Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Blakoe Ring

Blakoe Ring

Here is a picture of the Blakoe ring. I used McMasters for the zinc, filled it with salt and water. I use it freeballing daily. Someone asked on one of the threads I read if it works. One reply was that hair was growing faster. I thought it was just a judgement call and laughed. However I’m 52 and spit my wad 9 inches, haven’t seen that in quite a few years. Try it you’ll like it.

Members, follow these links for pics -
Blakoe Ring Installed?
Blakoe Ring

Last edited by lil12big1 : 06-23-2002 at .

Great pic, but see my post in your other thread. :)

lil1 :littleguy

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Where’s the picture?


"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams


Tex3 it is in the member’s pic section. This is open to public and can’t be exposed!

Sorry about that guys …………. a gremlin in the works nearly ran off with the whole post! :grab:

lil1 :littleguy

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

I was interested in what the benefits are for wearing the ring, is it just a sexual thing?

Walter 9911

Yeah! As I understand it Dr. Blakoe invented a $75.00 Version to improve impotence in men. You could access his website through google but apparently Tom Hubbard’s low cost version put him out of business. The Idea was to increase blood flow through low intensity electricity. I’m not in the impotent catagory with 5 kids but find it has seemed, at least to me, to make some difference in ejacualtions.


Is the zinc rod from McMaster zinc plated steel? That is all I can find on the site. I want to make sure that I am looking at the right rod. Thanks till


Yep, pure zinc. At the McMaster site, enter zinc under Products, select Corrosion Inhibitor Zinc Plugs, page down until you find them, and you’ll find the part number Tom originally posted.



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Re: Walter 9911

Originally posted by bertblakoe
Yeah! As I understand it Dr. Blakoe invented a $75.00 Version to improve impotence in men. You could access his website through google but apparently Tom Hubbard's low cost version put him out of business. The Idea was to increase blood flow through low intensity electricity. I'm not in the impotent catagory with 5 kids but find it has seemed, at least to me, to make some difference in ejacualtions.

Thanks. I’ll give it a miss, but it’s worth remembering for the future, knock on wood.

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