Thunder's Place

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Constant PE theory


Constant PE theory

Here’s the theory.

When you start your penis is hopefully not used to stress, and minimal amounts can make you grow.

If you are continually gaining you keep the tissue in a weakened state, by preventing full healing. This makes further gains easier.

If you stop for a while, the penis has a chance to heal fully and strengthen to resist the forces, to which it is now used.

So the upshot is starting with the minimal amount of force required to gain, and slowly ramping it up only as gains slow but never stopping to allow full healing is a way to guarantee best growth with the minimum amount of force and time spent.

Even using this method the penis is likely to gain strength, and techniques like modifying the routine from very length based to very girth based, to mix it up a bit, may be needed to continue gaining while sticking to reasonable levels of stress (ie those unlikely to cause injury).


I guess that’s why some people think you should stick to the newbie routine until you run out of gains.

This sounds completely reasonable. Letting the tissues heal completely seems like a bad idea. Connective tissue wants to “connect.” It’s its whole reason for being. If you let it heal completely, it will re-connect and probably shorten. Best to keep going and not let up while you have the advantage.

As a side note, Bigger thought gains inevitably slowed because the collagen fibers that make up the structural framework of the penis tend to become more equal in length. Initially, you start out with fibers of different lengths, some longer, some shorter. The initial growth spurt consists of breaking the shorter fibers and extending the tissues. Eventually, the shorter fibers either drop out or heal in a longer state, at which point they become about the same length as the longer fibers. Then, the real problem sets in, because the fibers, which are by then mostly the same length, can resist further extension in unison.

With this in mind, maintaining consistency and keeping the pressure on might help to get to this point faster and without setbacks. It may also help to break through this point, although that becomes progressively more difficult.

It’s possible (or, at least I’ve hoped) that deconditioning helps the fiber lengths to re-randomize, though normal tissue remodeling, so that a newbie-like condition can be restored over time with renewed growth potential.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Isn’t it good to take .. Say a week off once in a while though from PE? I thought I’ve read this somewhere from some members and maybe even bib .

Are we talking not taking days off or are we talking not taking deconditioning periods? Personally I can’t do my clamping routine everyday. Although I don’t think I am completely recovered by the second day either. So maybe you are on to something memento. It would stand to reason that the body adapting to the minor damaging by healing stronger than before would make future gains tougher to come by.


Your theory looks good, Mem. I try not to take any days off now because I want to stay well ahead of the healing and “toughening” the tissues tend to do when stressed.


For hanging and stretching I would agree but for jelqing and squeezing I think you need time off for recovery and actual new penis growth.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

It may be effective, but probably won’t be popular to go in a still-healing state all the is somewhat painful to feel things micro-tearing. I put up with it, but don’t like it, and sometimes unconsciously avoid it. Still, it is well worth the price paid.

Would not your theory be antagonistic to what is said on PE forums?

I was under the impression that we heal while we rest.

To use an analogy; when working out we tear the fibers of our muscles. In order to go grow we must rest. Doesn’t it make sense that we need to rest in order to grow?

Not just tearing and tearing away out our penises?

Well yes, if the penis were a muscle. It is not, so the workout analogy isn’t the best really. IMHO.


I think we can divide PE into two major camps;

1) Significant forces that require time to heal, such as a day or two or more.

2) Minor forces that can be repeated daily, or several times a day, because of minimal tissue trauma.

Experience shows that either approach can work.

I think trouble starts when you use significant forces too frequently. I believe tissue damage then accumulates, resulting in inflammation, then causing a contraction reaction and fibrosis.

Now as too which one is better, I tend to lean toward frequent minor forces. Overall it seems to make more sense to me.


As with any physical fitness regiment you must maintain a level of consistency, duration and resistance to augment gains. If you are building
Strength you have to work the muscle to fatigue in order to facilitate cellular breakdown and increased muscle mass. Although the physiology is in no way similar this principle applies to the penis and it’s ability to permanently enlarge.

Fatigue is the critical factor so you always want to be using a resistive force that breaks down the cellular structure. If you we’re building your biceps and you already had nice muscle mass it would be silly to start with 2lbs. Weights, you would not be stimulating the muscle in a fashion that would promote
Increased capacity. PE is the same way, everyone should start at the point where fatigue is induced and growth is stimulated.

Before you start a PE program you can pretty much determine what your increased size capacity will be. If you take your 60-70 percent erection and squeeze as hard as you can at the base you will balloon/engorge the shaft and head to a size that will be achievable for a permanent condition under a good PE program. And you can determine your length potential based on a
Vacuum pump setup that will elongate your penis to a size that can be made permanent under a good hanging/stretching PE program. Once you work your member to the point of achieving permanence in these size ranges you are
Pretty much done in terms of gains (give or take) for your Johnson. People that go beyond this are beginning to cause a rather morbid deformation unless, of course, your into asymmetrical gains.

The Lord did not intend for you to have a cock the size of your bicep so it was not built to respond to exercise similarly but in His wisdom He did build in excess capacity that could be realized by a good exercise program.

Banned for posting bullshit.


I see you relatively new here. You are bringing up tests that I have never

seen in this forum. You speak like you know what you are talking about.

I would love to hear more of your thoughts on the subject. Where did you pick up this info?

I don’t want to hijack this thread so could you either start a new thread or PM me?


Thats right!

But when the penis strengthen to resist the forces, It grows thicker.

I think.


Originally Posted by Salvo
Before you start a PE program you can pretty much determine what your increased size capacity will be. If you take your 60-70 percent erection and squeeze as hard as you can at the base you will balloon/engorge the shaft and head to a size that will be achievable for a permanent condition under a good PE program. And you can determine your length potential based on a
Vacuum pump setup that will elongate your penis to a size that can be made permanent under a good hanging/stretching PE program. Once you work your member to the point of achieving permanence in these size ranges you are
Pretty much done in terms of gains (give or take) for your Johnson. People that go beyond this are beginning to cause a rather morbid deformation unless, of course, your into asymmetrical gains.

The Lord did not intend for you to have a cock the size of your bicep so it was not built to respond to exercise similarly but in His wisdom He did build in excess capacity that could be realized by a good exercise program.

How do you know all this? Please enlighten us, or me at least. I can guarantee you many have went well beyond what is achievable according to your thoughts.

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