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Bib, LOT and effective useable length

Bib, LOT and effective useable length

Bib, I’ve been wondering about this for a while, and thought I’d go to the source :)

It seems plausible that below a certain LOT, while additional length may show up on a ruler and for bragging rights, it may not show up as NBP or insertable length.

My thinking is that the lower the penis exits the body, there comes a point where the length is not useable,although measurable.

What do you think?

If it sticks out of the body, why wouldn’t it be usable in some positions?

"The Lord giveth, the government taketh away."

Perhaps in some acrobatic yoga moves, but not the majority, due to things like thighs and buttocks getting in the way… I’d guess it could be an issue in 80% or more sexual positions.

What I’m getting at, is if this proves to be true, it will allow one to work their lot just low enough then concentrate their efforts on tunica stretching, which is where they should pick up more insertable length…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Well, techinically if you lost alot of weight and had very little body fat, your BP length and your NBP length would be pretty much the same. I dont think that it is possible to have gains show up on a ruler for bragging right and not show up as NBP length. Even if you have high body fat, you’d notice some difference. Thats what I think at least.

Now: 8.5" bpel 6" eg Goal: 9.5" nbpel 6" eg (maybe more)

But what I’m getting at is I think there may be lig gains that show up on a ruler, but don’t give you any more insertable length…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


I agree. At a certain point you’re just sticking the ruler into a slot opened by the loosened ligs. If you can get your skin stretched and lean so it conforms and slips in there also you might get to use some of it, but not all of it beyond a point. I think moderately bone-pressed-along the top is the usuable length. Firmly bone pressed beside the penis on the bone will be the best baseline, though, for tracking gains.

I agree, for tracking gains, I’m just wondering if when you get your ligs to a certain point, if you should give up concentrating on them as it does nothing to add to insertable length, which is what I feel the majority are interested in. If we can figure out where this point is, one can start focusing on their tunica and spend time getting insertable gains…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


I think you may have a point, When I do bpel I get somewhere between 7.8 and 8.0 but when I put it into a pump that has a measuring scale in the side it is about 7.5”. Perhaps during sex and inserting into the tube where a little resistance is met the whole package is pushed back a fraction. While the looser ligs allow for more measured erect and stretched length readings, some (but probably not all) of the increase due to looser ligs is negated functionally. But it still is desirable to have a more impressive looking unit for psychological effect.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Interesting question and probably different answers for each guy.

For me, when in the process of gaining, I could use all of it in any position for a long time. Only when the length started over nine inches did the associated problems begin. The exit point did not come into play in any position.

Off hand, I would say there is no true problem with exit point. If it is lower, and there is a little that might be insertable save for the exit point, big deal. It is as good out of the body as within. Then in certain positions, it might be needed.

For other guys, it might be different. I see what you mean, but I don’t see where there could be much problem in any case.


Thank you… :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

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