Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Blood Vessel Trauma, Scar Tissue

Blood Vessel Trauma, Scar Tissue

Here is a question and the answer by a doctor (a licensed clinical sexologist, not an M.D.) writing on His comments about erection problems and scar tissue are scary. What do you guys think about his answer?

I am a first-year medical student and I am very familiar with the anatomy of a penis. My question concerns the fact that some “penis enlargement” Internet sites claim that penis exercises will increase blood flow to the Corposa Cavernosa and Corpus Spongiosum therefore causing micro-trauma in the cells. Thus, as the cell rebuilds, one’s penis will increase in length and girth. I realize there is a Collogenous sheath wrapped around the three “tubes” of spongy tissue, which may prevent growth, but this philosophy is analogous to bodybuilding. Why do you say there is no way to increase penis size other than surgery? Why (specifically) doesn’t this method work?

The argument you are advancing is the same one I see on all the sites that claim exercise will increase the size of the penis. However, it just doesn’t work that way, and I will tell you why. Comparing penis enlargement to bodybuilding is a flawed analogy. The penis is not a muscle. The only thing you would be getting trauma in would be blood vessels. If these exercises really did do that, you would be in big trouble. The last thing you want is trauma in these tissues. It would cause bruising and veinous leakage which would eventually lead to difficulty with erections and curvature (due to accumulation of scar tissue). Luckily, these exercises are usually harmless. They don’t increase your penis size, but they don’t usually hurt you either. On the other hand, the sites that advocate more extreme practices, such as extensive use of penile pumps or weights, are offering dangerous advice.

What I will grant you is that there has been some speculation that the use of vacuum erection devices in moderation may cause a slight increase in size. Although there is no proof yet, there are some anecdotal reports of men who were using pumps for erectile difficulties no longer needing them after several years of use. It is possible that in certain circumstances, the forcing of blood into the cavernosa may stretch and make them more pliable. This would allow more blood to flow in, thus increasing erectile size in those men who had difficulty previously. Let me emphasize: This is not only unproven, but even in the best of circumstances will cause a very slight size increase, during erection only, for a small number of men. Everyone please reread those caveats. This is not something I recommend trying.

My answer remains unchanged: There is nothing short of surgery that will truly increase penile size.

Well, from my point of view, one can come to one of two conclusions:

1. The good doctor is wrong.


2. There are a lot of guys on this board posting bullshit information about their gains.

I have to go with number 1.

be back soon


I love it. You know, in our culture, when people get a couple letters behind their name, they become almost godlike. Sometimes, it is almost warranted. But it is always refreshing to watch a person of this lofty realm, assume facts not in evidence, and make a fool of themselves. This guy does much worse than many Drs. whom comment on PE.

Thank goodness we have open minded Drs on this forum who are willing and able to see the truth, and even ‘sacrifice’ their bodies in experimentation. I for one am truly grateful to luv, boxcar and Merlin, to name three guys who have a lot of medical knowledge.

>The only thing you would be getting trauma in would be blood vessels. If these exercises really did do that, you would be in big trouble. The last thing you want is trauma in these tissues. <

Of course you would not want “trauma”, but the questioner asked about micro-trama. If the Dr in question has fears of microtrauma, he is in trouble. Even a viagra induced erection will cause a degree of microtrauma. Wild sex can also. In fact many things can cause microtrauma or trauma to tissues. The good news is, our bodies have ways to deal with it.

>It (meaning trauma) would cause bruising and veinous leakage which would eventually lead to difficulty with erections and curvature (due to accumulation of scar tissue).<

Wow, that is a lot of trauma. But, mass trauma to the tunica would be needed for the curvature, not the vessels.

>Luckily, these exercises are usually harmless. They don’t increase your penis size, but they don’t usually hurt you either.<

One right and one wrong.

>On the other hand, the sites that advocate more extreme practices, such as extensive use of penile pumps or weights, are offering dangerous advice……There is nothing short of surgery that will truly increase penile size. <

Either he is really stupid, or he knows nothing about the surgical process. 100% (to my knowledge) of the Drs. doing the surgery now recommend a weight hanging regimen to their patients. What they will not say is, most guys can get gains without the cutting.

>What I will grant you is that there has been some speculation that the use of vacuum erection devices in moderation may cause a slight increase in size. Although there is no proof yet, there are some anecdotal reports of men who were using pumps for erectile difficulties no longer needing them after several years of use. <

Why does he accept the anecdotal evidence concerning pumping, but not the anecdotal evidence concerning other PE techniques?

>It is possible that in certain circumstances, the forcing of blood (form pumping) into the cavernosa may stretch and make them more pliable. This would allow more blood to flow in, thus increasing erectile size in those men who had difficulty previously. Let me emphasize: This is not only unproven, but even in the best of circumstances will cause a very slight size increase, during erection only, for a small number of men. Everyone please reread those caveats. This is not something I recommend trying. <

This paragraph takes the cake. Did he even think about the physiology of the penis and the affect of forces on the tissues? How is THIS increase in size from pumping different from the forcing of blood into the cavernosa by jelqing or other techniques?

This entire subject brings about one absolute thought: Money. There is little if any money for the average medical person in PE. Therefore, you will never see any great research studies concerning PE. Therefore, the evidence concerning PE will be mainly anecdotal, and thus, most doctors will be reluctant to ever acknowledge the possibilities.




You hit the nail on the head. Money.

The fact that the contributors on this board are helping each and every one of us for the same amount of pay says it all.

No one gains financially, but we all gain. And still, the board lives and thrives (Thunder may comment otherwise!:) .

We must be some threat, huh?

be back soon

I’ve been doing PE for a few months now and I’ve made a 1 inch gain. Who can say that PE works? The doctor who disregards any information presented to him and has never actually studied PE or the guy who has 1 inch more dick then he used to.

Originally posted by pumaz
I've been doing PE for a few months now and I've made a 1 inch gain. Who can say that PE works? The doctor who disregards any information presented to him and has never actually studied PE or the guy who has 1 inch more dick then he used to.

Well, obviously, the doctor has more credibility than a guy claiming to grow his dick one inch in a few months. :p

Doesn’t mean he’s right though.

I’ve grown mine 2.5 inches in less than a year. My wife asked me to stop PE because she said that it’s big enough - maybe getting too big! Tell that asshole to call my wife. She never lies about anything! I’ll strap a Bib on his pud and then he’ll believe.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Well it actually made me smaller :(

With permanent ED, So it can’t work for everyone…


I could believe it is all in my head, maybe my measurements over the years were off, or something, but the wife has been commenting a lot on my size lately. She is convinced it is much bigger than when we first started dating. She is, of course, correct in that assessment.

There is something that doctors do not understand, which is fine. But I really despise people, especially doctors or scientists that claim something is not possible. No, sir, you simply do not have all of the information. If you can’t figure out the difference between something not yet proven or done and something impossible, I think you have no business in the sciences. Period. I can’t even begin to comprehend how much people like the above doctor have retarded human progress over the centuries.

Starting Stats: BPEL 5.5" EG 4.4" -- Current: BPEL 6.9" EG 4.95" -- Short Term Goal BPEL 7", EG 5.25" -- Ultimate Goal : BPEL 7.5" EG 5.75"

Please tell ye ol’ doctor to come check out my dick. I’ve added over an inch in length and half an inch in girth; in NINE months.

I was going to have surgery done before I found this website, but after finding the website and my doctor being honest enough to say I’d gain from hanging before surgery as well I gave it a try. Boy I’m glad I did. I’m pretty sure I found one of the best doctors to do my surgery if I’d chosen it though.

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

I have been having ED issues for quite a while due to my condition and the medications I have to take. Recently I went to my doctor to get a referral for a Urologist to see if there was anything else I might consider trying. Before that though, my doc asked my what all I have been trying. I told him L-Arginine, Maca root, Yohimbe extract, Jelqing, purchased an X4 Gold edition Pyronies device to correct my bend and including vitamin E with my meds. He told me that he had knowledge in this area and didn’t think I needed to see the Urologist. After his examination and some discussion on my concerns he gave me a prescription for generic Viagra. He says that with the combination of my condition, medication, getting older, and smoking, it is no wonder I have issues. First, QUIT SMOKING. Second, continue with the X4 device regularly as it is a proven device and works better than surgery with far less drawbacks and fewer risks if used on a set routine and not over done. Third, be patient. Good things come to those who wait.

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