Thunder's Place

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Constant state of jelq is giving me big gains!

Hey Van Cock,

What, do you think you are someone special? Have you seen other dick pics in the Main Member Forum? Then why was your pic here?

I deleted it. Start a new thread or add to your other thread in the Pics Forum, where dick pics belong.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

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Sorry Thunder. I didn’t realize you couldn’t do that. I did realize it when some of them did not load. Thanks for deleting it.

I’ll be good.


Originally Posted by Vincent Van Cock
I started at 5.5” girth. I have been PEing almost exactly 3 weeks and I am now 6.25” girth.

You do mean 3 months right VVC?

I don’t want the newbies freakin’ out.

…still some damn impressive gains in a pretty short period of time.

Damn! I’m sorry! Yeah, three months. I started Feb 1st.

Thanks man.


Originally Posted by Vincent Van Cock
It has been said “Iron sharpens iron. So, one man, another.”

That is why I am posting this topic…………

We Hang, Stretch, Uli, Horse440, Pump, Edge, Balloon but are you jelqing???

I was happy to change my stats to 6.25” girth and I believe I owe it to a constant state of jelq. Here’s what I mean by that. I jelq slowly, 3-5 second strokes every morning and every evening for 10-15 minutes. Actually this morning it was 20 minutes. My cock is in a constant state of buldge. I an wearing tighter pants these days and am getting lots of looks, down there, from the opposite sex during the day and last night I even caught Mrs V looking in that direction! I truely believe I WILL reach my goal by this summer and then probably set another one. Now I do a bit more than just jelq. I also edge/ballon for 1 hour 3-4 times a week. I also do some ULIs and Horse440s here and there but my groundwork is based around jelqing. I even practice what I call “Zen Jelqing” I think about jelqing during a boring part of my day and my dick actually reacts to the thoughts. I feel it start to tingle and get ready for a nice workout! I then practice some visualization. My cock is in a constant state of jelqing all day long. I think this is very, very instrumental in gaining and cementing.

If you are serious about having a bigger dong, and I believe we all are or we would not be on this forum. please consider this practice of jelqing and if you are not serious about it, reconsider that as well. I believe it is the foundation of PE and this is where the cemented gains will come from.

Cheers to you all, Do good things.

Your friend,



Sounds like you’ve made tremendous gains from jelqing. But I’m having a hard time trying to visualize what a 3-5 second jelq looks like. Are you doing wet or dry jelqs? What level of erection?

Hey V,

I am with you on the jelqing boat. I can’t stop doing them. I’m up to about 1000 a day now. I like to break them into 4 sets. It usually takes me about 10 minutes to get in 250 of them and I do that 4 times a day. What a difference! I’ve been doing it for about 2 weeks now and I feel huge! I’m not going to measure for a while but my shaft can no longer fit into a TP roll. (unfortunately my glans can :( , I’m going to start working on that next) Dry jelqs is all I am doing for girth right now. I’m obsessed and addicted. I agree that jelqing is an essential part of a girth routine.


I only wet jelq. I do not have enough skin on my donker to dry jelq. Eithe that or I just don’t understand it.

Room to Grow. It sounds like we are on the same page.

I think my point of the whole post is to say that PE is in the brain as much as in the unit. That is what I believe anyway. Look at it this way, if your unit is 3 inches bigger, there is a lot of compensate for your brain to deal with. More blood, more cells, etc. Our brain knows every fraction of an inch of our bodies and it deals with it every second. If we are constantly in a state of a bigger cock from continuous jelqing, yet not intense jelqing, even though it is not actually bigger, I believe our brains will start compensating for this and actually allow for the transission for a bigger cock ot arrive and actually make the transformation easier. Also, the simple fact that the cock is used to being swollen to that size makes the physics thingey more do-able. How are those for words, thingey and do-able??? Heh heh

Am I making sense at all???


Let me say this though, I think you can over do it and jelq too much, especially if you are doing it twice a day. you don’t want to put your dick in a state of shock or damage all the time. The trick is to give it just enough so it can heal overnight and then right back at it the next day.

That is what has been working for me.


Originally Posted by Vincent Van Cock
I even practice what I call “Zen Jelqing” I think about jelqing during a boring part of my day and my dick actually reacts to the thoughts. I feel it start to tingle and get ready for a nice workout! I then practice some visualization.

VVC, I really think you should make a video of that, it would be informative. ;)

“Irony sharpens irony. So, one man, another.”

Originally Posted by Vincent Van Cock
Let me say this though, I think you can over do it and jelq too much, especially if you are doing it twice a day. you don’t want to put your dick in a state of shock or damage all the time. The trick is to give it just enough so it can heal overnight and then right back at it the next day.

That is what has been working for me.


So if you can over do it doing it only twice a day, what are you doing if you do it four times a day?? Hmmmm. Well, I have nothing but positive reactions from “pudge”, so I’ll stick with it for now. I take off one day a week, we’ll see if that is good enough. Right now he is really responding well to the extra “attention”. And you know the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, fix it till it is.” Is that just a government saying?


Hey VvC, Seems like I am going to agree with you again!! I do whatever I can to keep Rod excited - 2 jelq sessions, a stretch when I visit the bathroom, loose boxer shorts - it all just keeps the fresh blood flowing through.

Basically up until very recently I only jelqed and I have not run out of gains yet, nor is the rate of increase diminishing. However, I do feel that edging (and as I start to be able to master it) ballooning are great aids to PE, especially in cementing gains.

Not sure I totally agree with Sparkyx: I bumped my basic jelq count up to 600-700/session last week and for the first 4-5 sessions saw quite a lot of shrinkage afterwards. However, now my unit is used to it I am back to having an all day flaccid hang with a nice pumped up feel to it. So maybe it is a question of thresholds - rather like muscle training.

Nice gains VVC and some very good points, I’ve been trying to get into the whole mental aspect of PE, starting with knocking hardcore porn on the head and reading erotic stories during my pumping either side a nice jelqing session :D

Plus I must say what a great avatar you’ve got…… it Mrs Van Cock?

I tend to jelq whenever convenient. I jelq more times a day then I eat! It is a simple exercise, and as VVC put, it keeps that bulge.


Did you clamp while you were edging?


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