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Cock Rings

Cock Rings

Ok guys, I’ve got a question about cock rings. I’ve been interested in trying them out for a while now. I’ve been hearing that they make your dick enlarged while wearing them and help you last longer in the sack. Is this true? What are your guys experience with cock rings? Also for the ladies, if you’ve experienced sex while the guys is wearing one, did you like it?

How tight should they be? How long should I go before I take it off? I tried one on one time and the veins got pretty hard and it scared the shit out of me because there’s no quick way of getting one off. Thank god I can control my erection level pretty good. Also, if theres anything else I should know about the cock ring, I would greatly appreciate the info.

Thanks in advance o’ wise ones…

Thx nine, Ill check it out.

I checked out the thread. Pretty informative. I measured my mid-shaft girth and its 5”. Not exactly sure what my base girth is. Curious as to know what size cock ring would suit me best. I have some O rings at work that I could still and I would say they dont have a lot of give to them. There are multiple diameters. How long would you say I should wear one of these?

As for staying power, if anything, I find it harder to maintain control when wearing a CR. Although they certainly do make for a good time. :)

I prefer jelly cock rings. They’re soft, comfortable, and easy to get on and off. I’d stay away from metal or anything too rigid. The best is advice is probably just to buy a couple different styles and sizes and experiment.

Have fun,


Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Last edited by MX : 10-18-2005 at .

MX, thanks for the tip. When you say “they sure do make for a good time”, how so? So I understand the make your dick bigger by engorging it correct? What are the benefits of wearing one.. Thanks!

You should purchase one of those gum rubber cock rings with attachment points fore and aft for an egg shaped vibrator with level control. Throw that ring on and fire up the double A’s and your sack will thank you and your gals robin hood will be spinning like a top. A plain old ring just does not quite have the motor.

Originally Posted by drew1978
MX, thanks for the tip. When you say “they sure do make for a good time”, how so? So I understand the make your dick bigger by engorging it correct? What are the benefits of wearing one.. Thanks!


While a bigger dick = more friction = more pleasure, I think the main turn-on is primarily perceptual. The instant increase in size is very noticeable. And, in my opinion, it’s the contrast over your normal size and boning your woman with a bigger, more studly version of your own dick which makes it seem so cool.


Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

I brought my first cock ring today.set of 3 jelly / silicone ones. My aim is to wear it after my jelqing session in the morning and have it on all this advisable? And does it make much difference if you wear it around your balls and cock or better just around ones cock?

It will do next to nothing as a all day anything, its benefit is with a raging hard-on. Unless your attending an orgy you might as well leave it in the drawer.

So how tight are you guys wearing these thing? Also, whatis the benefit with having your cock and balls in a cock ring? I tried one on one time and it was pretty tight so the veins were definately pronounced, it scared the shit out of me so I took it off.

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