Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big dick, happy wife


Big dick, happy wife

Research proves that, yes, women do like longer dicks. In a small sample group, when dicks were shortened, women were unhappy. Or: big dick = happy wife.

The interesting thing is they used silicone donuts to limit length. They’re normally used to prevent collision dyspareunia; or, "pain that occurs during intercourse when your partner’s penis collides into your cervix."

Research: https://bjui-jo urnals.onlineli … .1111/bju.15416
Summarized version: Penis length makes a difference during sex, study finds | Daily Mail Online

(7.4 KB, 248 views)

Interesting and here I thought I was hurting her! Lol

I need one of those silicone donuts as my wife told me I hit her cervix quite often. She thought that sex was supposed to be like that. Her “vagina check woman (probably a guy) told her this is not normal”

Gynecologist… anyway she (probably a he) told her either you have a low cervix because of the baby or your husband has a long dick. I think it’s my wife only able to be wet for 15 minutes.

But can’t blame the women. It’s the baby’s fault or mine. And even her not staying wet is my fault, probably.

We don’t communicate about sex she doesn’t like that. I can’t ask her if it feels good or what she wants me to do. She straight up told me to be a man and not like an insecure boy.

This is the same woman that tells me to stop after 4 minutes of penetrations because it’s burning. (No STD) it’s her not being able to stay wet because her getting fucked feels like her being “used like a slut”

And me being sensual and wanting to kiss and massage her, feels like me being a weak insecure boy.

I don’t get women. But I did tell her about not being able to hit her cervix with one of those silicone donuts and she immediately said I would love that.

But we haven’t had sex for 6 months after the second child as “she doesn’t want sex, because her enjoying life makes her feel guilty and a bad mom”

Never told anyone this before. Sorry for sounding salty I love women and respect them very much

Originally Posted by happy_rachid
And me being sensual and wanting to kiss and massage her, feels like me being a weak insecure boy.

Well, if you want, the one the researchers used is called ComeClose, though I’m sure there are many others out there.

It sounds like she has communicated her desires clearly regarding the style of sex. Why not give it a try?

Originally Posted by Don Logan
Well, if you want, the one the researchers used is called ComeClose, though I’m sure there are many others out there.

It sounds like she has communicated her desires clearly regarding the style of sex. Why not give it a try?

Weird I wanted to write she tells me to stop being sensual and stuff. She told me when I do that it makes her feel like I’m an inexperienced boy.

Give Her What She Wants

Originally Posted by happy_rachid
Weird I wanted to write she tells me to stop being sensual and stuff. She told me when I do that it makes her feel like I’m an inexperienced boy.

Hey Rachid,

Hope all goes well with your PE journey. I know after kids a lot changed with my wife as well. It can be a very trying time, especially in the early stages. Her body is going through a hormonal storm right now and it sucks but try to give her what she wants/needs. 6 months is a long drought but hopefully you all can figure it out. My wife is slowly but surely becoming a fan of PE and my bigger unit. She’s always been satisfied with my size but with the new gains, she’s feeling things in a different way. Luckily our kids are getting older and we are really rekindling the sexual spark that was there early on our relationship (been married 17yrs). Just wanted to give some words of encouragement, it does get better and we have been having some of the best sex we’ve ever had. I’m sure you all will get back to normal and congrats on the new addition.

Start 11/12/2020: BPEL-6.5”; MSEG-4.5”

Current 8/10/2021: BPEL-7”; MSEG-4.825”; BPFSL 7.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5”; MSEG 5.5”

My current girlfriend said that big silicone ring can be used if dick is too long to prevent hurting. That was when I accidentally bought too big penis ring. I wonder does she have experience about that or how she knows. 🤔

This one

Wow, huge! That thing looks like the wax ring you use to seal the bottom of a toilet.

Originally Posted by Don Logan
Wow, huge! That thing looks like the wax ring you use to seal the bottom of a toilet.

I did not know it was that big. Picture was different. When I got it I throw it to gargabe immediately. Hell no I won’t shorten my dick with that as much/more as I have grown with years of PE. 😄

About study. Interresting study. Veale has done penis size studies before. Very interresting.

Self reported average size was 17cm in that study.

35 couples assessed and 12 submitted sufficient data. Small sample set, the study sounds like a good time.

“There was a range of individual responses, however, with a minority of women reporting that reducing the depth of penetration was more pleasurable on some occasions.”

I wonder how many? If, for example, it is 2 out of the 12, then 16% ain’t a bad roll for those concerned about length.

A big cock is a poor substitute to a beautiful and creatively great mind.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by happy_rachid
I need one of those silicone donuts as my wife told me I hit her cervix quite often. She thought that sex was supposed to be like that. Her “vagina check woman (probably a guy) told her this is not normal”

Gynecologist… anyway she (probably a he) told her either you have a low cervix because of the baby or your husband has a long dick. I think it’s my wife only able to be wet for 15 minutes.

But can’t blame the women. It’s the baby’s fault or mine. And even her not staying wet is my fault, probably.

We don’t communicate about sex she doesn’t like that. I can’t ask her if it feels good or what she wants me to do. She straight up told me to be a man and not like an insecure boy.

This is the same woman that tells me to stop after 4 minutes of penetrations because it’s burning. (No STD) it’s her not being able to stay wet because her getting fucked feels like her being “used like a slut”

And me being sensual and wanting to kiss and massage her, feels like me being a weak insecure boy.

I don’t get women. But I did tell her about not being able to hit her cervix with one of those silicone donuts and she immediately said I would love that.

But we haven’t had sex for 6 months after the second child as “she doesn’t want sex, because her enjoying life makes her feel guilty and a bad mom”

Never told anyone this before. Sorry for sounding salty I love women and respect them very much

happy_rachid, hello, how are you doing? I don’t want to opine on what both of you do behind closed doors, but if I may say something looks like she has a previous problem and that is brought to you because of lack of comunication, this is what end relationships, I’d recommend both of you seek a couple’s psychologist or she does. Why? Because from what you are describing here in this post makes me think that she is the problem and when you start this conversation that she is insecure about (elephant in the room) she then throws the problem at you, like a toxic/narcissistic person would. I’d love djrobbins opinion on this because the first thing I thought would be something he would say.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
35 couples assessed and 12 submitted sufficient data. Small sample set, the study sounds like a good time.

“There was a range of individual responses, however, with a minority of women reporting that reducing the depth of penetration was more pleasurable on some occasions.”

I wonder how many? If, for example, it is 2 out of the 12, then 16% ain’t a bad roll for those concerned about length.

A big cock is a poor substitute to a beautiful and creatively great mind.

It was a very small set of people. Also, I now see that one of the people on the research invented the ComeClose ring: Melissa Foks (lol)

Originally Posted by happy_rachid
I need one of those silicone donuts as my wife told me I hit her cervix quite often. She thought that sex was supposed to be like that. Her “vagina check woman (probably a guy) told her this is not normal”

Gynecologist… anyway she (probably a he) told her either you have a low cervix because of the baby or your husband has a long dick. I think it’s my wife only able to be wet for 15 minutes.

But can’t blame the women. It’s the baby’s fault or mine. And even her not staying wet is my fault, probably.

We don’t communicate about sex she doesn’t like that. I can’t ask her if it feels good or what she wants me to do. She straight up told me to be a man and not like an insecure boy.

This is the same woman that tells me to stop after 4 minutes of penetrations because it’s burning. (No STD) it’s her not being able to stay wet because her getting fucked feels like her being “used like a slut”

And me being sensual and wanting to kiss and massage her, feels like me being a weak insecure boy.

I don’t get women. But I did tell her about not being able to hit her cervix with one of those silicone donuts and she immediately said I would love that.

But we haven’t had sex for 6 months after the second child as “she doesn’t want sex, because her enjoying life makes her feel guilty and a bad mom”

Never told anyone this before. Sorry for sounding salty I love women and respect them very much

You don’t sound salty, just honest and concerned for your love life with your spouse!

Not to pry into personal information, but is she pre-menopausal? Because her attitude, emotions, vaginal dryness (THIS ESPECIALLY), and her belittling your love making by referencing a “weak insecure boy” shows signs to me of early menopausal changes in hormones. My wife was very short with me, with everything in life really, for about 10 months before she started on vaginal suppositories for early onset menopause due to chemotherapy. Very very low dose estradol (I think that’s it, its a bio-matched estrogen, the healthier kind nowadays) and although it helped, it wasn’t strong enough to start sex again like normal like we used to do, which was all the fucking time nearly every day. We’ve been together for 23 years and there are no issues with the love or relationship between us. It sounds like you two need to see a therapist to work around some issues that don’t have anything to do with what you are doing to her or how you do it. She may have hormone issues due to childbirth somewhat recently. But hormone issues are hormone issues and when you brought up vaginal dryness I instantly think “pre-menopause.” When you said “after 4 minutes” penetration is “burning” feeling to her, yes, menopause makes sex feel like, according to my wife who’s vagina really got the worst of menopause, like being “fucked by a fire poker that is on fire” and it was just my slick soft lubed up penis. And we used lots and lots of lube and it never ever helped, there was always burning. I may be wrong, but its something to consider.
Does she have trouble sleeping? Does she suddenly feel very hot and need to cool down? Is she happy one minute and upset the next?

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Originally Posted by Don Logan
Wow, huge! That thing looks like the wax ring you use to seal the bottom of a toilet.

I spit coffee out my nose.. That was an unexpected bit of humor, but appreciated nonetheless!


BPEL 6-3/4" MEG 5-1/4" on 8-2021. Goal: 7-3/4" to 8"BPEL x 5-1/2" MEG

5'-11" and 190# and working back down to decent ab definition. I expect this around 178#.


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