Buster's updates on JAI routine
Thought I’d post things I’ve noticed and am doing with the JAI stretch as of late.
First, I’ve gone to a timed program. I do ten minutes worth of stretches broken down into 5 sets @ 2 minutes a piece. After you get an internal timing that becomes routine, you can basically figure out about how many pulls you’re pulling off. Makes it a lot easier to read and do other things, which is a benefit. Because if I sit there and concentrate on it, I can sprout wood, you know?
My basic pull is a two-second hold followed by a three-second rest. So it’s PULL, “one one-thousand, two one-thousand”, REST, “three one-thousand, four one-thousand, five one-thousand”. And repeat. I pull it out, then count, then easily release tension (pulling) and pressure (grip) and count my rest counts. I just give a slight release to the grip - don’t let go. This helps blood flow. You can also practice doing a kegel after your release of pressure/pull. That would be Pull, Release & Kegel.
I chucked the latex surgical gloves as they tear and break -screw ‘em. Got some yellow latex dishwashing gloves (you know the type). Cut the gloves shorter so they don’t go halfway up my arm; just past the wrist now. Use talcum powder (or cornstarch powder) on your hands and they slip right in. The grip with gloves compared to without gloves - just ain’t in the same ballpark.
I do a warmup and warmdown that is very simple. Turn on the bath faucet, fill up a plastic cup (large size like a baseball concession size) with hottest water out of tap (gotta get my waterheater turned up just a hair). Sit on tub edge with feet in tub, stick dick in cup and press against pubic area (seals it off). Do that for a few minutes and you’re ready to hit the JAI’s..
What I’m noticing:
SERIOUS flaccid hang. Easily what I got with jelqing; much better than hanging. Can feel different areas of tunica getting stressed by sideways and downwards pulls. Whew! I am always tempted to get out the ruler when I see myself in the mirror. Hope that translates to reality gains.
My goal is to check this out for a few months, then do it in the AM and hang in the PM. That should be a monster gainer.
I hope.