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Bone pressed?

Bone pressed?

I am wondering how you guys all get a difference of 1/2 an inch to an inch between NBPEL and BPEL measurements. When I push the ruler in to the point of slight pain, I get an extra 1/8” tops. Is anybody else like me with virtually no difference between bone pressed and non-bone pressed?

Bp and nbp


You just must be in better shape then us, i got a bit of a tire going! Anyway, for me, I usually get an extra 1/2 inch and i find that is the norm for most of the people on this board. Its no big deal, it just means you have more visibility then most.

I can resist everything except temptation...


Hey Malone43211, I get a good 1/2 inch when I check my bpl rather than nbpl, I’ll admit I have a very thick fat pad for some reason I’m not over weight, just have more fat above my pubic bone than other’s.


Re: Malone43211

Originally posted by new2hanging
Hey Malone43211, I get a good 1/2 inch when I check my bpl rather than nbpl, I'll admit I have a very thick fat pad for some reason I'm not over weight, just have more fat above my pubic bone than other's.

I have about 1 inch fat “pad” abov my PB. Still, I’m 6’1” and weigh only about 175 lbs and go jogging at least 4 times a week, and gym 1-2 times a week.. So it’s probably just genetics.. Would love to have <½” pad..

A Man behind his mask.

I have a good 3/4” between bone pressed and non bone pressed. I’m in fairly good shape, and don’t consider myself overweight at all (but not skinny either), but definitely have a fat “pad” over my pubic bone.


You must be in great shape.

I gain at most 1/4” when measuring BP and I’m in really good shape. Plus, theres a thick tendon in the way when measuring on top so I move the ruler to the left of centre.

I’d probably gain even more when measuring if I straightened out the unit. Mine curves up quite a bit. LOL


as said before, this is probably a genetics thing.

I’m pretty unlucky here .. I’m 6’, 150 lbs

yet the difference is 1”

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