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Correct BPEL measurement?


Correct BPEL measurement?

Ok, all of us know how measure BPEL, but seems more difficult that we think.
here this drawing.

Wich method is correct? first or second?
I bet that 90% here measure as the first method, also me, and woth this I’m 18cm( 7 inches) BPEL.
But with second method i’m 17.5cm (6.9 inches) BPEL.

If the measure is done to tracking gains, no problems, but if the measure is done to match with others and to create a statistics, is a problem.

now 7(18 cm) BP , 5.9(15 cm) MEG

Click me: my photos

I can’t put the picture beacuse there are this error :

” You have already attached this file in thread “

now 7(18 cm) BP , 5.9(15 cm) MEG

Click me: my photos

Rename the pic. Remember that no penis pics are allowed in main.

Yes marinera, I’m already rename the pic but also it’s this problem.

It’s a simple drawing, no penis or porno.

now 7(18 cm) BP , 5.9(15 cm) MEG

Click me: my photos

Try cleaning the cache of your browser then.

Its a pretty simple calculation, I guess a razors-edge would dissuade the potential cheater. It becomes somewhat tenuous with “fat boy” pads burying the metrics.

Take anything and everything that DutyQuest has posted with a large grain of salt.

I’ve looked through a few, before and after photo’s, where you can clearly see that the measuring method has changed. Partly responsible for some of the gains. The rule is, place the ruler at the top of the shaft. I would also ad that it should be on center, at least a part of the ruler. If the ruler strays to the side, you’ll hit a different part of your pubic bone, witch is not a flat structure. If you have girth gains, that will influence where the side (top) of the penis is relative to the pubic bone. You could end up near your femur depending on your girth, which is even further back.

Your “femur”.now, that is a bone.

Take anything and everything that DutyQuest has posted with a large grain of salt.

Yes, the correct method is with ruler on top centre, and not top side.

Another thing that 90% here don’t do is to measure with a ruler VERTICAL because in this method the ruler stop at the very pubic bone, and NOT WITH THE RULER HORIZONTAL, beacuse in this case the ruler pass the pubic bone and hit the space between.

i have a pretty cool drawing that explain all but I can’t put on this 3d because I have already put it in another thread here at TP

now 7(18 cm) BP , 5.9(15 cm) MEG

Click me: my photos

Resize the pic (or change extension) , rename it and try again. Or link to the post where you attached the previous pic.

I have always measured horizontal.

Yes, but with the ruler flat or vertical? here I saw 90% of measured pics who ruler is flat horizontal

now 7(18 cm) BP , 5.9(15 cm) MEG

Click me: my photos

I’ve not seen a photo of somebody measuring like that. It makes sense the way you explained it though. The problem is that somebody with a huge fat pad would give even more random results (depending on weight gain). The vertical ruler stretches closer to your navel where your belly fat will play a role. How wide your ruler is will also influence measurement. I’m going to try the vertical ruler, see how it differs from horizontal.

Consistency in measurement either way can prove EL gains, but I see what you mean with the ruler.

As far as bone pressed, if the measurements return different values, there could be a new measurement standard set.

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