Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Dick IS Big Enough


My Dick IS Big Enough

I have been laying low lately and have backed off bit on my PE because I have decided my dick is big enough and am not going to try to make it any bigger. I am already at the point with MRS V where I cannot go balls deep most of the time and she has changed her description of my cock in the last 4 months from “big” to “huge”. She cums like a racehorse when we fuck and unfortunately she wants sex just once a week instead of 3. (this is not a good thing for me). I think it is because she is much more satisfied lately.

I have put myself on a maintenance schedule of only jelqing in the shower for about 5 minutes each morning. I will still edge/balloon when MRS V is gone for a few hours just because I think it is fun and beneficial.

Since February 1st 2005 I went from 5.5 x 6.5 to 6.25 x 7.25. I have nice proturding veins now and I can fuck a lot longer than I used to. This is some pretty nice conditions for a 48 year old. Mrs V still does not know about my PE but she sure loves my cock! i get more head than ever nowadays. I am a happy camper.

If Mrs V ever left me and I was in the field again, I am confident my cock would satisty 98% of the females out there and the other 2% I would not have time for. Heh Heh Heh. I have lots of cool techniques also so I am very secure in my sexuality as well as my size. I ain’t afraid of no strange pussy! LOL

I want to thank all of you that have helped me to reach my goal. I will still be a lurking, posting member here but I will not be so dogmatic about gaining and tugging and grunting and squeezing. I am going to focus my energy on writing more songs and playing more guitar. I am also going into the pigeon racing season and that take a lot of time as well.

Cheers to you all. Do good things.

Your friend,


Cheers VVC, my man!

Hope you don’t dissapear altogether! It’s good to have you around here. :nodding:




Just wanted to let you know that you are one of my inspirations for PE. Thanks for all your posts and hope to hear from you soon. Peace,


"My anaconda don't want none Unless you got buns, hun" -Sir Mix Alot, "Baby Got Back"

Good luck with everything dude, it’s been great having you around.

good to hear from you V…

also, let us know how the maintenance workout goes and if you noticed any decrease….

your stats are amazing for 4 months…just goes to show you that hard work DOES pay off…


The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by Ziggaman
Cheers VVC, my man!

Hope you don’t dissapear altogether! It’s good to have you around here. :nodding:

Thanks all.

Fuck! I’m not gone. I’ll still be around. I’ve got a lot of near-sited opinions that I still have to shove down everyone’s throats! Heh Heh Heh


Good to hear VVC…you’ve certainly built a massive member for yourself and it’s always encourging to hear tales of Mrs. V enjoying the fruits of your labor. Congratulations and we’ll be hearing from you.

Yes, I hope you still hang out here and keep us all company!

By the way, are your current figures inverted in your above post? You say that you are 6.25 x 7.25. That’s 6.25 eg x 7.25 bpel, isn’t it?

I am pleased to know that 7.25 is length enough for Mrs. V, as that is about what I am, and I am a very hard gainer in the length department.

I’ll be curious to know how the girth holds up on a maintenance only program.

Good to hear it. Good luck with that coca-cola can girth :) .

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Originally Posted by motivated
By the way, are your current figures inverted in your above post? You say that you are 6.25 x 7.25. That’s 6.25 eg x 7.25 bpel, isn’t it?

Yes, that is right.


Ah well, then good luck with your huge girth instead then :D

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

As long as I can keep getting a look at that Avatar Vinnie. Those are a pair of beauties!

Inspiring to see someone reach a point where they’re truly happy with what they’ve got. Congrats, you’ve earned it.

You’ve hit the goal for men in a relationship, on the verge of uncomfortable.


Are you sure this is how Mr. Ed started?


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