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Correlation between legs stretches and penis stretches?

Correlation between legs stretches and penis stretches?


I searched the forums for the topic that I am about to present, but didn’t find it exactly. It is quite simple and something that I noticed today.

I am very inflexible. When standing, I can not reach down and touch my toes while keeping my legs straight. There seems to be left about a 6 inch gap from hands to toes.

Yesterday, I watched many online instruction videos for how to properly stretch to gain flexibility. I did many of them for around 1 hour. I increased the stress by using a rope to pull on. For instance, I put the rope between my feet to do the stretch I mentioned above. I could then tug strongly on the rope to gain a greater stretch that hurt more. After the stretching I went and had a shower and bent down and noticed I didn’t feel much at all. I then tried to touch my toes, and I was easily successful! I could almost get a knuckle onto the tub floor. And this comes after having had a 6 inch gap before the stretching.

The above was quite surprising. So this morning I tried to touch my toes again. And guess what?! The 6 inch gap separating my hands from touching my toes was back again. It seemed to be about the same, but I can’t be sure since it’s not possible for me to measure in that position. Anyways, isn’t that remarkable? Let me explain my thoughts.

I liken what happened with the leg stretching to what happens when I stretch my penis. I hang weights using the Captains Wench, but the idea should apply to manual stretches too. I noticed that after I would hang, my length would increase from 15.5 cm to around 16.1 cm, and that is about 0.2 inches. And the effect that I noticed with my legs could potentially be happening with my penis also, that is, going back to the inflexible state.

It was around 15 hours between the legs stretches allowing me to touch my toes and going back to not being able to touch them. How, at all, is this related to stretching of the penis? Does it mean that penis stretches should be performed more frequently than 15 hours? That seems to be likely for myself.

What are your thoughts on this idea? (if it is new).

Since my body will have peculiarities to me, I think that if I keep track of my leg stretches, what works, the progress, time intervals, it may be a good indicator for what is happening with my penis as I stretch it also. For instance, if I see that my holding my leg stretches for 3 minutes instead of 30 seconds I get an increase, I could increase the hang time too. Or that if I increase in flexibility when sessions are spaced every 8 hours, then I could try the same with the penis stretches too.

Please add thoughts, comments. I read that some members would hang for hours at a time. And then saw much improvement. Maybe it has something to do with what I write.


Start: October 1, 2007: BPFL 15.2 cm, EG 5 inches

Current: October 16, 2007: BPFL 15.5 cm, EG 5 inches

Goal: NBPEL: 12 inches, EG 8 inches

This thread might be of interest to you, it’s about the concept of accumulating strain, to a point where plastic deformation happens, and the time it takes for stretched tissue to return to it’s original length.

A Possible Breakthrough. About TIME !

My Measurements | My Favorites

Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
This thread might be of interest to you, it’s about the concept of accumulating strain, to a point where plastic deformation happens, and the time it takes for stretched tissue to return to it’s original length.

A Possible Breakthrough. About TIME !


Start: October 1, 2007: BPFL 15.2 cm, EG 5 inches

Current: October 16, 2007: BPFL 15.5 cm, EG 5 inches

Goal: NBPEL: 12 inches, EG 8 inches

Another point to raise: Do “hard gainers” find it difficult to increase flexibility over those that are “easy gainers”?

Start: October 1, 2007: BPFL 15.2 cm, EG 5 inches

Current: October 16, 2007: BPFL 15.5 cm, EG 5 inches

Goal: NBPEL: 12 inches, EG 8 inches

Somewhat off topic and I’m not attempting to hijack your thread, I just noticed your sig.

Goal: NBPEL: 12 inches, EG 8 inches

That’s one hell of a goal.

Originally Posted by vic20
Somewhat off topic and I’m not attempting to hijack your thread, I just noticed your sig.
Goal: NBPEL: 12 inches, EG 8 inches
That’s one hell of a goal.

12 inches length, wouldn’t that be way too much for most girls? That is surely to cause lot of pain for them.

More than likely yes. Just because you have it all doesn’t mean you have to use it all. When you get in the car to drive somewhere, do you give it full throttle everywhere you go? More than likely you won’t be driving long if you do. I guess a “cute” way of looking at it is every woman has a different “speed limit” in regard to length. When you’ve exceeded the “speed limit” they will let you know, either verbally or physically.

Girth on the other hand, not much that you can do if you are “too girthy”. Eight inches, from everything I’ve experienced and read is a bit over the top.

Either way, both variables in the goal equation are on the extreme end of things. If that’s really what does it for you then more power to you. Besides it’s not like those kinds of gains, in relation to his current stats, are going to just sneak up on him. Unless he, celestialhammer, is a troll of some sort, it will take years to obtain those kinds of gains. IMO judging from his join date and his recent posts, he’s still kind of new at this and reality will eventually set in, but as I said if that’s what floats his boat then great more power to him.

Sorry for the poor grammar :) .

Haha, wow celestialhammer, don’t be modest, tell us your real goal!! :D

My Measurements | My Favorites

When trying to gain flexibility you need to go slow and be consistent. Once you’re thoroughly warmed up you’re going to be far more flexible, but you’re not going to get any permanent gains in an hour.

There is a saying which is used in certain circles which states:

“Over time, not over night.”

As you become more flexible you will be able to start out with deeper stretches, but after stretching you will always feel more loose and be able to go deeper than you could when cold.

How does all this relate to PE? Well some people undeniably are naturally more flexible. This could account for those who either gain well or can stretch extremely far without any gains at all. For the most part stretching muscles seems to work by a different mechanism, but there is still the inescapable truth that as with so many things time and consistent effort are requisites for success.

*You're in the right place – all the information you could ever need about PE is only a forum search away!*

Take your time, pick a simple routine you can stick to, and be consistent in your efforts. Patience is the key.

Originally Posted by vic20
Somewhat off topic and I’m not attempting to hijack your thread, I just noticed your sig.
Goal: NBPEL: 12 inches, EG 8 inches
That’s one hell of a goal.

Haha! I wrote it as a joke! :)

I’m a new member and I thought it would be pretty funny. You know, the new guy with unrealistic ambition. It took until this thread for anyone to mention it! Thanks! :)

I would say that my real goal is for 6.5-7 NBPEL and any girth increase. My girth right now is 5.25 and when I am fully pumped, it seems like a decent size for a woman. At my current length and girth, my penis looks really stalky and not the normal proportions. I think that 6.5-7 is realistic. And if girth increases beyond 5.25, then that is just an added benefit to me.

Also, I am about 30 lbs overweight and so my fat pad will also decrease. There is about a 1 inch difference between non-bone-pressed and bone-pressed right now. So I’m in the process of gaining muscles and losing fat.

I don’t mind the hijack. You were very considerate :)

Start: October 1, 2007: BPFL 15.2 cm, EG 5 inches

Current: October 16, 2007: BPFL 15.5 cm, EG 5 inches

Goal: NBPEL: 12 inches, EG 8 inches

Originally Posted by Phyriel
No Way! I am a taekwondo practitioner and have a very good flexibility, but when It comes to PE, it’s far more hard.

Okay. My thought is that you are comparing your flexibility now, after having stretched a lot studying taekwondo, with penis stretching. A better comparison I think would be an untrained person who begins stretches and stretches their penis too. My thought is that that person and PE would be correlated. Unless I misunderstood and you recently started taekwondo.


Start: October 1, 2007: BPFL 15.2 cm, EG 5 inches

Current: October 16, 2007: BPFL 15.5 cm, EG 5 inches

Goal: NBPEL: 12 inches, EG 8 inches

Originally Posted by Mjolnir
When trying to gain flexibility you need to go slow and be consistent. Once you’re thoroughly warmed up you’re going to be far more flexible, but you’re not going to get any permanent gains in an hour.

There is a saying which is used in certain circles which states:

“Over time, not over night.”

As you become more flexible you will be able to start out with deeper stretches, but after stretching you will always feel more loose and be able to go deeper than you could when cold.

How does all this relate to PE? Well some people undeniably are naturally more flexible. This could account for those who either gain well or can stretch extremely far without any gains at all. For the most part stretching muscles seems to work by a different mechanism, but there is still the inescapable truth that as with so many things time and consistent effort are requisites for success.

Hello! The parts that you wrote in italics make sense to me. I understand what you mean. I was just trying to add to the discussion of previous threads where people were trying to come with ideas on “hard gainers” versus “easy gainers.” When I noticed the results of stretching my legs — how I could eventually touch my toes, and then went back to unable to touch them — I make the inference that the same effect may be present for PE. And that if a person is naturally inflexible, maybe that is an indicator that they will also be a “hard gainer”.

Thank you for the thoughts!

Start: October 1, 2007: BPFL 15.2 cm, EG 5 inches

Current: October 16, 2007: BPFL 15.5 cm, EG 5 inches

Goal: NBPEL: 12 inches, EG 8 inches

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