Thunder's Place

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BTC stretch = bad?

BTC stretch = bad?


I’ve started PE about 3-4 weeks ago and I’m doing mostly newbie routine with some advanced stretches (mild ones, i don’t use much force). I do V stretches and BTC stretches.

My problem is that usually after a stretch my cock gets longer (maybe also thinner), but after the BTC stretch (1-1.30 min) it feels shorter (and just as thin). If i stretch it a little it gets back to bigger (longer).

So, I guess my question is if thats a sign that the BTC stretch is bad for me?

18.02.08: NBP 6.7, BPSFL 7.9, EG 5.9

18.05.08: 6.9" NBP, 8.3" BPSFL, 7.7" BP

my lazy ass is on a break AGAIN, since late may '08

Penis enlargement is a long term endeavor. You cannot look at “immediate” results and determine that something is or is not working. The tissues react to the stress in many ways. One is to “rebound” or contract. That does not mean that the work you did was for nothing. Downward, or BTC, stretches pull directly against the ligaments (as opposed to other stretch directions), so it’s not unusual for the ligaments to react more strongly to being pulled in that direction. Keep up the slow and safe pace that you’ve established and don’t rush into an injury because you think you’re doing something wrong.

You might want to wrap or use some type of ads to keep your unit stretched out after your work out.

Horny Bastard

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