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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE "Premature Ejaculation"...


PE "Premature Ejaculation"...

Not to blow my own horn but I feel I am the authority on this subject.. At the request of avocet8 here is my story…

At 8” x 6.5” I never thought my penis was small but never really thought it was big either, despite comments made to that end by most every woman I slept with (to include several whores I paid for while serving this great nation in the U.S. Army)…

6’2” tall, slender and told I’m “good lookin” so what was the problem you ask??? I was a slouch in bed and I mean SLOUCH! I couldn’t last for shit and would fight the urge to cum within seconds, most times I would get two or three pumps into things and give the girl under me a semon shower… I leaned to eat pussy like a pro because of this problem but that was the only upside to the thing let me assure you..

5 Years ago I married the woman of my dreams, this is saying a whole lot as I swore I would never do that ( I had always shacked up with girls in the past)… I went through RCIA, read the Bible and was even on a Catholic debate team.. I thought I had it all.. A relationship with God, a wife who loved me, a great job, trick car (s) WOW!

My world came crashing in upon me in March of this year when I found my wife had had an affair (I found out the “hard way”)! The guy she cheated on me with was a lot smaller then me in the penis size department but obviously was a much better lover then me but then again that is not saying much as I couldn’t last even a minute… I was devastated and actually sick to my stomach, my wife wouldn’t let me have anal sex with her but let this other guy do it… I asked my wife to leave and tried to deal with things…

My weakness was I loved my wife and after several days we talked.. I heard from some people who knew (both her best friends knew what she did) that she was terrified of loosing me… I took my wife back, forgave her and made an appointment with my doctor… The doctor actually gave me a couple of Prozac and told me to cut them in half and take them 1/2 to 1 hour before sex (I hated that drug because I watched my wife change into a person I didn’t know after being on that drug for 2 years).. I couldn’t deal with my premature ejaculation anymore so I tried it a couple of times.. I lasted “a little longer” but that is all, I still could not break the 1 minute barrier…

I told the doctor I didn’t want to go on SSRI’s and he said some people can inprove the time to ejaculation by doing “taioist method” (may have spelled it wrong), he described the exercise and that did less for me then the prozac did, he next told me to stop wearing underwear and that seemed to help more then the previous methods but still not enough.. I took my search to the internet!

I was searching for premature ejaculation on google and came up with a pumping site (think it was tigers), it was a gay site but had alot of information on pumping.. I bought a cheap pump, didn’t know what I was doing other then reading the faq on tigers but because the tube was huge and my balls kept sucking into the tube I gave up after a week and went back to searching the net again, this time I searched PE which is Premature ejaculation for short.. I found PE Forum and can say that God had to have had something to do with it… I thought penis enlargment was total bull - shit but it did claim to help with premature ejaculation so I gave it a go…

After the first few workouts I noticed a big improvement in my erection quality and I did last longer, the first time I had sex after doing the exercises I actually hit 4 minutes which was something so new to me I damn near cried! I really hit the exercises and got to the point I was lasting 10 and even to the point my wife would tell me to hurry up because she was getting sore, I was estatic to say the least… To my horror it seemed that my dick got used to the exercises and started to fight the urge to cum again but even so I was so far ahead of where I started from I only got a little depressed…

The last thing I tried was acupuncture and that was the end all to my PE problems! I can last as long as I want / need to now.. Sometimes I even stop without busting a nut because the wife is sore.. If I don’t ejaculate I feel really good because I have spent most of my sexual life feeing really bad about my premature ejaculation problem…

Here is what I tried prior to seeing the Doctor, SSRI’s, PE and Acupunture…

COCK RINGS / SPRAYS / PRAYER / Yohimbe pills / Prolong Jelly / snapping the head of my cock with a rubber band / even contemplated allowing a bee to sting my dick! I was desperate to fix my problem and was embarrased so much by it… The open guys over a PE Forum were a Godsend to me and helped me to be able to talk about my problem and work toward a solution..

If anyone would like some help from me about premature ejaculation I would be honored to offer any help I could… I’ve been there and done that…

Now I know PE (short for what this site and PE forum is know for) IS REAL. I’m excited about having a 9” NBPEL dick, in fact if I measure while seated I’m there now but am holding out for a standing ruler measurement… I always felt bad when sex was discussed because I was so pathetic in bed but now I feel great….

I hope anyone with premature ejaculation responds to this thread because I think I can help.. I have been through the worst nightmare a man can go through, ie. knowing that you can not sexually satisfy the woman you love, the pain of your wife having an affair, brutal hurt… I’m here and offering any help I may be able to offer…

Thanks for the push avocet8!


Thanks for posting that. Premature ejaculation is an extremely common sexual problem and your experience will give some insight to other guys who experience it.

Ironic, isn’t it? You are starting out with a dick size that most members here strive for, yet it had a hair trigger. Great to hear that you are over that.

What did the acupuncture cost you over time? And were the needles placed in other body parts or in your dick? Inquiring minds will want to know.



I’m curious to know what the acupuncture entailed. I’ve had problems with premature ejac lately and it sucks.

I’ve almost always had to go slower than what my wife needs, and that’s not satisfactory.

The cost was CHEAP! 1st visit was $75.00 and the other 4 were $60.00… They did it to me over 5 weeks (once a week)… I would suggest to anyone who has a problem with this to give acupuncture a try, it was worth it for me…

Needle placement was “NOT” on the Trout (thank God)… They put several at the very top and center of my head… It was odd but after I told the person what I was suffering from and she asked me a TON of other questions that I thought odd, ie like if I had good bowel movements, sleeping behavior, if I farted a lot… Some of the questions were really weird and there were so many of them that all I remember other than what I told you was there was many questions.. After the interview she left for about 30 mins to ‘study’ the results then came back and told me I had a sore spot on my head in the top.. I said no I didn’t but she lightly touched the top of my head and IT WAS SORE… Next thing she said something about my Kidney alignment or something to that effect then started the treatment… I noticed a huge difference after the first visit and continued seeing the more staying power with each subesequent visit…

The worst part of it was the last two treatments where she put the needles in the tips of my fingers and toes, she said something about that helping me deal with the feelings of needing to ejaculate so fast… That was one of the most unpleasant experiences I’ve been through (each session lasts 1 hour with the needles in)…

I used to think that stuff was mumbojumo and bullshit but that little Chinese woman took me from an embarrassed wreck of a man who was so insecure I had trouble getting an erection (after the wifes affair) to a man who had to be told to stop because the wife couldn’t take anymore… It’s odd but until I got this problem solved I never got sore but after moving the wifes cervex around for 10 minutes I now get sore to LOL!

If any of you are in Seattle I know the person you need to see. Throw the sprays and worthless jellies away! Any questions fire em off at me and I’ll do my best with them…

Hmmm, I wish I felt that way about my size LOL… On a guy who stands 6’2” and around 195 lbs it doesn’t seem that big to me… One thing I know for sure is that my wife says it’s way to big for anal sex with her which is a total let down, I’m still working on it…

That’s an amazing turnaround! A couple of sessions with needles in your head and you’re cured!

I’m going to have a vasectomy soon. I think that will help me a lot. But if it’s not enough, I can always come to Seattle. :D

It was most brutal I can assure you.. If you are serious about coming to Seattle and going to same lady who cured me just say so and I’ll walk you right to the door of her office…

RWG, I am very happy for you, I know this issue has been eating on you for some time, and am estatic you are finally able to resolve it.

I have boughts of this pe occaisonally, and am curious. After the five treatments, are you considered cured, or do they expect you to come back if the issue rears it’s ugly head again?

she didn’t expect it to come back but if it did I’m to go back… I did the wife the other night and again she told me I needed to hurry up… I lasted almost 30 minutes… I think this is it. I no longer have terrible fears about it because I’ve lasted so long for the last couple of months, this is now me… Thanks RB…

Are you able to fire off at will once you decide to cum?

This option is sounding like something I should look into.


Yes I can… I can now hold off ejaculation until I’m ready… Only now my wife is ready before I am which is such a change for me I lack the words to describe it.. Usually 12 to 15 minutes and the wife is telling me ; “you cum now!”… The other night I went for a solid 30 minutes and the only time I pulled out was when I changed positions… Seems that her on top or Dog style is best for her… I notice that her cervex holds it’s ground in missionary position and with her on top or in Dog style it (cervex) moves out of the way so there is not pressure on it ( something girls dont like)…

It feels good to have no fear in sex anymore… I have experienced something I never thought I would… Also if ya heard I bought a pump and am very excited about it from the results I’ve seen from the last two days use of it…


Great thread!

I think the whole issue is fascinating and I’m very happy for you to solve this.

I also suffered from this problem for a long time, it has gotten better naturally with the years, and for the last 6 months or so I didn’t have any one long term relationship to really know if I still suffer from it or not.

Also, since I started using Viagra, my staying power has really improved, to the point of sometimes taking ages to come but V has this effect on some people.

Anyhow - I think the acupuncture thing is great, I’m definitely going to try it out for other things, if not for PreEj.

The way you described it reminds me of Homeopathy, they also ask you loads of personal questions both physical and emotional, and only then diagnose and give you this tiny pill. I also thought it was mumbojumo, but after I saw how it cured my son’s last ear infection I changed my mind.

I once had a scientist friend who explained to me how there is just no way in the world Homeopathy could work, he was a really smart guy with quite an open mind, but he insisted this or any other alternative medicine was total bullshit.

But what can I say when I see again and again how conventional doctors are helpless, while other methods do make a difference.

I was joking about coming to Seattle, but it might not be a bad idea.

Excellent Post!!

RWG, thank you for sharing your story and your insight on premature ejaculation! It is something most everyone has experienced at some point or other. But, when it is a regular occurrence, it can be devastating to one’s sense of self.

I can relate to your story in a small way. Like you, I thought I had met the love of my life in my former fiancee. Initially, our sex-life was fantastic. The first time we made love, she asked me if I had been a professional gigolo. :chuckle: LOL. Because of my unhappiness with my penis size (mostly my below average girth), I had worked hard to master a wide variety of sexual techniques. A few months before we were to be married, she cheated on me. She never admitted any wrong-doing, but I had irrefutable evidence. Anyway, long story short, we broke up, but I forgave her and took her back. After that, I went from lasting 1-2 hours, to lasting 1-2 minutes.

Our story didn’t have the happy ending that yours did. She had become somewhat emotionally abusive before this, but it only got worse afterward. I eventually cut her off at the kneecaps, and moved on. Recently she has gone from the occasional fishing expedition to see if I might be interested in seeing her again to openly pursuing a rendezvous with me. Following the advice I gave another Thunder’s Place member recently, I have been pleasant and friendly toward her, but very aloof and more than a challenge. When she says she misses me or loves me, I thank her. LOL. But I NEVER tell her that I miss, love, want, or need her. I have decided that she will grow old waiting to hear those words again, and when I have reached my penis enlargement goals she will NOT be the beneficiary. That has done even more toward restoring my self-esteem than discovering PE has. Hehe!

Anyway, it was great of you to advise us on what a waste all the traditional premature ejaculation remedies are, and what finally worked. I will store that away for future reference.

I’m glad things are going so well for you! And, it is a source of encouragement for many of us on the board. Thanks again for letting Avocet8 convince you to do this thread!


I won’t be content until I’ve earned the name!


thanks for sharing what happened to you with us… Doesn’t it suck to have that happen to ya?! After several months of going it alone (my wife and I ) we broke down and saw a marriage counselor, it was no doubt the best thing we did for each other… The Good Lord only knows if we can make it to the end but I currently think that we will.

It is really cool that you still treat her well and are nice to her, so many people go the other way and suffer needlessly. I had such a bad prematureE problem I have a hard time imagining someone with a worse one LOL..

I’m in PE for the long haul (2 years to be exact). At the end of this month I will be a 6 month vet lol… My gains are coming at a snails pace but will slog ahead anyway until I hit my two year mark and more then likely quit… I hope to hell I get to my goal by then but we shall see…

RWG…pretty f*cking amazing…congratulations.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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