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Can I still be in the big dick club?

Can I still be in the big dick club?

As I mentioned previously, I’ve been doing high level erection jelqs with some interesting results. Here lately, I’ve gained 1/4” in girth but seem to have lost 1/8” in length. If these changes were to remain permanent, my stats would be 6 5/8” NBPEL X 5 1/2” EG. Now, both Titlest and kazoo told me to be patient, that I would probably find that I increased in length, as well. My question is if it turns out that those changes are cemented as permanent, do you guys think those stats would still qualify as a big dick. It took me a long time to convince myself that I had a pretty big dick at 6 3/4” NBPEL X 5 1/4” EG. Now, while I really like the increase in girth (considering that this is the first girth increase that I have seen since starting PE) this decrease in length is kind of messing with my mind and self image. My new size (whether cemented or not) is technically larger because it has greater volume (see the formula for volume of a cylinder). Anyway, what do you guys think?

You still have a big dick bro and chicks really dig girth so be happy, I’m sure your length will come back somewhere down the road:) .

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Your length has ‘decreased’ 0.12”…. that is such an insignificant amount, no girl would ever be able to tell the difference between the two lengths. Your girth went up significantly, 0.25” for girth is huge. A girl would definitely be able to notice the difference both visually and inside her. If anything you have a significantly bigger cock right now than before. The only thing messing with your head is that the increased girth is making it look shorter, where in reality it is not. Skinnier dicks look longer, fatter dicks look shorter. Considering you’re above average in both length and girth, you are part of the big dick club. Now stop worrying about it!!!

At 6 5/8” NBPEL X 5 1/2” EG you are NOT in the big dick club, you’re in the Average Dick club…sorry to hit you with the truth but dont’ want you thinking your big when your not. Keep at it and you’ll get there, but you’re not there yet.

MagnumXXL - where is the crossover point?

Originally Posted by MagnumXXL01

At 6 5/8” NBPEL X 5 1/2” EG you are NOT in the big dick club, you’re in the Average Dick club…sorry to hit you with the truth but dont’ want you thinking your big when your not. Keep at it and you’ll get there, but you’re not there yet.

His stats are significantly above average.

Originally Posted by MagnumXXL01
At 6 5/8” NBPEL X 5 1/2” EG you are NOT in the big dick club, you’re in the Average Dick club.sorry to hit you with the truth but don’t’ want you thinking your big when your not. Keep at it and you’ll get there, but you’re not there yet.

If the average nbpel is about 5.1-5.5 inches (Lifestyles, Wessels, etc) with an SD of about .8 inches, then he is 1.5-2.0 SD away from the mean.I’d say that qualifies as the big dick club.

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

Originally Posted by djrobins
MagnumXXL - where is the crossover point?

Crossover point? You lost me I don’t know what you’re talking about…his length is only slightly above average thats for sure…

I think he means cut-off point. Like where does average end and big begin? As a non bone-pressed measurement, I’d say that IS bigger than average.

Originally Posted by MagnumXXL01
Crossover point? You lost me I don’t know what you’re talking about…his length is only slightly above average thats for sure…

Are you homo or bisexual by any chance?

Don’t mean to offend you, but the way I see it there is only 2 ways us blokes here at Thunders can make assumptions based on penis size because seeing other men’s penises in erect state is rare. Either by our own sexual experience which gives a good indication assuming you have been with alot of partners. Or by trusting the surveys which are sketchy at best due to self measurement or uncertainties with BPEL or NBPEL but is the best information out there due to the large sample size (100’s - 1000’s). This forum has a pretty credible survey for Pre PE measurements in my opinion, but again it’s self measured. If someone has had 50-100 partners (a stretch but definately possible) then that’s a fair amount to make judgements on and that’s fair enough. But other then those two methods it’s hard to talk about average size with any high level of confidence or certainty. Women certainly aren’t a reliable source.

Maybe this is all just a confusion on what the word big means. If there are average dicks, and there are big dicks, what is it called if one is in the middle of the two? I believe that’s what the crossover point was referring to. When does an average dick become a big one.

Being in the big dick club don’t mean jack shit unless you have a pocket to place that rocket in.

I don’t rap to pick up chicks.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Originally Posted by Fantom
If the average nbpel is about 5.1-5.5 inches (Lifestyles, Wessels, etc) with an SD of about .8 inches, then he is 1.5-2.0 SD away from the mean.I’d say that qualifies as the big dick club.

The average length according to Lifestyles is 6.25” - 6.50”, and average girth is 5.0”.

At 6 5/8” long and 5.5” in girth, he is only 1/8” to 3/8” longer in length, and .5” longer in girth that the AVERAGE.

This hardly qualifies him to be in a Big Dick Club.

It qualifies him to be in the Slightly Larger than Average Club.

Originally Posted by CubanB
Are you homo or bisexual by any chance?

Don’t mean to offend you, but the way I see it there is only 2 ways us blokes here at Thunders can make assumptions based on penis size because seeing other men’s penises in erect state is rare. Either by our own sexual experience which gives a good indication assuming you have been with alot of partners. Or by trusting the surveys which are sketchy at best due to self measurement or uncertainties with BPEL or NBPEL but is the best information out there due to the large sample size (100’s - 1000’s). This forum has a pretty credible survey for Pre PE measurements in my opinion, but again it’s self measured. If someone has had 50-100 partners (a stretch but definately possible) then that’s a fair amount to make judgements on and that’s fair enough. But other then those two methods it’s hard to talk about average size with any high level of confidence or certainty. Women certainly aren’t a reliable source.

Maybe this is all just a confusion on what the word big means. If there are average dicks, and there are big dicks, what is it called if one is in the middle of the two? I believe that’s what the crossover point was referring to. When does an average dick become a big one.

Homosexual? Where the heck did that come from?

No, I’m far from it, and have had many female partners and no male ones. I don’t roll that way but perhaps you do.

I’m getting my facts all of the size surveys on here and other sites, which all have length around 6ish inches.

Originally Posted by MagnumXXL01
The average length according to Lifestyles is 6.25” - 6.50”, and average girth is 5.0”.

Where did you get your information? A Lifestyles spokesman said that about 75% of the population are below that of the Kinsey. Which means that 75% of men are below 6.2. The study is questionable if it’s BPEL or not. Most studies that I’ve read on NBPEL suggests that the average is between 5.1 to 5.5. I think he has a big dick. Maybe not huge but definitely big.

Pre-PE: BPEL 6.25" NBPEL 5.8" EG 5.75 " Now: BPEL 7" NBPEL 6.5" EG 5.95"

Final goal: BPEL 7.5" NBPEL 7" EG 6"

I think that’s big.

Originally Posted by MagnumXXL01
The average length according to Lifestyles is 6.25” - 6.50”, and average girth is 5.0”.

At 6 5/8” long and 5.5” in girth, he is only 1/8” to 3/8” longer in length, and .5” longer in girth that the AVERAGE.

This hardly qualifies him to be in a Big Dick Club.

It qualifies him to be in the Slightly Larger than Average Club.

Don’t mean to gang up on you Mag but this is the first I hear of this high an average. Just asking where the link to see this study.

Edit: Just saw Invisible’s post. Is it the same study?

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