Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE "Premature Ejaculation"...


The reason Seattle comes up is that is where RWG is and that is where he went. I think in general most of us would prefer to go to someone we know has actually cured someone. Also in this case as it is an embarrassing thing to talk about even with a professional knowing that RWG went and she didn’t laugh at him or tell him nothing can be done would make it easier to go, Especially for those of us in Seattle.

Another factor may be that a lot of smaller cities may not have as many/any acupuncturists.

Plus Seattle rules!

Of course if Seattle is not an option for people they should look for an acupuncturist in there area.

Yes, I know. I was just surprised that there are so many people from Seattle on this site, so I thought “maybe guys from all over USA consider travelling to Seattle for this” which didn’t make sense to me, and worried me because I’m not even on the same continent. But it seems that I’ve found two good acupuncturists and I plan to try this in May or June.

From what I read so far acupuncture is a sure bet.

Luckily I live in New York, so there will be no problem finding one. However, I am a full time college student on a weekly allowance that I can barely eat on. Hopefully this summer I will get a job and get this procedure done.

One question though..

How did you approach the acupuncturist for this procedure. Did you say “hey can I have some needles rammed into my dick and hopefully I will be fixed” or something like that? I have plethora of options, so I need to know the criteria for my search.

Thanks in advance.

Started on 2-09-05: 4.5" Long 4.5" Around As of 3-15-05: 5.1" Long 4.75" Around

I think that it’s very wrong to be shy with a doctor. When I go to the acupuncturist I’ll say that I have a male sexual problem and that I’ve heard that acupuncture can help. By his/her reaction to this I’ll see whether or not I’m dealing with someone who can help me or not. Obviously, he’ll ask what it is, and then I’ll say, with no shame whatsoever, that I can’t last long in bed.

I have never heard that a doctor laughed at anyone (at least as long as the patient was there). During my life, I had to see a doctor a few times regarding problems that were intimate, and every time when I said that I was uncomfortable talking about it, different doctors always said the same thing: “Don’t be ashamed, I’m a doctor, you can speak with me as you would with your best friend.”

Don’t let shame hold you back from what you need.

accolade- It can be very tough even with a professional describing a problem such as this… but the way I see it and the reason that I finally said anything to my Dr is he/she is a professional and I’m more concerned about fixing my problem than what my Dr thinks. Another thing- you may wish to avoid asking them to ram needles in your penis… especially considering RWG said they never put pins in his.

Nem- yeah seems there are a lot of us from Seattle here. Glad to hear you found some acupuncturists. Please let us now how it works out for you. I defenitely will once I get the info and head over.

Originally Posted by accolade
From what I read so far acupuncture is a sure bet.

Luckily I live in New York, so there will be no problem finding one. However, I am a full time college student on a weekly allowance that I can barely eat on. Hopefully this summer I will get a job and get this procedure done.

One question though..

How did you approach the acupuncturist for this procedure. Did you say "hey can I have some needles rammed into my dick and hopefully I will be fixed" or something like that? I have plethora of options, so I need to know the criteria for my search.

Thanks in advance.

RWG said they stuck the needles in his forehead, not in his cock. And, yes, you’ll have to tell them about your problem, to my knowledge they aren’t psychic.

New York has a lot of Asians that’s for sure. Chinatown is threatening to completely subsume Little Italy.

Here is a web site for New York, Chicago, and San Diego . I had a girlfriend who went to these people, here in New York, for a hockey injury. It’s a clinic from a school that teaches various kinds of Asian medicine, it’s discounted because you are being treated by students - don’t worry licensed practitioners supervise,
so you get professional care. But if your wallet is a concern I hear it’s cheap.

New York, of course, probably has cheaper somewhere, if you do some digging. I just wouldn’t know where to start. The Yellow Pages I guess.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Lol, I did read “forehead” but for some reason I thought he was referring to the head of the penis.

I will do an Internet search and send out some emails to some places.

Started on 2-09-05: 4.5" Long 4.5" Around As of 3-15-05: 5.1" Long 4.75" Around


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