You said “In other words, it constricts veins so blood doesn’t flow out of the penis.” I agree, although blood does flow out of the penis during erection just not as much as flows in.
My question is, If it is the elastic fibers in the tunica that are responsible for that constriction and if PE tends to reduce the function of the elastic fibers, then is there a point at which a PE’er is making a choice between a larger dick and a functional dick?
Not that I believe the following as fact, but I recall posts that claimed that the tribesmen who hung rocks and stretched their penis to incredible lengths were also impotent.
My mental model of the tunica fibers (collagen and elastin) now suggests that newbie gains are made by stretching mainly the elastin fibers as few collagen fibers have been recruited. After newbie gains the load begins to mainly rest on the stronger collagen fibers. This level stretches the weaker collagen fibers (small bundles). Eventually a plateau is reached and then significantly heavier stretching and hanging is required. This is where strong collagen bundles (large crosslinked bundles) remain. Through all these phases different elastin fibers being stretched.
I think I am in this final phase. I am currenlty hanging 12.5 lbs for 3 sets and measuring BPFSL after each set while still in the BIB. I am at 7.5” . I am currently stuck there. I was stuck there before my long decon break. I plan to increase the weight slowly while carefully monitoring my PI’s.
At this point in my mental model I am trying to understand if there are always some elastin fibers which are being “held in reserve” to support the remainig collagen fibers they are cross-linked with. I am hoping that the answer is yes and that these reserve elastin fibers will provide enough constriction to insure an adequate erection. Supporting this is the fact that my penis is still very elastic even though I have become more of a shower and less of a grower.
Anyway, just some thought I wanted to share and get opinions on.