Thunder's Place

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BP and NBP gains at different times

BP and NBP gains at different times

This seems to be something everyone experiences in their PE career. Many people witness BP w/o any NBP gains but how rare is it to see NBP gains w/o any BP gains? This is the situation Im currently in and Im perfectly fine with it! I realize losing weight can cause such occurrences and I have lost about 7lbs but I contribute that to not working out for 8 weeks due to an injury and was more muscle loss than fat pad loss. Could there be any other way to gain NBP but not BP other than this? Before anyone suggests that I possibly measured wrong let me say this. I thought so at first myself, but after measuring the same exact way a few different days, Im seeing growth over my last NBP measurement.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

I also have such problem, but I think it’s because we can’t measure NBP as accurate as BP.

Starting Aug/06: BPEL 5.5", EG 4.3"

05/Feb/2007: BPEL 6.3", NBPEL 5.7", EG 4.9"

Hey bj, it gets a bit confusing if your dick size is growing at the same time your fat pad is changing (either shrinking through weight loss or getting bigger with over-eating). Naturally you will get NBP gains without a BP gain if you simply lose weight (fat pad). And then of course there is the issue of muscle tissue (or indeed the tissue of muscle issue) that may also have an effect on the ‘net thickness’ your fat-pad area.

Optimum I guess would be to PE for dick growth and general exercise and healthy diet for fat pad reduction whilst not turning too much of the fat to muscle. This way your dick’s not only going to be bigger but it’s going to look even bigger still.


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

I know I lost a few lbs when I wasnt working out for the past 6-8 weeks but I doubt that was enough to lose 1/4” of fat pad when it was only 3/4-1” thick to start with. I just started working out again last week and I’ll get those few lbs I lost back in no time but I truely believe it was muscle/mass lost and not fat.

Meiya777, Ive measured my penis numerous times since starting PE, enough that Id like to think I can accurately measure him. I posted a picture upon my return from a 6 week decon. break just a little bit ago showing 7” NBP. I will take a picture today or tomorrow using the exact same measuring technique and there is w/o doubt growth. Personally, I could care less if my BP measurement doesnt change and all my gains were NBP.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

Originally Posted by biggerjohnson

This seems to be something everyone experiences in their PE career. Many people witness BP w/o any NBP gains but how rare is it to see NBP gains w/o any BP gains? This is the situation Im currently in and Im perfectly fine with it! I realize losing weight can cause such occurrences and I have lost about 7lbs but I contribute that to not working out for 8 weeks due to an injury and was more muscle loss than fat pad loss. Could there be any other way to gain NBP but not BP other than this? Before anyone suggests that I possibly measured wrong let me say this. I thought so at first myself, but after measuring the same exact way a few different days, Im seeing growth over my last NBP measurement.

When my BP increases my NBP also increases but by a bit less. Say I gain 0.25”BP I gain something like 0.20NBP. IMO measuring both is better than only one SAy you gain 3’4inch BP when you measure NBP you haven’t gained anything, so what’s the point? Measure both ways I say.

I went through stages where only my BP increased but my NBP remained the same. Now its the exact opposite for whatever reason. I will probably keep up with both for now on and try to figure out whats contributing to these different gains.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

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