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Length Gain vs Techniques Poll

View Poll Results:

Which technique(s) contribute most to your gains?

Wet Jelq


Dry Jelq


Simple Manual Stretch


BTC Stretch




Uli Stretch












Others (Please Explain)

Total Votes: 211. You may not vote on this poll

Length Gain vs Techniques Poll

To gather opinions of what contributes most to gain on an individual basis (let us confine to length for simplification).

You can vote multiple options, e.g. you might think wet jelq, simple manual stretch & pumping contribute most to your gains.

Please do not sabotage by voting all options.

I may miss out some techniques. Please post techniques that I miss out and I fully authorize moderators who are viewing this thread to add the suggested technique as an additional option, without asking me first. Alternatively, pm a moderator to add in an option as moderators might not visit this thread.

I voted wet jelq, hanging, and ADS. I did not experiment much with the others. My total length gain is 1 1/4” over 3+ years. My “other” vote was for the MaxExtender I used. It is a static stretcher, like an ADS but more intense and only in the SO position.

I miss horses, JAI stretches and Amazing Isometrics David. From the options you mentioned: dry jelq, simple manual stretch, v-stretch, Uli and clamping.

Where’s the “Dick Fairy” option? :p

Originally Posted by sheLovesIt
I voted wet jelq, hanging, and ADS. I did not experiment much with the others. My total length gain is 1 1/4” over 3+ years. My “other” vote was for the MaxExtender I used. It is a static stretcher, like an ADS but more intense and only in the SO position.

What was your daily routine with the static stretcher?

ADS (PE weights)

So far I have only done the basic manual stretches and wet jelqs for length. I am just getting into a more advanced routine that includes clamping, Jai stretches and inverted V-stretches. I’ll see where that gets me in a few months.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Simple manual stretch because when I started that’s all I basically knew off.

Short-Term Goal: 10.25" BPEL

"Take it Slow and Watch it Grow"

Long-Term Goal: To Be Decided

I chose ‘Other’ since all I do is hang and so it’d probably just cloud the results if I were to have chosen the hanging option in the poll (even though I exclusively use one technique I still voted because I wanted to see the results).

Also— I’m a little worried about the accuracy of the results. I never read the first post until after I’ve voted (if at all), so if most people are like me in that respect it might be worth noting that the results might be a little skewed (since the title of the thread doesn’t specify the poll is for length-gains). Thirteen people, who might also have voted for jelqing because of its benefits for girth, voted for clamping. Others besides those who voted for clamping may also have voted for jelqing due to the girth-increases they’ve experienced.

49 people voted for simple manual stretches, which is a technique associated mostly with newbies of which there are probably more on the forum (and who are specifically instructed not to try other techniques), and who are probably currently getting fast results as a result of the much celebrated newbie gains. Also, those just transitioning, and recently transitioned, from simple stretches to advanced techniques may also vote for simple stretches because they associated them with their faster newbie gains.

Apologies if I’m raining on the parade, but I think there’d need to be more controlled conditions and more specific questions to yield worthwhile results.

Last edited by Mr. F : 01-23-2007 at .

Apologies— I didn’t get the editing done in time:

I’m a little worried about the accuracy of the results. I never read the first post until after I’ve voted (if at all), so if most people are like me in that respect it might be worth noting that the results might be a little skewed (since the title of the thread doesn’t specify the poll is for length-gains). At time of writing, thirteen people, who might also have voted for jelqing because of its benefits for girth, voted for clamping. Others besides those who voted for clamping may also have voted for jelqing due to the girth-increases they’ve experienced.

At time of writing 49 people voted for simple manual stretches and a total of 61 voted for wet and dry jelqing (40 and 21 respectively), all of which are techniques associated with newbie PEers (and, in the case of simple manual stretches, performed mostly by newbies) of which there are probably more on the forum then there are senior members more inclined to continue the pursuit of length gains through the use of equipment and/or advanced techniques. Also— newbie forum members are specifically instructed not to try other techniques, and generally get the fastest results as a result of the much celebrated newbie gains. Those just transitioning, and recently transitioned, from simple stretches to advanced techniques may also vote for jelqing and simple stretches because they associated them with their faster newbie gains.

Apologies if I’m raining on the parade, but I think there’d need to be more controlled conditions and more specific questions to yield worthwhile results.

Last edited by Mr. F : 01-23-2007 at .

I voted wet jelq, manual stretching, clamping and stretching device. All my gains have come from these.

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