Condition surfaces during PE....
Background: A month after I started PEing (~Apr 04 timeframe) I had a small hard bump appear just under the head of my penis on the right side after a serious wet jelq session. I laid off the jelqs for a month, but it came back. Then I laid off until about 3 weeks ago (only stretching). I was guessing a thrombosed vein. It also appears during prolonged erections ( a quickie maybe not; but a long sex session it would appear). I also felt a little sensation in the area as well.
That was Apr-Aug. I have decided to engage in a moderate girth routine in conjunction with my stretching. I perform 100 dry jelqs ala 50 from the base to half way up, then 50 from half way on up. I do about 200-300 depending on how that bump is reacting. In between the dry jelqs I do some Uli squeezes/holds for about 1 minute each (I end up doing 10-20). Once that bump appears it may also bring along an engorged vein that runs from my frenulum area around my penis (about an inch or so). Sorta wants to “creep” around incrementally. When this starts to happen I stop and firmly massage the area for a minute or so and this causes the bump and vein to subside. Then I start all over again and end up finishing with a massage to the area.
Can anyone comment on what is going on? Am I nursing a thrombosed vein? Am I on the verge of making it worse? Is this just something I should deal with while I PE? Should I go back to only stretching?