Thunder's Place

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Burning sensation deep into clamping set

Burning sensation deep into clamping set

I get a burning sensation that grows stronger in intensity when I’m around 7-8 minutes into a set of clamping. I wonder if other clampers go through with it or end the set once the burning gets intense?

The first quality is the power to endure.

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Are you using a wrap? Clamping every day?

Umm. I would think any discomfort( especially a burning sensation) might be an indication to let off the pressure. I clamp regularly and paying attention to your member is so vital when doing this exercise.

'Life is too short to be Grumpy, always look at the silver lining, and stay focussed.'

Starting Stats 6.15" EL 4.5" EG Current 7.25" BPEL 5.9" EG Goal 8.0" EL 6.5" EG

using a wrap. clamping 2/1 or 1/1 depending.

It’s not pain, just burning. Guessing it has something to do with blood and oxygen. The closest way to describe it is the feeling you get when you smear on shaving gel on your balls and dick and it burns in a very strange, but not painful way. I would almost describe it as a coldish burn.

The first quality is the power to endure.

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I experience something similar to this and I’ve attributed it to the pressure on my excess scrotal skin (turkey neck) since that’s where the sensation is isolated. Assuming that you’re experiencing the same, and the burning sensation isn’t dispersed throughout your entire penis, there are a few things I’ve found that diminish this sensation.

1) Shave the pubic hair from that area.
2) Wash the area before each clamping session to remove oils and dirt.
3) Push the excess scrotal skin back behind the clamp as much as possible, or pull some excess scrotal skin forward through the clamp (I do this now since it also allows me to push the clamp farther back).

I hope this helps.

Originally Posted by Nuclear
I experience something similar to this and I’ve attributed it to the pressure on my excess scrotal skin (turkey neck) since that’s where the sensation is isolated. Assuming that you’re experiencing the same, and the burning sensation isn’t dispersed throughout your entire penis, there are a few things I’ve found that diminish this sensation.

1) Shave the pubic hair from that area.
2) Wash the area before each clamping session to remove oils and dirt.
3) Push the excess scrotal skin back behind the clamp as much as possible, or pull some excess scrotal skin forward through the clamp (I do this now since it also allows me to push the clamp farther back).

I hope this helps.

Thanks, but it’s burning in the entire penis.

The first quality is the power to endure.

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I’ve felt something similar when I get a very good expansion. For me, it felt like extreme skin stretch. I solved this with jelq warmup, and heat throughout the clamping. Try a warm wet hand towel and see if it disappears.

Originally Posted by VinterFrost
Thanks, but it’s burning in the entire penis.

Cut your sessions in less than half. In my opinion, you are risking an injury.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

It sounds to me that you’re getting exactly what you’re supposed to, the feeling of the tissues stretching. Compare that to the burning you get in your hamstrings from a hurdlers stretch. I think that’s why many people don’t gain, because they fail to reach that point of actually stretching the tissues beyond capacity, or they do but back off in fear that it may cause injury, never achieving any permanent gains. Just keep an eye on the color/temp/feeling of the skin and make sure there’s good circulation, and don’t go beyond 10-15 minutes.

I feel a burning sensation and I agree with juke - it is the tissue stretching from the pressure.

I jelq in between sets and also use a mini-heating pad I got on eBay and wrap my penis in that in between sets or have it covering my penis during the set. I never go over 15 mins and always jelq/massage/heat throughout the entire process.

I’ll try to go through it to reach full 10 minutes. But I’ll be careful also. I feel it’s a fine line to walk.

The first quality is the power to endure.

Leave an encouraging comment in my journal.

It’s either lack of oxygen in the blood of the penis or you’re getting decent expansion. If it’s not cold and not dumb then I think it’s probably an expansion feeling.

Originally Posted by Nuclear
I experience something similar to this and I’ve attributed it to the pressure on my excess scrotal skin (turkey neck) since that’s where the sensation is isolated. Assuming that you’re experiencing the same, and the burning sensation isn’t dispersed throughout your entire penis, there are a few things I’ve found that diminish this sensation.

1) Shave the pubic hair from that area.
2) Wash the area before each clamping session to remove oils and dirt.
3) Push the excess scrotal skin back behind the clamp as much as possible, or pull some excess scrotal skin forward through the clamp (I do this now since it also allows me to push the clamp farther back).

I hope this helps.

It certainly helps me.

Thanks a lot :)

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Its the skin stretching. Tissue gets fatigued, so do ligs. Only burning I have ever experienced is skin stretching.

I had a bad turkey neck and I did not want to recreate foreskin. So when I used an ADS, hanging, manual stretching, etc I always avoided the skin stretch. Which has bitten me in the ass, its a lot worse now. But I avoided extra skin by the head =)

I will get surgery to remove it. One of these days when I get some spare time alone i’ll snap a few pictures as a fair warning to new comers so they can see what happens when you go from 5.8 to 7.2 without stretching much skin. Not only does the turkey neck ride up the bottom of the shaft, I now have skin that is starting to ride up the top part of the shaft.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

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