Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Constant PE theory

Originally Posted by Salvo
As with any physical fitness regiment you must maintain a level of consistency, duration and resistance to augment gains. If you are building
Strength you have to work the muscle to fatigue in order to facilitate cellular breakdown and increased muscle mass. Although the physiology is in no way similar this principle applies to the penis and it’s ability to permanently enlarge.

Fatigue is the critical factor so you always want to be using a resistive force that breaks down the cellular structure. If you we’re building your biceps and you already had nice muscle mass it would be silly to start with 2lbs. Weights, you would not be stimulating the muscle in a fashion that would promote
Increased capacity. PE is the same way, everyone should start at the point where fatigue is induced and growth is stimulated.

Before you start a PE program you can pretty much determine what your increased size capacity will be. If you take your 60-70 percent erection and squeeze as hard as you can at the base you will balloon/engorge the shaft and head to a size that will be achievable for a permanent condition under a good PE program. And you can determine your length potential based on a
Vacuum pump setup that will elongate your penis to a size that can be made permanent under a good hanging/stretching PE program. Once you work your member to the point of achieving permanence in these size ranges you are
Pretty much done in terms of gains (give or take) for your Johnson. People that go beyond this are beginning to cause a rather morbid deformation unless, of course, your into asymmetrical gains.

The Lord did not intend for you to have a cock the size of your bicep so it was not built to respond to exercise similarly but in His wisdom He did build in excess capacity that could be realized by a good exercise program.

I have worked out for 3 years, I do not feel muscle work and penis work have any correlation or relevance together as you propose. We do not stretch our muscles for them to grow, we stimulate their growth by hypotrophy. Taking any biologic course will show you that every cell in the body responds to various outside issues differently. Muscle cells, nerve cells, brain, etc all have different response times, growth times, stimulation method, etc. It’s called differentiation.. Even genetics can cause some more small differences not only between cell types but between different people.

You don’t even seem to understand muscle training much either. Anaerobic does not entail working cells till exhaustion. If one wanted to do so they would use light weights and go until their muscles ran out of ATP. Strength and size training involves hypotrophy which is not dependent upon cell depletion and exhaustion. Arnold himself quotes “it is best to stimulate, not annihilate.”

It is completly irrational to compare white muscle fibers to penis fibers nor their training.

By the way, most including myself work each muscle one every 5-7 days, obviously such a philosophy would not work for PE.

“Fatigue is the critical factor so you always want to be using a resistive force that breaks down the cellular structure. If you we’re building your biceps and you already had nice muscle mass it would be silly to start with 2lbs. “

It is possible to have greater gains with the same or even less weight if you superset, drop-set, change intensity, frequency, etc. The goal is not to break down the cellular structure but to stimulate it’s expansion. Bodybuilders muscles do not necessarily have more fibers, just larger fibers ( in general).

If I worked my muscles to fatigue like you claim, it would take at least an hour and a half. Nearly all experts of training advise to train no longer then 45 minutes a session to maximize hormonal and size gains. Less is sometimes more.

This is just a guideline for what is achievable for growth. Some people are under the assumption that the longer the PE activity the longer their Johnson. This is just not the case, the structures of the penis are very resistive to size enhancement beyond a certain point (now this will vary between individuals based on genetics).

We have become so enamored with 10 inch rods we lose focus for what is realistic in this game. If you gain just one inch in length and girth your volumetric change has more than doubled. This is a substantial gain and should not be minimized. Volume measurements are far more important than actual length gains; length will only give you bragging rights in the showers. The increased surface area will translate into stimulating more nerve endings in the vagina and greater pleasure for you and her.

So, for those people that want to no what is realistic the guideline works exceptionally well. The sheath that surrounds the penis cylinder will expand only so far and that limit can be experienced by applying pressure. I mean, if you could gain an inch in height through some exercise would you consider that dramatic? I do not know why an extra inch gain in your pants would not be considered equally dramatic.

I just believe there is a lot of false hope for the 3-4 inch gain. Based on your starting point you can make some pretty accurate estimates on what a successful PE program will produce. You gotta realize that a 7-8 inch pecker puts you in the top 15 percent of all human rods.

Banned for posting bullshit.

The only correlation that is being made between physiologies is that they both can be stimulated for growth. The emphasis on “fatigue,” is made because there are too many bogus procedures that do virtually nothing. Take for example the fascination with golf weights, I have never heard of anything quite as worthless as running around with these in your pants. It will do nothing for gains but if it feels good, go gett’um. The ADS’s are virtually without merit, these toys just will not get the job done IMHO.

Banned for posting bullshit.

Originally Posted by Salvo
… you can pretty much determine what your increased size capacity will be .. balloon/engorge the shaft and head to a size that will be achievable for a permanent condition under a good PE program.

As the others guys in the thread have said there are many who’ve experienced better growth than this (me for one).

I’m not getting at a no rest day regime here, I’m getting at the deconditioning break.

I think if you push it too far, you’ll end up pushing the penis to the point where it’s only response is to mend with scar tissue, which is not useful. You need a balance between repair and growth. Taking a 2 day break in a week seems reasonable, allowing repair but not allowing full strength to be built up.

Personally I don’t get this difference between jelqing and hanging, that Dino mentioned. If you hang you are breaking down the same tissue as with jelqing, you’re just doing it all in one direction rather than multiple directions. This seems to be a recipe for the penis to adapt more quickly to the stress. Other than that, repair is repair.

I wonder if people coming back from a deconditioning break are measuring the start point from the end of the break rather than from the beginning of the break. How much of the reported gains after a break are actually just recovering from the losses during the break? Are people measuring the uncemented gains that are a part of an active PE routine, ie the the far end of a slow rebound elasticity?

Salvo you relate pe training to muscle training. You claim that the penis should always be worked when already weakened. When training muscles not fully recovered it is very possible to develope overtraining ( a real problem and actually a sickness). I do not believe one should focus working their unit while it is already weak. I believe others may agree with em in that especially for girth work such a philosophy is only asking for injury.

I also disagree with your potential and attempt to cause people here to forget their dream of a few inches of future gain. Humans micro evolve, this is fact. I believe given enough stress, and given the capability naturally speaking, the body can adapt quite far to a variety of issues.

The penis although very resistant also appears to be a structure with the capability to greatly expand and adapt. It would thus in my opinion be irrational to attempt to instill such limitations as you have not only for this reason but also for the numerous large gainers on the board.

Although the penis is much different then muscles I believe one concept is the same. Different routines and practices work differently for different people. Even pro bodybuilders disagree and have different programs, yet have success. Why should it be any different for PE. I think a variety of programs work here as well, from hanging, to ads, to short stretching, to every day for 2 hours, to every 3 days for 15 minutes.

Originally Posted by Salvo
The only correlation that is being made between physiologies is that they both can be stimulated for growth. The emphasis on “fatigue,” is made because there are too many bogus procedures that do virtually nothing. Take for example the fascination with golf weights, I have never heard of anything quite as worthless as running around with these in your pants. It will do nothing for gains but if it feels good, go gett’um. The ADS’s are virtually without merit, these toys just will not get the job done IMHO.

I have not used ADS’s but I understand that there are those who have used them exclusively and gotten gains. What is your basis for claiming that they are without merit, other than your humble opinion?


Originally Posted by memento
I wonder if people coming back from a deconditioning break are measuring the start point from the end of the break rather than from the beginning of the break.

I think people are smarter than that.

The fact is that many guys have overcome PE plateaus by taking an extended break and then restarting. I haven’t heard any good anatomical explanation for why this can occur. Usually the label “deconditioning” is applied and it is left at that.

I would agree with you, memento, that, for example, intense PEing once every four days is probably a recipe for a stronger rather than a larger penis, but any theory of PE needs to explain the fact that extended breaks do seem to make the tissue more susceptible to growth again (beyond regaining lost size).

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

I guess we all don’t really know how penis enlargement works, only so much, that doing these exercises will lead to gains if done consistently over a considerable length of time.
There is very little science to PE, thus, almost entirely based upon anecdotal evidence and speculation combined with a large portion of hope to it all. Latter, I think, is most important to this whole PE thing because it keeps you going and going and going.

I think we all agree on this thing about being persistent regarding PE work-out. In my opinion, if it helps somebody being persistent if he imagines growing a 20” x 10” boner - than let that be his motivation. As long as he sticks to PE and overcomes all the roadblocks that inevitably will come sooner or later - and he will gain !!

So, what I want to say is that it really doesn’t matter what physical limitations to gains there might be to penis enlargement. It might be gaining 10%, 50% or 200% of your original size, who the f*** cares. The only thing I know, and this is very little, is that if you don’t find a way to keep up motivation and to be persistent with PE, you’ll never find out what is really possible or not. You’ll just end up crying yourself to sleep at night and think of all this PE being the biggest BS in the world.

So salvo, if you’re going to stop with PE when you reach the gains based on your theory - I won’t stop you. I am going for 10”x 7” and as a matter of fact, if I’m not going to achieve that, that’s fine. I’ll settle and be perfectly happy with a 8X6 till the end of my days :-) ))))

My 2 cents on this

I don’t aim for any particular size I just want it to keep getting better until the day I die.

Ill never stop PE or stop working out or stop eating healthy or stop having sex. Or stop doing drugs for that matter!

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba

The fact is that many guys have overcome PE plateaus by taking an extended break and then restarting. I haven’t heard any good anatomical explanation for why this can occur. Usually the label “deconditioning” is applied and it is left at that.

1. Collagen fibers tend to remodel over time. The body naturally turns them over at a very slow rate. The new fibers will be of a variety of lengths, rather than one length, making it easier to break the short ones and extend the length upon resumption of PE.

2. Collagen fibers tend to reorient themselves in the direction of applied stress. If the stress is removed, their orientation becomes more random. The fibers will thus resist extension less strongly along a single axis upon resumption of PE.

3. Connective tissue weakens when it is not under load. One study showed that knee ligaments lose 80% of their strength after 3 months of immobility. Curiously, this is not due to a reduction of collagen content, but to some other chemical change within the tissue. Normal strength can be reestablished quickly (within a couple of months), but one may benefit from the weakened state during the recovery period (assuming this applies to the penis).

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I think people are smarter than that.

The fact is that many guys have overcome PE plateaus by taking an extended break and then restarting. I haven’t heard any good anatomical explanation for why this can occur. Usually the label “deconditioning” is applied and it is left at that.

There is one explanation why this may occur that I put some belief in right now, MagnumXL’s idea that the tunica needs to regain a certain thickness before it can be stretched further. If it is anything like mylar when stretched like he says then I can understand the problem. This explanation would imply that constant PE inhibits this regrowth of tunica thickness. /forum/en/showt … 30319#post30319

For now I find it well worth trying, together with the idea of cyclic heat application during the session and a finishing “hardening” of the softened tissues he proposes.

I have no knowledge to refute the physiological facts behind the theory, maybe some of you have information to share about this.

Last edited by Unicorn762 : 03-04-2005 at .

You are trying to make you dick bigger. How smart can you really be. So stop trying to sound scientific.

Originally Posted by hammatime2005
You are trying to make you dick bigger. How smart can you really be. So stop trying to sound scientific.

Son of a bitch!!!!! You are my hero.


Originally Posted by hammatime2005

You are trying to make you dick bigger. How smart can you really be. So stop trying to sound scientific.

Since when does somebody have to be stupid for wanting their dick to grow?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Call me knuckle-dragging, Neanderthal stupid—I want a bigger tool!


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