Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big dick, happy wife


Originally Posted by happy_rachid

Weird I wanted to write she tells me to stop being sensual and stuff. She told me when I do that it makes her feel like I’m an inexperienced boy.

How about oral?

Does she feel like you’re not “man enough” or whatever if you go down on her?

I feel like you could be from and in charge while doing that and it might get her better prepared to enjoy penetration.

Sorry if too personal or whatever. I just want everybody to have the amazing sex life they deserve…

Originally Posted by happy_rachid
This is the same woman that tells me to stop after 4 minutes of penetrations because it’s burning. (No STD) it’s her not being able to stay wet because her getting fucked feels like her being “used like a slut”

Older, very experienced man speaking here. My first wife was not into sex. I always had to initiate. It was her father who brainwashed her into thinking sex was dirty business. He was likely afraid that she would get “banged up” as a teen as she grew up in a big city.

My second wife enjoys sex. I have been married for a total of 35 years.

Have you tried a good lubricant? Try just putting it on yourself. Don’t use a ton. Go slow and focus on the top 1/2 (and the front) of her vagina. Repeat, go slow. No jackhammering.

Feel free to PM.


Originally Posted by sheLovesIt

Have you tried a good lubricant? Try just putting it on yourself. Don’t use a ton. Go slow and focus on the top 1/2 (and the front) of her vagina. Repeat, go slow. No jackhammering.

But, but…I learned from the most reliable of sources—porn—that you can stick it straight in with no lube and start jackhammering in seconds. You’re telling me this is not true?

Originally Posted by Don Logan
Research proves that, yes, women do like longer dicks. In a small sample group, when dicks were shortened, women were unhappy. Or: big dick = happy wife.

The interesting thing is they used silicone donuts to limit length. They’re normally used to prevent collision dyspareunia; or, "pain that occurs during intercourse when your partner’s penis collides into your cervix."

Research: https://bjui-jo urnals.onlineli … .1111/bju.15416
Summarized version: Penis length makes a difference during sex, study finds | Daily Mail Online

The data in this study are interesting. The most interesting data is found in Supplementary Figure 7(S7), which gives the sexual pleasure from intercourse alone (subjectively rated on a scale from 0 to 100, where 100 is the best that the woman have experienced) for different BPEL and for different thicknesses of rings (that limit penetration depth).

The first result is that most women give a rating of about 75, regardless of BPEL. More precisely, when their men were wearing a 0.5-thick-ring, the average rating was 72 for those with a BPEL of 13 cm, slowly increasing to 75 for those with a BPEL of 18 cm. The difference between 72 and 75 is not even close to being statistically significant. However, this part of the result is not very interesting in any case. If you asked everyone to rate their overall happiness on a scale from 0 to 100 (with 100 being the happiest they had been), most people would tend to give an answer of about 70. This would not mean that everyone is equally happy, it just means that people tend to rate things at about 70% when there is not an objective scale and when they are not comparing themselves to others.

The part of the study that is interesting is the effect of the rings which artificially shorten the maximum penetration depth. Here two things should be noted: (1) less penetration depth causes a lower rating and (2) there are only marginal gains after 15 cm (or 6 inches) of BPEL.

For shorter BPEL, there is an approximately 10 point loss for each cm of lost maximum penetration depth due to thicker rings. For example, for a BPEL of 13 cm, the rating goes down from 72 for a 0.5-cm-thick ring to 27 for a 5.0-cm-thick ring. A similar pattern is seen for other shorter BPEL. This same trend of 10 points per cm is seen when larger BPEL go from 3.8-cm-thick rings to 5-cm-thick rings. For example, for 18 cm BPEL, there is an 11-point drop for this 1.2-cm loss of penetration depth, and for 17 cm BPEL, there is a 10-point drop.

For longer BPEL, there is only a very small loss (about 2 points per cm of lost penetration depth) when going from the a 0.5-cm-thick ring to a 2.5-cm-thick ring. For example, for 18 cm BPEL, only 3 points is lost when going from a 0.5-cm-thick to a 2.5-cm-thick ring.

When all of the data is analyzed together, the net effect is that there is a clear 10 points of gain for each cm of increased penetration depth, but this gain stops right around 15 cm, and the gain quickly decreases to only 2 points per cm. The 10 points per cm gain is very clearly statistically significant. The change in gain at 15 cm is also clearly statistically significant. The 2 points per cm for penetration depths of more than 15 cm is not clearly statistically significant, and might even be consistent with no gain at all.

Note that for 15 cm transition refers to BPEL minus ring thickness, so the takeaway is that there is lots of gain to be had in increasing BPEL to 15 cm, but not much after that.

Originally Posted by Don Logan
But, but…I learned from the most reliable of sources—porn—that you can stick it straight in with no lube and start jackhammering in seconds. You’re telling me this is not true?

bahaha exactly.

happy women and wives are made by considerate partners that focus on their pleasure, and perhaps guide them carefully outside their traditional comfort zone. and that goes both ways btw. I have been taught new stuff by women.

i know that of course some people in general and some women specifically have had experiences or conditioning that limits them. but when that’s the case, you discovered it early so you can’t complain later. people change (if they do) only for their own well-being at their own pace. they never change because you ask them to (I know I wouldn’t… would you?)…

Originally Posted by sheLovesIt
Older, very experienced man speaking here. My first wife was not into sex. I always had to initiate. It was her father who brainwashed her into thinking sex was dirty business. He was likely afraid that she would get “banged up” as a teen as she grew up in a big city.


Exactly my situation. My girl has never tried masturbation, nor is willing to try it. Sex is a thing I have to initiate, and it sometimes feels like semi-rape. However, her orgasms are out of this world, and I managed to teach her to orgasm during me going down on her, since my stamina is not so good that I wish for.
One thing I noticed, though, is sexual programming. She too has felt the boot of her dad in her teens, which is the primary reason for not learning what it feels to be horny. In contrast, my past experience has always been kinky as f*ck, so the 180 degrees of sexual desires is sometimes tiresome.

As I get tired, On the verge of setting fire to 10 years of living together, I remember what the fox told the Little Prince: “You are forever responsible for what you tame”. So, it sometimes is purely our fault to push things past the breaking point for some girls. And, believe me, I have pushed. Many times.

Originally Posted by flowsky
Exactly my situation. My girl has never tried masturbation, nor is willing to try it. Sex is a thing I have to initiate, and it sometimes feels like semi-rape. However, her orgasms are out of this world, and I managed to teach her to orgasm during me going down on her, since my stamina is not so good that I wish for.
One thing I noticed, though, is sexual programming. She too has felt the boot of her dad in her teens, which is the primary reason for not learning what it feels to be horny. In contrast, my past experience has always been kinky as f*ck, so the 180 degrees of sexual desires is sometimes tiresome.

As I get tired, On the verge of setting fire to 10 years of living together, I remember what the fox told the Little Prince: “You are forever responsible for what you tame”. So, it sometimes is purely our fault to push things past the breaking point for some girls. And, believe me, I have pushed. Many times.

That’s what therapists are for. That kind of parental brainwashing she got can be worked out with sessions. If she’s willing. And I’ll bet anything that his (Dad’s) screwed-up programming has affected other areas of her psyche.

Originally Posted by Don Logan

That’s what therapists are for. That kind of parental brainwashing she got can be worked out with sessions. If she’s willing. And I’ll bet anything that his (Dad’s) screwed-up programming has affected other areas of her psyche.

You are god damn right about that, DL. However, as a complete opposite to her, I always try to give her the other way around the everyday obstacles. She realizes that she has some problems, and I could hardly believe a therapist could work unless she wants it to work.

Originally Posted by Don Logan
But, but.. I learned from the most reliable of sources—porn—that you can stick it straight in with no lube and start jackhammering in seconds. You’re telling me this is not true?


Start (8/30/21): 6.5"BPEL X 5.25" MSEG

Now (12/5/22): 8.75" BPEL X 5.75" MSEG

Goal 9.5"BPEL X 7" MSEG My Journey


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