Correlating Size with Gains
Hey guys,
My hypothesis is that following the rubber band theory, bigger guys gain harder in comparison to smaller guys. If the rubber band theory holds true, then a big rubber band(penis) is harder to gain with because it has more material and therefore resistance, then a smaller one which will deform easier. Try this with a rubber band.
I have yet to link this to Bib’s Lot Theory, but after reviewing some research data, and hopefully getting some responses, I may be able to correlate a pattern. Anyways the end result I am hoping for is to see if any, that size has any relationship to gains, and if there is, what is the better course of action.
This is based on the fact that gains come thru 2 factors, intensity and time.
Intensity will be classified as high or low, depending on time spent and how hard(relatively) one is working. Time is classified on rest breaks, whether the individual is taking frequent rest days or no rest days. I hope to validate these 4 upcoming claims.
1) High Intensity, No Rest
2) Low Intensity, No Rest
3) High Intensity, Frequent Rest
4) Low Intensity, Frequent Rest
Examples are: 1 would be a shock routine. 2 is Constant Force. 3 is Heal/Growth. 4 is ‘Less is More’. These seem to be the main ways to gain that many gainers have chosen. Which ones they have picked/tried depends on the routine.
I have PMed several people already, about there gains, and I hope to have more input from you guys about this. You don’t have to be a big gainer, all I ask is that over a certain period of time which you have gained, preferably (but not limited too) is your first gain period. If you guys have time, please post or PM me.
The applications of this is that if true, people can choose the best method for trial and error depending on their goals. For example, person A wants to gain length. He is a first timer, below average size. He would then use method 2. Or, if a Vet is looking to gain girth after a long break, he could use 3.
The classification of exercises(if applicable) and the individuals I will post at a later time, as I’m sure they have other things to do, and classifying is a grey area. I also have several things to currently do, so it may be a while till I get back to you guys.
So guys, feel free to chip in, pick apart my theory, post info etc etc. If I’m on to something, well that’s good. If this is a crapshoot, well at least I’m trying.