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Broken blood vessels

Broken blood vessels

Can you jelq with broken blood vessels or should you rest until they’re all healed up.

I have some broken blood vessels at the tip of my head and I think I should stop pe for a bit. Can I still stretch?

My wife was going down on me and said, “You’re all bruised.”

I explained what it was and am contiplating resting until it heals. How long should that be anyway?

Thanks for your time.

"Kids you've tried your best and failed miserably... the lesson is, never try." -Homer Simpson

Well it all depends on how bruised it is. im kind of a beginner myself, but i’ve been jelqing on and off for 6 months and sometimes i get spots on my shaft and head from not stretching enough. the spots go away within a couple days for me, i jelq about an hour every other day, and stretch for 10min before and after while im in the shower. now if its a big bruise that discolors a big chunk of the penis, i would probably see a doctor… Good luck!


Go ahead and stretch if you must, but don’t jelq! It would probably be best to leave it alone for a few days.

Leave it for a few days, it will only get worse otherwise.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

I think I’m going to leave it be until it’s all cleared up. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Peace and stuff.

"Kids you've tried your best and failed miserably... the lesson is, never try." -Homer Simpson

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