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You have to jelq every 4 hrs to see good gains ?! [some thoughts and questions]

You have to jelq every 4 hrs to see good gains ?! [some thoughts and questions]


maybe someone can shed light on this…

A few years ago i did a websearch regarding PE and i came along a site [dont ask for address, i forgot it looong ago]…on this website someone talkes about the usual ‘cell break up and repair’ stuff. The interesting thing i read was:

The cells repair itself again in 4 hours. In other words: If you do PE at 8:00am you break up a certain percentage of cells….but if you dont PE again in the next 4 hrs these “break ups” will be repaired again. For substantial gains it might be advised to keep PEing as often as every 4 hours - so the next PE session can build up on the last one continuing with the breakup of cells and therefore the stretching/enlarging process.

I dont know if these statements have ANY substance. However, i think it’s interesting to get some inputs and results of you here. Eg…the big gainers here…what routines do they use ? Are there big gainers who “only” PE like in the morning and evening…or are the big gainers *actually* all PEing in this 4 hour timeframe to get max. results ?
Does anyone know anything about the duration how long it takes for cell rebuild/regrowth…and could therefore develop a [theoretical] optimum routine, eg. concering the times and frequency to do PE for max gains ?



I’d also like some input regarding pause times (days off etc.)…eg. 6on/1off….or 3on/1off/3on/1off….or 5on/2off…what would be advisable ?

Hey ABL,

So what do you do in the middle of the night? Set an alarm clock and get up and jelq?

I don’t know if anybody actually knows how long it takes cell to repair themselves, but I think it is a gradual process. A few cells at a time in other words. It is not like after 4 hours, they are all repaired. And it is probably a different amount of time for each individual and workout.

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I believe there is something interesting in this ideas.

As far as my PE, I only seem to gain when working out 2-3 times/day and 3-10 days on 1 off.


Originally posted by ThunderSS
Hey ABL,
So what do you do in the middle of the night? Set an alarm clock and get up and jelq?


Thunder it may sound funny but I’ve done it….

I never read any information on this but there was a period of about 3 months were I engaged in similar workout strategies…
My theory was that it would increase flaccid length quicker, as it was in a post pe size more frequently. I did not set the alarm, but being the weirdo I am, I woke up throughout the night and would PE during these wake ups. At work I hit the bathroom every few hours. My workouts were pretty much the same at they were with the addition of these sparatic sessions. My routine was 1000jelqs in the am, 500 jelqs in the pm, stretching pre AM jelqs, Heavy Keggle routine post am jelq, hot wraps only after am and pm jelqs, horse squeezes worked into am and pm jelqs., Testicle health routine after PM Jelq. in addition to this I would hit the bathroom every few hours and through in a quick 100 Jelq. session and I would do the same at night when I woke.

Did this help me make gains? no doubt in my mind…a majority of the gains I made was during this overly obsessive period of my PE. Mentally though is a different story….I think that it actually contributed to becoming more and more obsessed with my penis. I was always thinking about it, ALWAYS…this is not good, at least for me, because there was alot more going on I needed to be present for that I was not.

I read something around this time that has stuck with me and really helped me. I am pretty sure that Pamdaga was the one who said it, correct me if I’m wrong. “You do not have to rush it, gains will come when they are supposed to come, be patient and consistent.” I have folled this very closely since I read that and have had a better life in PE. I have very strict regiments of exercise that are specific and consistent. (see my routine) I have the time set aside for pe and when I accomplish my exercise goals…I’m am done…I then move on to other important areas of my life…My gains have not been at incredible as they were during that overly obsessive period but they have happened slowly and consistently. I think Stillwantmore said, “This is not a race, take your time” and I would like to say he is so right. When I take the rushing urgent atitude out of PE and relax and let things happen as they happen I am much more relaxed and able to enjoy other parts of my life.

I think a better way of approaching workouts of this nature are maybe every 6 months for maybe a week as a shock routine to boost growth…other than that I advocate listening to the elders here who have been consistent growers.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Agree with you DLD.

I´m in such a period now and have been for two weeks.
I think I have gained 1/4” girth and minor length.
My gains have been coming almost exclusively in such periods.
2-3 workouts a day not nessecarily so long. And as soon as I have something that reminds me of a hard-on, squeeeeeeze it up 1/4” in girth and go on with life. Also going hard, not so I feel pain but a really good reminder of that I am really stretching every piece of tissue in my loved “little one”.

Life is good!


Only A Question???

Thats all it is so if you think its more than that then Ok think what you will.

But When you get through with PE exercises & You then move on to other important areas of your life?
I was wondering what those important areas are?
Whats next in importance to you & are you just as obssesive in those areas?
Or is it only PE that gets to you?

Hey Everybody always told me if you dont ask you will never know!
I am very curious as you can see & its the only way I find out things I wanna know.

If it dosnt bother you to answer my questions I certainly dont have any problem asking them!
I am very intrested in your answer also

Last edited by DiamondWinds : 08-20-2002 at .

Re: Only A Question???

Originally posted by DiamondWinds
But When you get through with PE exercises & You then move on to other important areas of your life?
I was wondering what those important areas are?
Whats next in importance to you & are you just as obsessive in those areas?
Or is it only PE that gets to you?

Diamond your questions are always welcome. O.C.D. pretty much touches every part of my life to different degrees. As far as PE is concerned I would be a lie if I said that when I was done with a workout I stopped obsessing about it. PE, not the most important part of my life, does tend to be the area my O.C.D. dwells much of the time. For instance, I could just be sitting there in the bathroom and out of no where I see a hairspray can and I am overwhelmed with the feeling that I need to compare myself or measure. This type of scenario will happen periodically through out my day. Sometimes they are only minor doubts with I can pass off easier, but other times it may take much time to satisfy the obsession or doubt with evidence to the contrary. My life is very small in the sense of what I do, meaning safe…explained: I get up, PE, Go to work, Stop at the food store, go home….This is pretty much it…Having O.C.D. really strips you of certain freedoms that most people take for granted. Within my small, sheltered life I do much to occupy myself. I Produce House and Hip Hop Music in my studio…I play classical piano….I spend alot of time with my son…..I love TV and movies….obviously I am an advid internet junkie…I love photography….I love reading…and many other mentally challenging pass times…I need this type of variety in my life or as you could easily see the mundane structure would be quite boring. In all of the above mentioned pastimes O.C.D. invades to a certain extent…many of my compulsions revolve around counting and checking and it affects these areas in a variety of ways. Music is based around counting and endless checking…I struggle or at least expect myself to be as close to perfect as I can (which never happens) My Son I try to keep free of any of my strange compulsions was recently diagnosed with O.C.D. so I make certain that I do not expose him to any of my compulsions. He is very much like me and I see so many traits of myself in him. Reading is difficult because I need to read parts over and over at times or skip certain pages and other crazy ruminations or rituals. Photography is also another area I am constantly checking, reshooting, editing and reediting until I have satisfied the insistent doubts. I feel that importance in my life has a definite structure and Penis Enlargement is not of the highest importance. God (which I suffer from scrupulism), My Son, Family and Girlfriend top the list…Music and photography are a def. second priority. After these important things I think PE is nestled somewhere in the third or Forth range. :) I hope this answers your questions.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


I think you ask good questions.
It is especially pertinent to me as I am winding down in my efforts at gaining (I am satisified with length - would like a fraction more in girth).

>>But When you get through with PE exercises & You then move on to other important areas of your life? I was wondering what those important areas are?>>

I would like to loose weight and get a little more fit. Not only for vanity issues but in terms of maintaing health. Spend more time on other persuits/hobbies like golf, continuing education in medicine, romancing the wife (not just showing up with a bigger dick - although for now that has been working just fine). Read more, brush up on other languages (latin and french).

>>Or is it only PE that gets to you?>>

No, I have a pattern that usually serves me well. I obsess about something, master it or achieve a set goal then its on to the next obsession whatever that is.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Those are good goals to set for yourself…

“illigetimus non tatum carborundum!!!”

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God


Thank you for always letting me ask questions & always answering them with intresting none the less answers.
I can see Luvdadus that you are very goal oriented & you evidently get satisfaction out of meeting those goals.

You seem to basicaly redeem a satisfaction in setting goals & accomplishing them.

But with doublelongdaddy he dosnt seem to ever get that satisfaction in the goals he sets even if hits it above & beyond.

I cant imagine not ever being satisfied with myself no matter what I did or was willing to do?

Is that a lack of self confidence or a big vanity trip!
I know its called O.C.D. but is it an ego boaster or an ego buster?

Im really just trying to understand if doublelongdaddy is extremly happy with hisself after all the checking & measuring.
Or extremly unhappy after all the measuring & checking

Is there ever a happy medium that is just ok fine?

Re: Luvdadus

Originally posted by DiamondWinds
Thank you for always letting me ask questions & always answering them with intresting none the less answers.
I can see Luvdadus that you are very goal oriented & you evidently get satisfaction out of meeting those goals.

You seem to basicaly redeem a satisfaction in setting goals & accomplishing them.

But with doublelongdaddy he dosnt seem to ever get that satisfaction in the goals he sets even if hits it above & beyond.

I cant imagine not ever being satisfied with myself no matter what I did or was willing to do?

Is that a lack of self confidence or a big vanity trip!
I know its called O.C.D. but is it an ego boaster or an ego buster?

Im really just trying to understand if doublelongdaddy is extremly happy with hisself after all the checking & measuring.
Or extremly unhappy after all the measuring & checking

Is there ever a happy medium that is just ok fine?

Understanding OCD is difficult for someone who does not suffer from it. A great site to learn more about the disease is OCD Online | Therapy | 137 E 36th Street, NY, New York 10016 As far as being happy or unhappy with the results of my compultion it really does not deal with happy or unhappy. To better understand my obsession with measuring and the feeling or doubts I have a good comparison is this:

The person who has O.C.D. around if they made sure the stove is off…They can repeatily check but for some reason the information does not get through. No matter how many times they check the doubt returns minutes later. The same thing happens when I measure (using that as an example) If I measure my penis and I see the measurement of 9.5"…5 minutes later I will start thinking I did it wrong, or some strange doubt…The doubt will stay in my thought process until I go and measure again. This process can go on for quite some time…The final feeling I am striving for is not to be happy…I am generally happy…the final feeling that I never seem to get to is being 100% sure.

and this is why I let Jennifer, my girlfriend, measure me most of the time.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

I worked up a routine to try and take advantage of the 4-6 hour idea. You can check it out here…

Modemmer - Hypertrophy & PE


This wouldn’t be considered over training?

No, actually this would be considered bringing up a thread from BEYOND the grave!

Eight years? Are you serious? That still has posts from DLD!!!

But yes, jelqing every four hours would be over training. Completely ignore the idea. I’ve had plenty of gains and I’ve never ever trained to jelq that often. Or even anywhere CLOSE to that frequently. The beginners routine is all you need to know. Doing that routine will teach you enough about yourself to create your own intermediate, and then, advanced routine. Fact.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

Looks like we are delving into pyrrhonism.

Strange because it only seems to have occurred in the last two New member sessions to any great degree.

And it’s just that I have been wanting to use that word for ages (:

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:


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