Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Butt Big Dick.


Big Butt Big Dick.

I found this very interesting. Notice the STRETCHED length of these Nigerian men ranged from a short 2.75 inches to 7.5 inches. Not what we’re led to believe about black men. Median size was about FIVE (5) INCHES

BTW there is also a link to a new surgery procedure that doubles girth to over 7 inches and another link about a procude that increased length.

Department of Surgery, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus, Nnewi.

BACKGROUND: In Nigeria, especially among the Igbo tribe, there is a well-held belief that a man’s penile size can be predicted from his physique and the size of his buttocks, with people of small physique and flat buttocks likely to have long penile lengths. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective study to test the scientific veracity of this traditional and apparently mythical belief. Stretched penile length was measured in 115 men between the ages of 30-65 years and its correlation with the body-mass index and the circumference of the hip as measured around the most prominent points on their buttocks, was statistically determined. RESULT: The mean age of the subjects was 42.30 years (SD = 9.67), with a median of 40 years and a range of 30-65 years. The mean penile length was 13.37 cm with a median of 13 cm and a range of 7.5-19.5 cm. The mean circumference of the body around the buttocks was 96.46 cm (SD = 10.91), median 98 cm, and range 73-122 cm. The body-mass index ranged 17.34-44.44, with the mean at 26.87 (SD = 5.86), and the median 25.53. Linear regression statistics showed no statistically significant correlation between stretched penile length and body-mass index, thus physique. There was a significant direct correlation between penile length and gluteal size. CONCLUSION: The supposed relationship between penile length and gluteal size may have a scientific basis, but contrary to belief, large buttocks is more predictive of longer penile length than small buttocks. Penile length has no relationship to physique.

BUTTOCKS STUDY LINK http://www.ncbi … l=pubmed_docsum

GIRTH PROCEDURE LINK http://www.ncbi … l=pubmed_docsum

LENGTH PROCEDURE LINK http://www.ncbi … 6&dopt=Abstract

I have heard it said that more excersise causes more blood flow to the penis and a larger member? Could this be related?


Penile length has no relationship to physique.

Well, there you go.


On the girth surgery, the man went from an erect girth of 4.29” to 7.605”.

I’m wondering how the overall appearance of the penis changed and if the man also had any erectile diffculties after such large gains.

Also, where the hell do I sign up for these types of experiments!?

Here is the website for the doctor who performs that particular girth procedure.

If you convert his post-surgery girth to inches you get 7.7 inches, lol.

Whom,Pe is an exdersize.

I never had a big butt, even when I weighed 275 pounds, now 184. Women seem to think that if you have a small but you must have a big dick. However this is not true.Perhaps this is a world wide urban legend.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I have a big butt.

Starting-March 15, 2007: BPEL:5.2''| NBPEL: 4.5'' | EG:5''

Today-May 17, 2007 BPEL:7.19' | NBPEL: 6.7" | EG: 5.55"

My dick is on steroids!Progress Report w/pic Overtraining is worse than undertraining...

Cool link TTO. I’ll add that study to my “average penis size” thread a little later.

I was amazed there were 7 pages dealing with the penis on a Medical Journal site. LOL

Originally Posted by kingpole

Women seem to think that if you have a small but you must have a big dick.

Wow never heard of that lol, what will they think of next, big ears = big dick?

Since men lose 10% of their muscle mass for every decade after 30, they should have de-seasonalized the data for age. The same man is going to have a different hip-to-dick ratio at 60 than he had at 30.

Originally Posted by kingpole
Whom,Pe is an exdersize.

I never had a big butt, even when I weighed 275 pounds, now 184. Women seem to think that if you have a small but you must have a big dick. However this is not true.Perhaps this is a world wide urban legend.

I have never heard any woman say this to me. Or even mention its relation. The most I’ve ever heard women talk about was the length of the nose (yawn) being related to size. As well as the obvious feet and hand ones.
I have a big butt myself, quite rounded, quite (naturally) musclular. My penis is above average (8.4” bp) so I must be one of the odd ones.

If you read the abstract, it actually says that they were looking to prove that small butt=big dick, not big butt=big dick.

Originally Posted by Article
CONCLUSION: The supposed relationship between penile length and gluteal size may have a scientific basis, but contrary to belief, large buttocks is more predictive of longer penile length than small buttocks.

Like Sacred, in my case this is true.

I have very rounded buttocks, even before I began doing squats. I started doing general conditioning and running laps when I was eight, but I think the baseline of my physique is is/was having muscled/rounded buttocks regardless, as there are plenty of guys who run, do squats yet still have flat backsides.

In fact, there are certain styles/cuts of pants that I think look nice, that I can’t wear, as they are cut for guys with little to no ass. I have to wear dress pants with pleats or it will look like … Well, it’ll just look wrong.
This is why I wear high end sweats (not the Walmart variety with elastic at the ankle).

I have heard most of these markers for large penis, except the flat butt theory. I have heard hands, feet, nose, ears.. On feet, I do wear a size 12.

So, if any Thunder’s place members sees a guy with large feet, in nice sweats, it might be me.. :D

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