Thunder's Place

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Constant state of jelq is giving me big gains!


Constant state of jelq is giving me big gains!

It has been said “Iron sharpens iron. So, one man, another.”

That is why I am posting this topic…………

We Hang, Stretch, Uli, Horse440, Pump, Edge, Balloon but are you jelqing???

I was happy to change my stats to 6.25” girth and I believe I owe it to a constant state of jelq. Here’s what I mean by that. I jelq slowly, 3-5 second strokes every morning and every evening for 10-15 minutes. Actually this morning it was 20 minutes. My cock is in a constant state of buldge. I an wearing tighter pants these days and am getting lots of looks, down there, from the opposite sex during the day and last night I even caught Mrs V looking in that direction! I truely believe I WILL reach my goal by this summer and then probably set another one. Now I do a bit more than just jelq. I also edge/ballon for 1 hour 3-4 times a week. I also do some ULIs and Horse440s here and there but my groundwork is based around jelqing. I even practice what I call “Zen Jelqing” I think about jelqing during a boring part of my day and my dick actually reacts to the thoughts. I feel it start to tingle and get ready for a nice workout! I then practice some visualization. My cock is in a constant state of jelqing all day long. I think this is very, very instrumental in gaining and cementing.

If you are serious about having a bigger dong, and I believe we all are or we would not be on this forum. please consider this practice of jelqing and if you are not serious about it, reconsider that as well. I believe it is the foundation of PE and this is where the cemented gains will come from.

Cheers to you all, Do good things.

Your friend,


Vincent, I agree with you on this one. I’m so sick and friggen tired of paralysis by analysis and the cornucopia of exotic routines that I’m saying “screw it” and I’m just going to stick with basics. I’m gonna jelq, dry, wet, whatever, 2 times per frickin day, morning/evening, for 10-15 minutes per session. I will throw in a few ulis, and I will stretch for a few at bathroom breaks during the day and after my shower at night. “Keep it simple stupid” is what I have to tell myself. I did the newbie routine for 8 weeks with nothing new, except for a little extra flaccid, so maybe I just gave up on it too soon. I’ll give this basic routine until the end of June and then check back. Now, if I could just get my woman a higher sex drive so she’ll want to bang more often.

My main point is that I think it is better to do two smaller sessions of jelqing a day rather than one bigger session of 30-45 minutes just once a day. I do think that the penis benefits from being put into this state of mind more often. This way, less trauma is done on the unit as well and less rest time is required, therefore no days off needed.

Let me know your thoughts on this guys.



Good for you. Give it a try and let me know what you find.

BTW getting them to bang more often is an art in itself and we men have spent lifetimes learning the answer to that question……..Do I hear an Amen to that???


Yes, a huge amen to that. I always say to her “since you come every time and just about come out of you skin, why don’t you want to feel that more often?” and she says, “most women just aren’t wired up like you men are, we don’t think about it as much.” Very puzzling to me, but, whatever..

What’s your thought about doing our smaller session dry vs. Wet jelq. I usually do dry because I feel like I can get “deeper” into the pull and move blood around more vigorously, plus it helps with my stealth PE method. Do you notice any difference?

I agree one hundred per cent with you, and I also have girth above 6 inches. Consistent jelqing and edging afterwards is the way to go.

Very good idea with zen jelqing, I just think about something sexy to keep my self “inflated”, but zen jelqing should be more spesific, and there of more efficient.

I think there are two major components that must be met to get growth;

1) You must be bigger during and from your routine, that is see expansion while you are doing it.

2) You must see an increased flaccid size most of the day afterward.

I’m beginning to think that if you don’t get BOTH, you will get little to NO gains.

Sometimes you can go overboard and get good expansion during, but afterwards you get shrinkage= TOO MUCH!

Then there are times you are fine afterward, but never really got expansion DURING the PE= not enough!


Lately, I’ve probably been going overboard, get good expansion during, but after I get shrinkage that lasts for hours. I think I stepped up the intensity too quick. I went from 8 weeks of newbie plan, immediately up to almost doubling my time of jelquing during the last 2 weeks. Plus, instead of gradually adding in Uli’, I jumped up to adding over 10 per day. I thought, “ok, I’ve done the newbie plan for 8 weeks with nothing but crap to show for it, so I must crank up the intensity.” If you look at my idea above, you’ll see what I plan on doing now, which is just going back to a moderate plan. The art of listening to our bodies is a fine line to master.

Originally Posted by Vincent Van Cock
My main point is that I think it is better to do two smaller sessions of jelqing a day rather than one bigger session of 30-45 minutes just once a day. I do think that the penis benefits from being put into this state of mind more often. This way, less trauma is done on the unit as well and less rest time is required, therefore no days off needed.

Let me know your thoughts on this guys.


Starting tomorrow, I’m going to dry jelq int the morning for 10 minutes, wet jelq in the evening for 15 minutes, and stretch before sleep, and wherever possible.

What do you think?

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by slackjawedyokel
Starting tomorrow, I’m going to dry jelq int the morning for 10 minutes, wet jelq in the evening for 15 minutes, and stretch before sleep, and wherever possible.

What do you think?

Sounds like a great plan!


Hey Vincent what Girth size did you start at? How long have you been PEing?

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I think there are two major components that must be met to get growth;

1) You must be bigger during and from your routine, that is see expansion while you are doing it.

2) You must see an increased flaccid size most of the day afterward.

I’m beginning to think that if you don’t get BOTH, you will get little to NO gains.

Sometimes you can go overboard and get good expansion during, but afterwards you get shrinkage= TOO MUCH!

Then there are times you are fine afterward, but never really got expansion DURING the PE= not enough!

What about if you get MASSIVE expansion during, but then after the workout, it goes back to “regular” size. (Ie not overdoing it, maybe under doing it?)

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read


Regular size SHOULD be ok, in that you are not getting contraction. Massive indicates you have gotten excellent stretching of the tissues. Afterward will indicate if it lead to inflammation.

Contraction is a response to inflammation, which is usually a sign of too much trauma.

In a case like that, where you not sure if it is a good indicator or bad, time will tell.

That is to say, after a week, what is happening. Is the expansion getting bigger or smaller? When you return to “normal” is normal slowly getting bigger or smaller?

If every time you get expansion, it is a little more, and this is NOT followed by contraction…you will probably start to see normal starting to expand also.

If expansion is getting bigger, but normal is shrinking…probably means you are drifting into over-training…cutting back should rectify it.

By observing these things you will find out whether you are getting it right or overdoing it.

I started at 5.5” girth. I have been PEing almost exactly 3 weeks and I am now 6.25” girth. I do quite consistant jelqing and ULIs with no days off for some time now. I did take two weeks off due to an injury. Now please remember, these are measurements taken after workout. Here are some pics of my girth if you want to see it………..

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