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Clamping + Pumping (Thoughts)


Clamping + Pumping (Thoughts)

Well guys, I’ve been thinking about changing up my routine first of all. I used to do 5 on 2 off with 20min of Inverted V-Stretches in the AM and Pumping in the PM. I pumped for about 2 months (took about 3 weeks off) and then picked up pumping about a month ago again. I built up my “tolerace” so to speak, and decided on trying clamping prior to pumping. I’m going to try doing 2 10min clamp sessions followed by 2 10-12 min pump sessions. I’m also going to try and do 1 on 1 off although it does seem that pumping is most useful when used on back to back days. I’m going to do it this way because I have felt that 5on is way to many days for this type of routine. The clamping so far before pumping has helped me nearly pack the tube, which I’ve never come close to; hence, my idea of trying this new routine. What do you guys all think?

It’s a plan.

It might be a little intense. How much rest are you giving yourself? I might recommend a one day on two days off scheme, wearing a light constrictive cock ring of some kind.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Mr. Happy, I was actually thinking about doing the 1 on 2 off thing because it is pretty intense. I’m pretty conditioned but even then so just the pumping and clamping combo is pretty crazy. I think starting sunday I’ll try a 1 on 2 off and see what kind of results I come up with in about a month. It seems a bit like Xeno and Babbis’s methodologies.

For me when I switch to girth that is what I plan to do except I plan to clamp and pump 1 on 2 off but on the 2 off I will pump still but very low like 2 to 3Hg for 30min. For me pumping at low pressure like this seems to increase my recovery from other work outs. I like to look at pumping not as an exercise but as recovery tool. Like a weight lifter that lifts heavy and then the next day uses a hot tub or massage to relax the muscles and help with recovery. At least for me 2 to 3 Hg seems to work like that 4 to 6 seems to need recovery though. Hope that made since.

Originally Posted by GonaBeBig
For me when I switch to girth that is what I plan to do except I plan to clamp and pump 1 on 2 off but on the 2 off I will pump still but very low like 2 to 3Hg for 30min. For me pumping at low pressure like this seems to increase my recovery from other work outs. I like to look at pumping not as an exercise but as recovery tool. Like a weight lifter that lifts heavy and then the next day uses a hot tub or massage to relax the muscles and help with recovery. At least for me 2 to 3 Hg seems to work like that 4 to 6 seems to need recovery though. Hope that made since.

That makes a lot of sense to me.

I have found that the 3hg level is therapeutic.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I’m not really sure how you consider the pumping on off days recovering, but it is an intersting thought. I’m either going to do 2 on 1 off or 1 on 2 off. I’ll start with 1 on 2 off and see how my “PI’s” are and then go from there. I’ll post on November 8th about my gains.

edit** Also just wanted to add that I’ll be doing 2x10 clamping followed by 2x10 pumped (maybe just 1 set). I don’t want this to seem like I’m giving up on pumping by adding the clamping because pumping has deff. improved the “healthiness” of my penis.

Last edited by footeddie : 10-09-2006 at .

My idea of using the pumping for recovery is to pump at such a low level that it won’t stretch the tissue and break anymore down to need recovered, it will just bring in more blood then normal to get more oxygen to the recovering tissue.

This is the routine I started using 2 weeks ago.

I was hanging and pumping, but it got me nowhere.

I switched to a strictly girth routine 2 weeks ago, and my length grew.

And I mean it grew nicely in a weeks time, I went from bp 6 3/4” to 7” in that week by switching the hanging for clamping.

It broke my plateau and gave me a very nice spurt, which has stayed with me through the second week so far. (Including my off days)

I went to a pump 10 min. , Clamp 10 min. For 2-3 sets.

I also stopped stretching, not totally, but I do very very mild stretches for maybe a minute in between the pump/clamp sets.

I also started a split routine this past week by adding jelqing and uli’s in the morning, just to keep up the healthier side of pe. (Plus it keeps it plumped throughout the day.)

I have been doing a 2 on 1 off ,and then after next workout days, I take 2 days off.

So basically for the past couple weeks it has been:

2 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off.

So far so good.

I’m doing about the same routine, only I clamp after pumping.


You might also consider doing a mild ADS in addition to the low level pump. At 2 or 3 Hg you can bring more blood in without really stretching. You can do a few 15 minute sets of that, as long as you are disciplined and don’t kick it up higher. The ADS (Monty’s Weights or something) might be a good all day thing though, then a set of the light pump before bed to encourage night-time wood.

The thing is make sure whatever you do is not strenous. It’s important to remember it’s an ‘off’ day. Less is more.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Eddh, I’ve seen how much experience you have so I hope this works well for you. I’ve gotten some pretty great expansion so far with just 2 workouts.

Thanks, I have gone on to more days off now. 3-4 days

I’m an old timer as for pumping, and today I’m pumping at high Hg more than most, 8-10 Hg.
Conditioning and or building tolerance is a long process (time) to get there. That’s why newbie’s need to be careful not to try this without knowing the risk of injuries to try this and or along with clamping. The Wiki is a good place to review all the risks.

The expansion I’m getting today is unbelievable, and its happening with no (little) fluid build up and no donuts, now 2 years ago that was a difference story, but I believe it more to conditioning and clamping.


Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
It’s a plan.

It might be a little intense. How much rest are you giving yourself? I might recommend a one day on two days off scheme, wearing a light constrictive cock ring of some kind.

I’ll second this!

I’ve been waiting for someone to try out a clamping and pumping routine, especially in that order (clamping first, pumping second).

As for cementing your girth gains, try doing what xenolith did. It worked for him!

answer for quik

Good luck.

And don’t for get to post your results - good or bad.

PS - I like the 1 on/1 off idea, but try doing 1 on/2 off first. If you’re not getting any girth gains after 3 or 4 weeks of doing 1 on/2 off, then you should up it to 1 on/1 off. You won’t be able to up the intensity that easily when already start off at 1 on/1 off. You’ll either have to increase your clamping/pumping sessions, or do a 2 on/1 off routine.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

So far I’ll admit it’s been 1 on 1 off. On the nights when I do my workout I have some nocturnal erections, no crazy morning wood; however, on my off days when I go to sleep I have crazy erections all night. It’s a pretty good deal. I might actually do a routine like this: Sunday on, Mon off, Tues on, Wed off, Thurs on, Fri/Sat off. This way I have a good 2 days off before starting up my PE work week :P. FYI, I’ve gotten expansion of about .5” and this is with just starting the program (no lymph fluid). My starting stats with this program are 8”BPEL and 5”EG midshaft.

BTW: Eddieh, I noticed in another thread that you stated you started off just pumping. How long did it take for you to see some gains from just pumping and how much do you think you got from that?

Hey, where do I buy these clamp devices? Is there a site somewhere? What is everyone using — want one bad.

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