull back down, while still holding the outward stretch?

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Originally Posted by Bird2
It was posted somewhere before by another member here at thunders place, but I don’t remember the name he has giving the exercise or his name, so I came up with naming it the two way stretch because that is what you do when doing the exercise.

Grab with one end the end of your dick, like you would normally stretch straight forward and grab with your other hand the base of your dick and pull with that hand towards your body. I do this 2x3 minutes. I switch between hands when doing the second exercise, for instance I start with my left hand at the end and left at the base and I switch the hands when doing the second repetition. This to make sure both parts are properly stretched.

I agree that this 2 way stretch is great but why is it rarely mentioned on these boards?

Originally Posted by ck10n3
I think I get it. So one hand pulls outward. Once you’ve reached the end of that pull you use your other hand to pull back down, while still holding the outward stretch?


Originally Posted by dicktator
I agree that this 2 way stretch is great but why is it rarely mentioned on these boards?

Because it is a new exercise which isn’t widely used in PE. It is one of the underestimated exercises.

Bird2 for Prez!!!

Sounds like the tug of war stretch from MOS, heard about it ages ago there.

Originally Posted by dicktator
Bird2 for Prez!!!


I’ve been using this “two way stretch” for a few weeks now. I saw it on another site and said what the hell.

You can really feel the tension when you do this, and I am now passed 7 bone pressed, which I have never had before.

These stretches should really be considered more here @ Thunder’s. Maybe should have there own thread.

Originally Posted by Bird2
It was posted somewhere before by another member here at thunders place, but I don’t remember the name he has giving the exercise or his name, so I came up with naming it the two way stretch because that is what you do when doing the exercise.

Grab with one end the end of your dick, like you would normally stretch straight forward and grab with your other hand the base of your dick and pull with that hand towards your body. I do this 2x3 minutes. I switch between hands when doing the second exercise, for instance I start with my left hand at the end and left at the base and I switch the hands when doing the second repetition. This to make sure both parts are properly stretched.

Yeah, I do that too. Bird2 have you noticed that it also restores forskin as well. I mean faster than penis length gains, at least for me it does. I do agree it is a good exercise and it tends to get you a bit sore, but if you are not somewhat sore after exercising, then you may not have gotten a good exercise.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
Yeah, I do that too. Bird2 have you noticed that it also restores forskin as well. I mean faster than penis length gains, at least for me it does. I do agree it is a good exercise and it tends to get you a bit sore, but if you are not somewhat sore after exercising, then you may not have gotten a good exercise.

I am uncut, so this doesn’t apply for me. Didn’t noticed a bigger foreskin either.

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