Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamping + Pumping (Thoughts)


footeddie: Can you give us more specifics about your routine - both clamping and pumping?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

BTW: Eddieh, I noticed in another thread that you stated you started off just pumping. How long did it take for you to see some gains from just pumping and how much do you think you got from that?

Just pumping.. Those where the days, BT. (before Thunder’s) I make all the newbie mistakes. I learned the hard (wrong) way about PE. My first years of nothing but pumping where gaining nothing, only the false filling of fluid build up that lasted for hours, but the sensation was great.

True cemented gains from just pumping where little, about a ¼ inch girth and maybe a ½ inch in length. My large gains came when I found Thunder’s Place and got a better understanding of PE.

I don’t believe anyone can have true gains by only pumping; it takes a routine of PE to get cemented gains, the main reason we are here, to learn from input from all.

Quick4life: Right now I’m doing the 1 on 1 off routine. I warm up with a heating pad for 5-10 minutes, and dry jelq for about 2 minutes. I then clamp for 10 minutes, every 5 minutes I let new blood in. I do 2 sets of this and then I pump for 2 sets of 10 minutes at 4-5Hg. Every once and a while I will put a cock ring on after, but I don’t think that’s as effective as ppl say. The aforementioned is done in the evening. In the morning I do 15 minutes of inverted V stretches with a few other manual stretches.

Eddieh: Do you feel like clamping helped the most?


Eddieh: Do you feel like clamping helped the most?

Clamping helped, not sure if its the main reason for gains.
I believe conditioning before, then clamping. But the biggest gains have started after clamping

Its a combo of PE.
Today I’m doing more manual stretching.

Can you make length gains from clamping?

^ My questions been answered

Originally Posted by footeddie
Quick4life: Right now I’m doing the 1 on 1 off routine. I warm up with a heating pad for 5-10 minutes, and dry jelq for about 2 minutes. I then clamp for 10 minutes, every 5 minutes I let new blood in. I do 2 sets of this and then I pump for 2 sets of 10 minutes at 4-5Hg. Every once and a while I will put a cock ring on after, but I don’t think that’s as effective as ppl say. The aforementioned is done in the evening. In the morning I do 15 minutes of inverted V stretches with a few other manual stretches.

Eddieh: Do you feel like clamping helped the most?

Thanks footeddie.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

After sleeping on your question, I must say that I’m clamping more, even at work. Its easy to use a cable clamp
and I believe the more you can keep the penis engorged the more it will react to both girth and length.
The length gains are only a small side line from the girth gains from clamping.


I’ve just started clamping and pumping (1 day clamp other day pump) 2 off (sat and sun) and I have seen some pretty quick gains from the routine. I clamp for 4*10 and pump for 4*10@4hg. I use the pumping to keep my dick from looking like a baseball bat from the clamping

Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
I’ve just started clamping and pumping (1 day clamp other day pump) 2 off (sat and sun) and I have seen some pretty quick gains from the routine. I clamp for 4*10 and pump for 4*10@4hg.

So what you are saying is that you clamp for 4 sets of 10 min on, say, Monday, then you pump for 4 sets (10min per set) at 4hg on Tuesday, then you take Wednesday and Thursday off and start over on Friday?

Also, you say that you have seen some quick gains from this, how much? 3mm? 5mm? What?

My pump is in the mail so I am considering doing a girth experiment.

Mon-Fri I am pumping/clamping on alternate days (I was drinking last night sorry for the confusion). I break on Sat and Sun. The gains I’ve seen/felt haven’t been measure but from the looks and feel of it and from the feedback I’ve gotten from the SO I would say it’s working quite well. I will take measurements before starting this week and post pre workout and post workout stats


I have recently gained 1/2 inch girth from clamping , first set one clamp close to bone with as extreme pressure possible from porn and no exercises , second set again ten minutes with as extreme pressure as possible except with second clamp placed against first clamp after roughly 5 minutes to make sure it’s max pressure , then last two minutes I do bends to every direction , 3rd set is max again and 2 clamps as soon as fully swelled , this time I bend , push and abuse as hard and painfully as I can take before my eyes water , then I take a few minutes break and repeat for one or maybe 2 more sets , during the two last sets I place my hand against the wall - palm facing me / push myself as hard as I can against it while bending it in every direction , by the way the big pros talking about conditioning is just website dick measuring !! Pun intended - if it’s conditioned then it’s dead , 1/2 in 2 months , sorry forgot to say . For me if it ain’t agony then it ain’t growing , and I have gone from 5.75 to 7.5 by only manual stretching several times a day in 6 months , intensity is what worked for me

Last edited by Irishmeat7.5 : 12-30-2019 at .

I wouldn’t do clamping again, or at least not as aggressively as I have in the past. It produced rapid girth gains and some length for me, but at the cost of a much more fibrous penis, heavy discoloration, loss of sensitivity, hard flaccid, diminished shooting distance, and in my case vertical stretch marks from gaining girth too rapidly.

Gaining girth is much easier than gaining length in my experience. So easy that you don’t need to try to gain it while doing lengthening PE. I guess if you have a thin foot long penis then it makes sense to try to gain girth.

If penis fibrosis hinders future gains, then clamping is a mistake. The thing about PE is that you always seem to want more, but with clamping you need progressively more and more force until it’s impractical to continue.

Light pumping, 20 minutes every other day at 5 inHg, doesn’t seem to cause all those problems. Since I started PE again, I haven’t noticed my penis getting tougher, instead it’s become more pliable.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Long time lurker and tester of various methods over the years. Clamping is the first thing I’ve ever done with consistency long enough for results.

Honestly, just interested in girth for now. Already had a solid 6.9 inch length before starting
Started at 4.5in girth, I am now just over one month in and I’m at about 12cm. My original measurement was in inches but decided this could be more exact after a month, but that’s about .2in gain, so I am excited. Also, noticed marginal differences in length since starting, but it’s a pain to measure so I don’t bother.

Goal is anywhere between 5.5-6in girth in the next few years. After getting one month done, it feels so doable to keep up for at least a year to see how far I can go in that time.

I definitely read my body and my routine changes slightly from there. Usually 3 sets of 10. Sometimes if I get interrupted, I’ll do 2 in the morning and 2 that night.
My schedule naturally causes me to take 1-2 rest days every 3-5 days and I’ll take another one if I ever feel I need it.

Feels great just noticing little differences like how it feels in my hand.


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