Originally Posted by Tryingtobebig
I think what maybe missing from all this is the context of what it means to have a BIG dick and to be known to have a BIG dick. If you look out there at the average guy and statistics from even moderate ages say to 60. Just look around you… it’s true the average may be 6” or 5.5” or even 5”…. but these are not the guys the girls are fucking because of their dicks. When you start looking at the guys that I know that get laid and are known to be the ‘big dick’ guys these guys really must be sporting 7” to 8” dicks or maybe even more. At least in the town I’m in with about 14,000 people, there are basically TWO guys that every woman who is a on the prowel and every guy who is a player knows has a big dick. So even assuming there are 2,000 eligible men who are out looking for some there are TWO guys that are known to be well hung. To the women at least in my town, the other guys may be ‘big’ by some standard but what does it really matter? The list of ‘big dick club’ guys seems very very small with the girls I know. Perhaps there are some guys that are 6.8” but that is not who the girls are talking about being big.
I guess what I’m talking about and if you want to really get talked about and be in that ‘big dick club’ that’s much more than just being above average or even well above average. If you have 8 x 6 then let’s face it… you are freaking BIG even it’s not talked about. My actual goal is to get a 8 x 6 and knowing that I”m only 5’ 7” tall I should be able to at least push myself into the BIG club with a bit of self promotion. But I wouldn’t even think about trying to be in the big dick club until I was a full 7”.
Well I don’t mean to be argumentative because the term ‘big’ is very very subjective in and of itself and I believe that anyone doing PE can cross over the average line to some subjective level of big.
Well, it’s an interesting point, but I don’t think the rumor mill of a mid-sized town could serve as supplying any conclusive data about what is average and what is big and what falls inbetween. You are definately right in that the term ‘big’ is very subjective. Before I even started PE, I was 6” NBP or maybe 6 1/4”, and a woman I hooked up with on New Year’s Eve said I had the biggest dick she’d ever fucked. Now, my girth was 5 1/4” at that time and maybe she’d only been with thin dicks up until that point. Who can say?
Also, you only mentioned length in your post, but you didn’t mention anything about girth. If you take a guy that’s 7” X 4 1/2” and compare to a guy that 6 1/2” X 5 3/4”, who do you think a woman (or anybody for that matter) would say has the bigger dick between the two of them?
Also, as I stated before, who the rumor mill says has a big dick is not a reliable source of information on which to base what measurements actually constitute a big dick. There are a multitude of factors going into play that effect such things. Maybe the guys that are known throughout the town as being big are also promiscuous as hell, have small frames, and any numbers of outside factors that could contribute to the rumor of their size. Maybe there are guys in the town that are much bigger, but they’re not promiscuous so maybe no one knows about their size.
Finally, a woman’s interpretation of size is about as skewed as a perception of something can be. Just as pwpp mentioned, if a woman has had the average number of sexual partners with average size dicks within the standard deviation, then a 7” dick or greater is going to seem huge and will probably be mistaken as being 9”+. These guys in the town are known as being big, but until a measurement is actually taken then compared with statistics, it doesn’t mean much. Just as you said, ‘big’ is very very subjective. Besides, no one should ever put too much stock in the rumor mill.